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Herman in Jagged Alliance 3 - how to find and what to do

We tell you how to complete the quest "Missing Herman".
Herman in Jagged Alliance 3 - how to find and what to do
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
19 July 2023

Missing Herman in Jagged Alliance 3 - what to do

This quest will appear after you free Ernie (first encounter in the village). Talk to Martha. She will tell that her husband Herman is missing. To find it, you must go to sector I3. Before embarking on a mission, make sure you have a mercenary who knows how to handle explosives, as you will need them.

Go to the right sector. There is a large minefield in the center of the map. Don't attack enemies. Make a small detour and approach the area from the west. There is a wall that can be used to cover the squad.

Choose one person (preferably someone who knows how to deal with explosives) and enter the field. Disarm her. When you get close enough to the soldiers, a dialogue will start. It doesn't matter which option you choose, because you will have to fight anyway. Take your soldier behind the wall and just wait for the enemies. They will be in open space, and you will be in cover.

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What to do with Herman?

After the fight, you can get closer to Herman. Beware min. A man stands on a mine. Choose one of your soldiers (preferably the one with the highest explosives skill) and try to disarm the trap. Fortunately, whether you succeed or not, Herman will not die. Talk to him and find out that he is responsible for the death of a villager. Man??on asks to keep it a secret. Your answer doesn't matter.

Go to Ernie again. There is a large crowd in the center. Talk to the arguing Basil and Luke. You can tell the truth about Herman or keep everything a secret. Depending on your choice, there will be different results:

  • It's none of our business - Luke will be hanged and you'll get +10 Loyalty in Ernie. After that, talk to Herman, he will give you 1 mortar gas cartridge, 4 12 gauge salt shots, 2 standard 9mm cartridges, 5 parts, 11 medicines, 12 hollow points, 1 magazine for nuts and bolts, 1 bag of Chien francs, 1 x Flak Leggings, 1 x Sleight of Hand, 2 x Tiny Diamonds, 1 x Confidante, 1 x Crowbar. This is not the best choice if you want to hire Pierre.
  • Herman did this - this will bring up 2 additional choices, presented below.
  • Spare Herman - you will get 5 loyalty in Ernie. Talk to Herman, he will give 1 Nuts and Bolts magazine, 1 bag of Chien francs, 1 anti-aircraft leggings, 1 crowbar, 1 gas canister, 5 12 gauge salt shots, 6 standard 9mm ammo, 7 parts, 4 medicines.
  • Herman should be hanged - 20 loyalty in Ernie, and Herman will die.

If Herman was spared

If Herman was spared but told the truth, he will leave Ernie's village. You can find him later in the Refugee Camp (E9). You cantalk to him again:

  • Work in the mine - if you have someone with high Leadership, you can offer Herman a job. He will agree and you will receive 10 loyalty to the Refugee Camp and 360 experience points.
  • Money - You can also give Martha and Herman $2000. You will receive 10 loyalty in the Refugee Camp and 360 experience points. Moreover, this decision may appeal to some of your mercenaries.
  • I can't help you - as you may have guessed, this decision is neutral and does not entail any consequences.
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