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How to get all achievements in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievement Guide.
How to get all achievements in Baldur's Gate 3
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
12 September 2023

Baldur's Gate 3 achievements guide

Prologue - all achievements

Descent from Averno

Seize control of the nautiloid and escape from hell.

Just following the story mission, when we activate the transmitter, we will get the achievement.

Pesky Devil

Defeat Commander Zhalk on the Nautiloid.

Commander Zhalk is in the control room; he is a rather fat enemy, and also has a high degree of protection, which will take a long time to pick apart. A little later, during a fight, 2 cambions will come running to his aid. It is further complicated by the fact that you have a timer for 15 moves in order to activate the transmitter.

To defeat Zhalk, I recommend collecting companions (Laezel, Shadowheart - will be available if you save her from the capsule). Illithid will help us in the fight, since he brings the main damage to Zhalk, I recommend healing him often and putting various buffs on him.

Act 1 - all achievements

For one tooth

Let Astarion bite you.

After you find Astarion, one of the nights when you go to bed in the camp, he will try to bite you to drink your blood, you will wake up before the bite, later in the dialogue he will ask to drink your blood, we agree.

Food for brain

Discover a new ability in yourself by swallowing a larva.

One night the Guardian will come to you in a dream, open the illithid panel?? details (by default B or left-top of the mini-map) and select any skill from the ability branch.

Now I will be twice as happy!

Pet both Shkryab and the bear cub at the same time.

You need to pet a dog named “Shkryab” and a baby bear. They are located to the left of the Outskirts of the Emerald Grove (across the bridge). It won’t be difficult to get a dog, but to get a cub you will first need to kill the female bear (during the fight, do not touch the cub, killing the female will stop the fight). After the death of the mother, the cub will be enslaved in the Goblin Camp.

There is a quick option to get it for yourself if we start a conversation with the goblin, she invites us to play “kurogonstvo”, where the role of the chicken will be played by the cub. We complete the game (it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, the dialogue with the goblin will be available in any case). We talk to the goblin and try to persuade her to let the little bear go with us.

Another option is that if you kill all the goblins in their village, the cub will run away and appear in our camp a couple of nights later, asking for food, but one of the companions will scare it away. A couple of nights and he will come again, he will be wounded, he needs to be treated. And finally he will appear in our camp.

After both pets are in your camp, a few nights later, while resting in the camp, you will hear the squealing of animals, let's follow the sound, we will see Shkryab and Medvesych together, can we pet it?There will be Shkryab first, then immediately Medvesych.

PS: during this night, do not use the “talk to animals” effect, it blocks the achievement.

Bring it

Play “Aport!” with Shkryab.

To play with Skryab, he must be in your camp. After he appears in your camp, after several nights of rest, in the morning he will be holding a ball, you need to take the ball from him, and use the button for throwing objects (X by default) and select the ball, throw it and Shkryab will bring the ball back to us.

PS: if for some reason Shkryab does not bring the ball through throwing, then try assigning the ball to the quick slot and throwing through it.

In fire and blood

Forge an item in the Adamantine Forge.

The forge is located in Deepholm Grimforge. In order to get to Grimforge, we need a boat parked near the pier.

Next you should head to the stone blockage.

  • Option 1 (if the Dvergar are alive) - talk to the group commander and say that you can make the animals work. Use a spell to talk to animals or drink a potion and then talk to the deep rote. You can convince them to attack the Dvergar, since these rats will want to stick a knife in your back anyway. We ask the company to remove the rubble anyway.
  • Option 2 (if you, like me, accidentally or not, killed the Dvergar) - when we arrive at the rubble, we will not find anyone so that the rubbleyou will need to remove dynamite, if there is no dynamite, then you will need to get a “smoke powder bomb” and throw them into the rubble, ±3 bombs should be enough (2 were enough for me).

After loading resources into the Crucible and Chamber and defeating the boss, you will need to press the forge lever again to open the forged weapon.

At the command “Shovel,” children cover their ears.

Find and summon a quasit named Shovel. Or maybe... A fork? Or is it still the Basket?

The quasit is located in the Extinct Village in the basement of the doctor’s house in a room with coffins; in one of these coffins there will be a quasit summoning scroll.

Born of freedom

Rescue Sazza from the Emerald Grove, Goblin Camp, and Moon Towers in one playthrough.

Initially, in the Emerald Grove, prevent Arka from killing Sazza in the temporary prison. Talk to Sazza and find out information about the goblin priestess. Sazza agrees to lead you to this priestess if you manage to free her from prison. After liberation, you need to take Sazza out of the Grove.

In the goblin camp, when Saaza leads us to Mintara, the latter will want to feed Saaza to the spiders; we say that she knew nothing. Be sure to talk to Mintara and plan an attack on the grove. It doesn’t matter which side you fight for, after it it will appear in the throne room of the Moon Towers. If you start killing the goblin leaders, then according to the script she dies.

When will you be the first??az in the Lunar Towers (act 2), then in the main hall Adept Zarell will reprimand the goblins along with Saaza. When they are given to us, we will need to release the goblins.

The clouds are gathering

Complete the first act of the game and find yourself in an even darker place.

Act 1 - Murders

Teach your spiders better

Kill the Matriarch Spider before her spiderlings hatch.

The spider lives in a well in the Extinct Village.

In order for the spider not to call her spiderlings, you need to break the eggs in 3 clutches. To begin with, we break the 3rd clutch, it is the lightest, we stand on top and fire at it with a bow/crossbow, then we do the same with the 2nd clutch, BUT one egg cannot be broken, at least I couldn’t do it with ranged combat, so you will have to approach in tight and hit from close range. The 1st clutch is the most difficult, since the spider is constantly walking nearby, you can easily break the clutch with any AoE skill (for example, a cloud of daggers (Will has it)). Also, be careful when you go to break the 2nd clutch, you can get stuck in the web and aggro the spider (so it’s better to save), also try not to catch her eye before breaking the clutches, she will immediately become aggro and blink towards the eggs and spawn the spiderlings. After breaking all the eggs, all that remains is to fight with her and win.

If you are not interested in loot from the spider, then you can sneak from below to the dais on which she stands (behind the character there will be a rune of change??eniya), come close without starting a fight. Then we use Thunder Wave II (I don't know how important this is). She instantly flies into the abyss, not having time to summon the spiderlings.

The bigger the cabinet, the louder it falls

Kill the Adamantine Golem without using a blacksmith hammer.

The boss is available when we go down to the adamantine forge and start crafting the item.

The boss itself is not particularly difficult. I beat it by simply re-aggroing from tank to archer-healer/Will. To begin with, we will give two Persians each a bow/crossbow, he gave the bow to his healer, the second he gave to the Persian who served as a tank (Karlach), the tank stood in the center of the Crucible, to the left and right of the Crucible there was a healer with a bow, on the other side Will (with skill "otherworldly charge"). Another character was on hand for extreme cases (raising someone or resetting aggro).

When lava poured into the room and the boss came out, I attacked the tank with a bow, skipped the move with the rest, the golem approached the tank, I gave the tank a couple of pokes, then overaggroed with Will through the otherworldly charge skill, so that the boss would leave the tank and update to Lava has a "molten" effect. While the boss was walking towards Will, I overaggroed with a supporting character, while healing the tank. And he repeated this until the boss ran out of HP.

Act 2 - all achievements

Patch on the Weave

Stabilize the Netherian sphere in Gale's chest.

After leaving the locationIn the first act you will meet an old man who is looking for Gale, we send him to the camp, after a long rest he will come and give a message to Gale, we get the achievement.


Break Will's contract with Mizora.

When you leave the location of the first act, Mizora will come to rest at night and inform you that you need to save a certain vassal from the Lunar Towers, and if you save him, then Mizora agrees to break the contract.

To save the vassal we will need to fight with Keterika Torm, tentacles will jump out at half of his HP, we need to go to where she jumped out from (the hollow tower). Saving the vassal, we find out that there is Mizora in the capsule, we ask to break the contract, but to no avail (instead, you can get the Infernal Rapier if you convince her to pay for her efforts).

Later in Baldur (Act 3), just above the Snake Rock, Mizora will be standing on the bridge, who will say that we must attend the inauguration at the Snake Castle - let's go. Then we return to her. At night she will come to the camp with conditions: 1st - she says what/where/how/when with her father; 2nd - can break the contract. We choose to terminate the contract.

Non-invasive procedure

Kill a surgeon without ever allowing him to use his professional skills in battle.

The surgeon lives in the House of Healing, not far from the Majestic Shrine.

At the beginning, to make the battle easier, we tell him that we want to train, he will ask the nurses to help cut something for us, thWe say that they are not ready yet and ask that they show themselves, thereby we will take 4 creeps out of the battle. Afterwards, without talking, we attack him.

PS: if you convince nurses to show practice on a surgeon, you will not get the achievement.

Savings in everything

Defeat the tax collector, preventing her from using her gold in battle. You need to be economical!

The collector is located near Reitvin in the Customs House.

By killing the larvae, you remove its HP, so I advise you to carefully (use stealth/invisibility) kill the larvae first without engaging in battle. The first hit to the mask will not cause damage, the mask will simply teleport. The next attacks will deal damage. Having killed the larva, it can run to check the place from which we shot (or used a skill), so be as careful as possible. Later we kill the collector (just like the larva can be killed from invisibility without starting the battle).

Can be done without any fighting at all. You just need to deceive her by saying that we are the new caretaker and her services are no longer needed. It explodes and we get the achievement.


Defeat Apostle Myrkul before he consumes at least one necromancer.

The battle with the Apostle will begin when we kill Ketheric Torm, focus the Apostle, give him all the strong skills, you can not pay attention to the necromancers, new ones will still spawn through the incubator (if you have the “banished” skill?“e undead”, then you can kill necromancers), it is also advisable to throw effects on Ketherick in the 1st round that cause periodic damage.

Under lock and key

Rescue all prisoners from the dungeons of the Moon Towers in one playthrough.

You need to save Wulbren and his friends (the gnomes), as well as the tieflings, the gnomes will help them. You will be asked to somehow distract the guards, but you don’t have to. If you don't distract, a fight with the dungeon guards starts (kill the flying eyes first, otherwise they will call for help), you will have to win and make sure that none of the prisoners die. After the battle we go to the boat (there will be a hole in their cells).

Blooming in the night

Give Shadowhart a night orchid, her favorite flower. Everyone has their own weaknesses.

From conversations with Shadowhart, we learn that she likes the night orchid. The orchid itself is located in the dark lands under the Last Light tavern and a little to the left of the Shadow-Shrouded Battlefield. We tear the orchid and give it as a gift.

For analysis

Steal the Blood of Lathander from the basement of Rosimorn's abodes.

Before starting, I recommend getting the Master of the Dawn's comb.

We go to the captain's room in the Illek Nursery, we need to get there.

Either we give the captain the artifact (if the artifact rejects her and returns to us) and she lets us in, or we use the “Githyanki Barrier Breaker” (located on the left side of the arch). Going to aloneto the inquisitor, he will call us - we ignore him and go to the room with two statues. Hit the left statue with a melee attack (±10-11 damage is needed), then it will be able to spin, turn it to face W (we navigate by the compass, which is on the mine map), and turn the right one to face E, we pass through the opening. There will be sealed doors in the secret room, just break the crystals (energy sources). In the second room - turn left, there is a crystal. Next room, camera to the right - and you will see a crystal. Blood is visible in the center - use the comb of the Master of Dawn and take the mace. If we don't use the comb, everything will try to explode. You will need to destroy Lathander's solar engines in four turns.

Wrath of the Lich Queen

Take the side of Voss in a confrontation with the Githyanki goddess-queen. Well, good luck to you!

First you need to go through the Githyanki Nursery, after completing it we rest in the camp. Voss will come with an offer of help. We accept him and take his side.

PS: if someone has a bug in the cut-scene, then teleporting to the Trielt cliff and directly interacting with the teleportation stone can help (by clicking on it and selecting any point from the cursed lands, or from the 1st act).

The city is waiting

Complete the second act of the game. Baldur's Gate is just a stone's throw away.

Act 3 - all achievements

Some people like it hot

Make a date Karlach. This is what we call playing with fire.

ForFirst you need to get Karlach as a companion (in Act 1, when you start completing Will’s quest to hunt for Karlakh). We learn that it contains a dangerous mechanism that requires repair. When there is a party at the camp (if you save the tieflings from the Grove), you will need to invite her to spend the evening together. When you get to the second act in the Last Light tavern, repair it there a second time. And already in Baldur you can invite her on a date.

First blood

Kill Orin while her cultists are performing a ritual chant.

Orin is located in the Temple of Bhaal. We are looking for a hatch into the sewer.

We get to the Ruins of the Underground City. There is a locked door - we talk to it, then we put one companion in a circle with blood, throw an object at him to cause damage - the door will open. Having gone down, you will need to have a fight with the worshipers of Baal, first of all you need to kill the Assassin Arrow, otherwise in a few moves he will kill you. Once you reach the gate you will need to use the amulet of Baal.

There are at least two ways to obtain the amulet:

  • The first way is to pass the test, see the achievement "Murder at Baldur's Gate".
  • the second way is to get to the Murder Tribunal, kill everyone and take the amulet from Sarevok’s corpse.

The difficulty with Orin is that she has an almost permanent unstoppable effect, so if there is an opportunity for the characters who go first, throw a perio on herwild damage will be great. If you reset her uncontrollability, then at the end of the round this effect will hang on her again, so try to remove the effect for the first characters (for example, otherworldly discharge is good, because it has 3 charges for 1 attack).

Hard landing

Wait for the dragon to rise into the air in the Serpent's Path, then shoot it down. BANG!

The dragon is located under the prison in Snake Rock. Having gone down to the prison, we reach our destination.

You will see two torches with a dragon's head on the wall. To open the secret passage, you will need to strike the torches with lightning (after the strike they should light up with a blue flame). Once you get to the Snake Path, you will need to pass tests to open the door. We find ourselves in the Dragon Sanctuary. You need to kill the dragon itself when it rises into the air.

The main thing in a man is a big brain

Sleep with the Emperor.

The Emperor will be available if we help him in the battle with the Githyanki, when he calls us to his aid.

After we get to Baldur, in a dream the Emperor will come on vacation in his usual appearance (don’t say that his presence annoys you), at the end of the dialogue we touch his hand. After this, after 3-4 nights he should appear again in a half-naked state; We chat nicely, when a kiss is available - we kiss the tentacle twice. Well, in the end we make love.

Always seewipe your feet

Defeat Gortash without falling into any of the traps. Easier said than done!

We teleport to the portal "Southern part of the Dragon's Reach", we get to the raised bridge. Here we turn right and jump down (to avoid taking damage, we use flight/falling potion/foggy step, etc.). We move along the left edge to the stairs and gnarled roots. We rise and break the door, turn right. We go out onto the balcony where there is scaffolding. You can build a small lift from a box (shown in the screenshot), we climb higher. We go to Gortash, bypassing the stunning traps. In the first room, where there are no enemies, we break all the traps. We lure Gortash into this room and then kill him.

Murder at Baldur's Gate

Drench the streets of Baldur's Gate with blood, becoming an unholy murderer in the name of Bhaal.

In order to activate the quest leading to the Murder Tribunal you will need:

  • the first option is to find a list of potential victims, from this list you will have to kill two victims and bring a severed hand
  • the second option is to conspire with Orin, kill Gortash and bring his hand in marriage
  • the third option - when you first visit the Many-Faced Boutique (to the right of Baldur's Gate), there will be a killer who has a bag with severed hands. In the Tribunal we speak in the voice of the victim of one of the severed hands, which we allegedly killed

When the judges ask: do we want it?If we want to become the unholy killer of Baal, we answer that we are ready. All that remains is to kill the winged interrogator Valeria.

Surrender to the Dark Side

Become Bhaal's deadliest weapon, his Slayer.

Can only be obtained by playing as Dark Seduction. You need to reach the temple of Baal by any means (the methods are described in the achievement First Blood), after which you defeat Orin in a duel, and agree with Baal’s offer to become his weapon.

You can also get it in the 2nd act, playing as Dark Seduction. A butler comes to us at sleepovers. He will come and give the task to kill Isobel. We kill her, the moon shield disappears, the entire tavern becomes shadow zombies. We kill everyone, spend the night and the butler gives us a Killer uniform as a reward.

Interfectorem Draconis

Kill the red dragon in the Upper City.

As we approach the final battle with the brain, there will be a subordinate red dragon there, so you will need to destroy it.

General achievements

Sleeping bag and foam

Make four full long rests in one playthrough. Everyone has a hard time in search of adventure!

In the camp and recreation menu there is a “long rest” tab, this is what we need, we need to take 4 such rests. Don't forget that resting requires supplies.

Lack of perseverance

Go to prison and escape from there. A true rebel hero!

The easiest way is to try to pick someone's lock/doorright before our eyes, we end up in prison and escape.

Another way to get into prison is in the Moon Towers (act 2) to go down to the prison, in the center there will be a tower of the Prison Warden, there is a ladder in the room, we climb up it and wait for the guard or the warden to come running, we are arrested. There will be a hole in the dungeon - we jump into it.

I know what you're thinking

Successfully rummage through someone else's head using a detect thoughts spell.

The “detect thoughts” effect can be obtained through: a mind reading potion, through a scroll. And in the dialogue with some characters you can read their thoughts.


Perform five actions in one turn. The opponents won’t even have time to look back.

We simply perform 5 different actions in one move.

Five for wagering

Get ten signature achievements in one playthrough. Perfect fit into the role!

These characteristic achievements are found in the "Inspiration" tab (default P), each character has their own inspirations, but for some they overlap, just by playing and completing various quests, sooner or later it will be completed itself.

Dig from here until lunchtime

Dig up five hidden treasure chests in one playthrough. Piasters! Piasters!

A shovel is required for excavation. And you need to dig out mounds like this.

Game book

Read 100 different books in one playthrough. Not adventures alone??, do you know.

As we progress through the game, we read all the books. Notes and all sorts of letters also count.


Create three unique alchemical solutions in one playthrough. To your health!

Go to the equipment tab (default I) -> alchemy, and brew any 3 potions (from the potions tab).

Drunk brawl

In one playthrough, defeat 20 enemies with a drunk character in your party. What-what did you call me?!

During the battle, we drink alcohol with any character and simply kill the enemies (the effect of intoxication lasts only 2 rounds). Those murders that are committed by the drunken character HIMSELF count.

The easiest way is to go down to the basement of the Elven Song tavern, not far from the Basilisk Gate in the lower city of Baldur (act 3), there will be a lot of rats. We choose a character with an AoE skill, drink alcohol, and kill.

In one fell swoop two beatings

Use one enemy as an improvised weapon against another.

Using the “Improvised Melee Weapon” button, select a small enemy (for example, a mask from the Customs House just above the Lunar Towers) and throw it at another enemy.

Personally, I got it when I simply threw one enemy at another, but they say it may be necessary to kill both enemies (the one we use as a weapon and the one we throw at)

Bottoms Up

Arrange a full long rest in the dwarven way - ??consuming only alcohol.

To get the achievement you need to fill the entire supply scale using only alcohol.


Enlist the services of a mercenary. Friend or cannon fodder - it's up to you to decide.

You can recruit a mercenary from the Withered One (in the holiday camp) for 100 gold.


Kill a creature with fall damage.

The most primitive way is to simply jump into the abyss yourself. You can also kill the enemy with telekinesis (5th circle of spells), lift the enemy and throw him into the abyss, or leave him with little HP and throw him on the ground.

Fist of Wrath

Kill a character with an unarmed attack.

We make the enemy shot (1 hp), remove the weapon from the character and strike with our bare hands.

Traveling musician

Earn one hundred gold in one playthrough by delighting the ears of strangers with music.

There are a couple of ways to get the skill of playing melodies:ㅤ

  • create a character with a class - Bard
  • get the playing skill from Alfira from the Emerald Grove (act 1; will be available before you help the tieflings leave) (agree to help her sing, if the performance check is successful, we will get the skill) ㅤㅤ
  • When you gain a level, you can choose the skill to play any instrument
  • hire a mercenary bard (Brinna Brightsong)

During the execution of the melody, a successful check for execution must occur, and after the melody is performed, coins will be thrown at you.

Jack of all trades

Create a multiclass from all classes in one playthrough, without asking the Withered to change characters.

In order not to create a new character and not level up again to level 12; You can get to level 12 and in the camp choose a character who has never been leveled up and level him up. You can also hire a mercenary from the Withered One and upgrade him.

You need to use the "Add class" button.

No one is forgotten

Rescue all the tiefling refugees you can in one playthrough.

In Act 1:

  1. As we enter the grove, there will be a ladder on the right, climb it, we will see how a goblin will attack Nadira
  2. Save the boy from the harpies (quest "Inspect the Shore").
  3. Save Arabella (in the Emerald Grove, they want to punish her for theft)
  4. Stop Arka from killing the goblin Sazza (in the temporary prison of the grove).
  5. Persuade Rolan to help the tieflings get to the city (if he does not agree, the children will not be saved).

Follow all the above points until we reach an agreement with Mintara, otherwise some problems may arise.

  • Tieflings from the Emerald Grove (quest "Save the Refugees")

In Act 2:

  1. When Marcus attacks the Last Light tavern, you cannot allow Isobel to be kidnapped (otherwise the dome will fall and everyone will die). Also make sure that none of the tieflings die.
  2. In the Last Light tavern, we learn from Rolon thatthen a couple of tieflings were captured by sectarians and need to be saved (quest “Save the tieflings”). After rescuing, don't forget to talk to them at the tavern.
  3. Get the quest to find Mol from the children in the tavern.
  4. Help Arabella find her parents (be at the entrance; her parents are in the Treatment House).
  5. Save Roland near the river, below and on the right bank of Reitvin.

Do all this until we go to do the quest for the Song of Night. You also cannot kill Song, as her death will cause the dome on the tavern to fall.

  • When we go to kill Keteric Torm and jump into the hollow tower, we will need to save Zevlor (located in the center of the larvae implantation - we will need to open the capsules).

In Act 3:

  1. To complete the “Save the Tieflings” quest, go talk to Danis/Bex in the refugee camp to the right of Arfur’s mansion (if you didn’t have time to talk to them in the tavern in Act 2).
  2. If you got into a fight with Lorroacan (deciding not to give him the Song). Roland will join us, we must leave him alive.
  3. Find Maul in the Thieves Guild.
  4. If you summon your tiefling allies in the last battle and they die, you may not get the achievement.

PS: Achievements drop after getting the ending.

Endings, difficulty - achievements

All is well that ends well

Complete the game (and earn sincere thanks from Larian Studios).

The achievement is counted if in?? killed/subjugated the brain.

PS: When Gale explodes, they don't give it, although there are credits for the ending.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Subdue the Netherian brain, turn the world at your feet, and establish a reign of terror.

Having obtained 3 Netherian stones, we go to fight with the brain; when we get to it, there will be all sorts of elections (these elections do not affect anything). After the Emperor saves us and we reach the brain for the second time and win, there will be two choices. For this ending you will need to choose: "Conquer your brain. Become the Absolute. Take over the world."

Hero of the Forgotten Realms

Kill the Netherian brain, destroy the Absolute larvae and save the world.

Here it’s the same as for the achievement: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Only for this ending you will need to choose: “Order the brain to destroy the larvae, and then itself.”

You can also get it when we go to finish off Ketherick (in Act 2), take Gale with us (or play as him) and blow him up.

Sins of the Father

Subdue the Netherian brain to the will of Bhaal, destroy the world and ascend to the Throne of Blood.

Performed as Dark Seduction. You will need to become a weapon of Bhaal. Obtaining this achievement is similar to obtaining Absolute power corrupts absolutely, only you will need to subordinate the brain to the will of Baal.


Transform into a mind flayer, defeat the Netherian brain and bring greatnessthe greatest sacrifice.

Here, too, you will need to get 3 Netherian stones, come to the brain, and pass checks in the first meeting with the brain. BUT after the Emperor saves us (if you have not yet become a flayer), he will offer us to become a flayer by consuming Orpheus - we agree. Killing the brain. At the end, we choose: “Command the brain to destroy the larvae, and then itself.”

PS: It should also work if you let Karlach become a flayer.

Critical hit

Complete the game in Tactics mode.

Game from the guide