So let's first figure out the goal: "What should you do?"
— You must collect scrap metal and valuables from abandoned Company complexes.
How to do it?
— You must fly to one of the available complexes and pick up available items from there, without being killed by the inhabitants of the complex.
How to choose a complex?
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
— We approach the terminal (to the right of the shatal launch) and enter the name of the complex we are interested in.
How to sell collected items?
— In the terminal, enter “Complex” and launch Shatal, take the things that we want to sell and put them on the panel
How to open doors and turn off traps?
- In the terminal, enter "Viwe Radar". See where your teammate is and the letter/number next to them. (For example, D6) This is the letter/number assigned to the door. Enter “D6” (or whatever letter/number is there) into the terminal.
How to move objects?
— Usually objects are moved for convenience. Approach the item you want to transfer and press the "B" button. Hold "R" to rotate the object. Press "X" to put it in your luggage. To return an item from your luggage, enter in the terminal: storage , and enter the name of the item, after which it will return to its usual place. For me it looks like this:
There are also two modes:
- Rain [rainy] – viscous quicksand is formed. It is highly not recommended to cross them directly.
- Fog [foggy] – visibility is critically reduced.
- Flood [flooded] – carry heavy objects as early as possible, otherwise you may drown.
- Thunderstorm [stormy] – carrying metal objects causes a lightning strike. Throw any sparkling object in your hands and run!
- Eclipse [eclipsed] – day is like night! Extremely dangerous!
And this is how we analyze the terminal:
Experimentation : The first moon you are likely to visit. Let's start with the good - the main entrance and fire exit are quite close to the ship, and both entrances are practically next to each other. Throw away the pre?Ets from the top of the catwalk near the fire exit and from the side of the train tracks (leading to the ship) can speed up the collection process a little. To the far right, as you face the main entrance, there is a staircase that can come in handy if you're trying to avoid the creatures later in the day.
Orbit: 41- Experimentation
Population: Abandoned
Fauna: Unknown. Several species predominate.
Conditions: Dry. Low liveability, aggravated by industrial structures.
History: Long undetected due to its close orbit around the gas giant BigGrin. However, it appears to have been used in secret.
Assurance : Slightly longer route for "beginner" moons compared to Experimentation. The fire exit can be reached via a long staircase to the right of the ship, next to a large rock and scaffolding. Jump over the pipe, then right to the fire exit. As with Experimentation, dropping items from the sides of the main entrance or from a pipe near the fire exit can speed up the extraction process slightly. I wouldn't throw items down the side of a cliff near a fire escape - there's a chance they could get stuck on the slope and be difficult to get out. If you need to quickly get down a pipe, fall along the edge of the cliff and work your way down.
Orbit: 220 - Assurance
Population: Abandoned
Fauna: ??not known. The ecosystem supports territorial behavior.
Conditions: Uneven and weathered terrain. Similar to its twin moon, 41-Experimentation, with much more rugged and weathered terrain.
History: 220-Assurance is much younger than its counterpart. Discovered shortly before the 41st Experimentation.
Vow : The longest route for "beginner" moons and my least favorite of all the moons. However, you see a higher spawn rate for bee hives here, as it is a forest map that can be lucrative - if you have a team willing to go for it, of course. Take the more central bridge to go straight to the main entrance, or climb down the cliff next to the dam bridge to reach the fire exit. Keep a close eye on any dogs/giants as it begins to get dark - giants are especially dangerous on this Moon. If you're trying to avoid the giants, it may help to stick to the river bank (south of the ship), as there are a few more hills there that can be used for cover.
Orbit: 56-Vow
Population: Abandoned
Fauna: Diverse, abundant in plant life.
Conditions: Dry. Low liveability, aggravated by industrial structures. It was inhabited by several colonies on different continents, but now there are no signs of life there, which has become a mystery.
Offense: Similar in route length to Assurance, but has better loot potential overall - which is why I prefer going here instead of Assurance whenever possible. The path to the main entrance is quite simple - go under the yellow bridge through some bushes, then turn left and continue straight. You can usually get to the fire exit by following the path to the main entrance, turning left at the yellow tap and crossing it, and then onto a rock that leads to another pipe jump. Go down the pipe to find the fire exit. To speed up your search, you can drop items from the pipe right next to the ship if you go through the fire exit - just be careful not to slip!
Obita: 21-Offense
Population: Abandoned
Fauna: A competitive and tough ecosystem supports aggressive life forms. Travelers heading into the 21-Offense zone should be aware that it is not for the faint of heart.
Conditions: Uneven and weathered terrain. It is thought to have split off from its cousin Assurance, which has similar rough and dry conditions but is distinct in its ecosystem.
History: The 21-Offense object is classified as a satellite of an asteroid and does not appear to have existed on its own for more than a few hundred years. The industrial structures located here were damaged; it is believed that they were built long beforeoh how 21-Offense was chipped away.
March : The best of the 2 forest maps, in my opinion. Notably, this is currently the only map in the game that has more than 1 fire exit, meaning a full team of 4 can be spread out more efficiently at the start, meaning a better chance of finding loot early in the day. Bee hives are also often seen here, making this moon one of the best places to visit if you don't have the budget to visit the more lucrative (albeit deadlier) moons.
Orbit: 61-March
Population: Abandoned
Fauna: Unknown. Various.
Conditions: Advanced. Constant rain. It rains constantly in March. Its relief is more expanded.
History: This moon is overlooked because of its twin moon, Vow.
Rend : Fairly easy route to the main entrance, with 1 fire exit hidden in the snow, in a steep crevice. You can find the fire exit by following the illuminated path, then turn 90° to the right once you reach the 9th lamp post - continue straight until you reach a crevice. What is particularly distinctive on this moon is the interior layout of the mansion, as opposed to the interior object of past moons. Loot will generally be more lucrative, but the threats are also (usually) much higher inside. Simply follow the path of lights to reach the main entrance. There are little ones thereth empty wooden house, which can be useful for avoiding monsters at the end of the day. You can also take a side route to the main entrance, following the lighted path to the wooden house, then round the house on the left, skirting the large hill on your right.
Orbit: 85-Rend
Population: -
Fauna: It is extremely unlikely that complex life could exist here.
Conditions: His planet orbits a white dwarf star, which creates inhospitable, cold conditions. Constant snow storms reduce visibility.
History: Several famous travelers have gone missing here, giving it a certain reputation. Their bodies are unlikely to be found due to planetary conditions.
Dine : A longer version of the Rend, but with a fire exit hidden in the snowstorm to the right of the ship. Following the path of lights will take you to the main entrance, but you can shorten the journey a little by turning left off the path of lights when you reach the large rock halfway up the path.
Orbit: 7-Dine
Population: -
Fauna: It is extremely unlikely that complex life could exist here.
Conditions: His planet orbits a white dwarf star, which creates inhospitable, cold conditions. Constant snow storms reduce visibility.
History: Several famous travelers have gone missing here, giving it a certain reputation.Their bodies are unlikely to be found due to planetary conditions.
Titan : Very quick access since the main entrance and fire exit are right next to each other. Delivery of items to your ship is also the fastest of all moons, significantly reducing search time.
Orbit: 8-Titan
Population: -
Fauna: Rumor has it that dangerous creatures live in the vast network of tunnels.
Conditions: Frozen, flat terrain.
History: This Moon appears to have been mined for resources. It's easy to get lost in the giant industrial complex. Its many entrances are scattered throughout the landscape.
So, let's look at it from the most harmless to the most dangerous:
Manticoils – 0% threat (birds)
Just flying creatures in the background that you can scan. There are hints in the in-game bestiary about the danger if provoked, but so far there has been no success.
It's better not to waste time killing her.
Frog - 5% threat.
Sweet and kind creature. Externally similar to Jock. Seems shy, but curious. If pushed into a corner it may release acrid smoke that will injure you. Dies with 4 hits from a shovel.
Electric Bees – 10% danger (safe but careful)
They will guard their nests on the ground, which cost between 80 and 160 credits. They are usually harmless until provoked, but they have a very small range of aggression, so don't be too strongly, when they are about to attack you, just walk away. However, if you plan to take the nest (2 hands) for the loot, then make sure you take it last, and that you have a crewmate on the ship ready to take off as soon as you drag him onto the ship. They will head straight towards you and all your friends. However, not a bad loot to start the game. can't be killed
Hoarding/Loot Bugs – 20% danger (Moon flies)
These little flies will find any prey they can and take it for themselves, even if the prey is in your hands. While generally neutral and curious creatures, they become aggressive and begin to swoop and claw at you if you “steal” their prey or touch them. They usually have a specific area that they mark as a nest and leave all their prey in it. Don't leave your loot at the door inside the complex, leave it outside. Dies in 3 shovel hits.
Turrets – 50% danger (For beginners) 10% (for experienced players)
Dangerous in long corridors, and the cannon rotates about 180 degrees. The cannon is not activated based on the angle of the turret, but instead on where it is currently pointed. If you are in a long hallway, but there are regular and mechanical doorways between you and the tower, you can take cover on the sides of those doorways. You can also temporarily disable them on the ship if anyone bothers??lasts in the terminal (5 seconds).It does not react to other fauna.Additional information:HITTING A TOWER WITH A SHOVEL WILL CAUSE IT TO SHOOT PANICALLY AT AN ANGLE OF 360 DEGREES.
Landmines – 5% danger
They make a beeping sound to alert you that they exist near your location. They are large round disks on the ground with a red light that blinks. Be careful when turning. Hitting the shovel will activate the mine. Monsters on mines are not blown up. If you step on it for a few minutes, it will not explode immediately; the mine will only activate if you step off it. The best way to survive in such cases is if you are teleported.
Cockroaches - 80% threat alone and without a shovel / 10% threat with a shovel and teammates. They are worm-like creatures that like to hide in the ceilings of hallways, waiting to pounce on their prey or chase after them if they miss. If you are fast, it will help you survive. If she climbed on you, it is better to have a friend with a shovel on hand. Can be attached to ceilings, in rooms where you have already been. Dies with 2 hits from a shovel. You can also save yourself if you leave the complex while it is on you.
Slime – 25% threat (sticky)
Large blue and purple goo that slowly moves across the ground towards any signs of life. If you step on it, it will immediately dissolve you. YouYou can escape if you find yourself on a railing or any high surface that lifts you off the ground, but it would be better to just run away. Can't kill. If you leave the radio on next to it, it will not touch you.
God – 30% threat in co-op / 100% threat solo (looks into the abyss, and the abyss looks into you)
Described as having red skin, but being a shadow with white eyes. Found inside the complex. They are humanoids with high speed and agility that remain completely silent until they are seen. You won't know someone is following you until you turn around. He doesn't pose much of a threat to the group, as he only goes on the attack when he knows no one is looking in the direction he wants to go. If you find yourself alone, you'll be constantly looking around as he's smart enough to use maze-like hallways to stay out of your sight. Your only way of knowing he's coming for you is when he opens the doors. Yes, they can open doors just like any other person, so it's best to close them. The best way to kill him is to climb him onto the railing and beat him, or stun him with a taser.
Girl in Red – 35% danger (The Red Menace)
This is a secret creature that appears in the library (rarely appears when you are in the complex). If you come toIf you touch her close/physically, you will die. Causes distortion. They can appear outside the complex, but rarely. Jumps, whistles, talks creepily. Common problems. Can't kill.
Brute – 40% threat (in a group with a shovel) 80% threat alone.
The strange frog-like creature is missing its back legs because it ate them at birth. Big mouth, strong legs, athletic. These creatures are fast in long corridors, but slow down around corners. He has hearing problems but can see over long distances. Quite loud, moves around a lot. Dies with 3 hits from a shovel. Lure the Bruiser to the man with the shovel, who is sitting on the railing and will hit the Bruiser.
Worm – 50% threat
Typically appearing at the start of the game, jumping out of the ground as a warning, they can appear at any time after 15:00. The worm is the size of a ship and is capable of jumping out of the ground when it finds a target. If the ground beneath you shakes or makes a strange noise, drop your heavy loot and run. Make sure you have stamina. Appears on radar. Can also make it impossible to teleport a body or objects that have been eaten. Can't kill.
Mannequin – 75% Threat
A humanoid mannequin with a bobble head that makes noise when it stops. Doesn't pose a serious threat, but is capable of going through doors very quickly. Is this creature capable??Moves only when no one is looking at him, and stops when someone is looking at him. He doesn't seem to like loud noises or bright lights. Can't kill.
Baboon Hawks - 29% threat.
Added with update 40. At the moment there is little information about this creature. As far as I know, they appear outside and walk in groups. I suppose they can also steal your prey like moon flies. The best way to survive when meeting them is not to get involved in a conflict; if you see them, just try to get away from there. Kills in 5-6 hits. According to the logs, they can attack eyeless dogs. Screams when attacked, eats the corpse. Dies from 5 shovel hits.
Blind dog – 50% threat.
These are strange dog-like beasts larger than a human and with a huge mouth. They are completely blind and can only hear, which means they can walk next to you and you will be fine as long as you don't make any noise or move. If they run towards you, run left or right, as their first attack is usually a jump towards you. After that, it's up to you to decide whether to run or shut up. There were cases where they remained on the ship simply to annoy the operator. The boombox attracts them. He also howls if he hears a sound.
Guardians of the Forest / The Tree Men – 80% threat / 100% threat with dogs
Humanoid creatures that tower over you like a tree. T?Thick, strong, good eyesight and frightening speed. Chances are you'll hear them stomping before you even see them, and if you do see them, be sure to stay out of their line of sight or they'll show interest in you :) . They won't catch you in shelters or any small rooms with ledges. Several of them may appear. Even more dangerous when combined with Blind Dogs. Always appears on forest maps after 15:00. Once these creatures eat your body and items, it will be impossible to restore them. Avoid dying from this at all costs, preferably dying from something else. Can't kill. If you are captured, you can escape if I teleport you in time. It turns out that the giant cannot eat you if you are exactly under his feet. The stun grenade can be used on forest giants to force them to put down what they have in their hand and prevent them from eating your colleague.
Jester - 100% threat (Clown)
Appears as a winding box following you around the map, but over time it will slowly start to run out. If you hear it end... make sure you leave the complex before it ends. It will find you and kill you. Can't kill.
Bunker spiders – 85% threat.
Giant spiders are almost the size of a person. This in itself is scary enough for most people and can undermine the morale of the rest of the team if ?All the brave and fearless people will be dead. They tend to be slow to move, making it hard for them to chase you, and you'll usually know when they're nearby by the occasional webs that are left in the hallways... These critters love to latch onto walls and doorways and camp out to eat you. when you step into their web. Although their web is easy to tear apart with a shovel, the spider won't care and will eat you and everyone else alive. Instant kill. They can also use vents to move around the map and are quite noisy. The best way to kill him is to throw a flashbang grenade under him and hit him with a shovel (7 times). They can be caught off guard by stopping and freezing as a defense mechanism.
There are also passive threats that can randomly spawn on any of the moons:
Attention before ordering things in the terminal will convinceIt’s like you’ve arrived on the planet and there are no blind dogs around!
So let's start from the most useful to the most useless:
Walkie-talkie is a radio receiver used for communication between players. Requires power and must be turned on to use. Essential if you want the player to watch the team from the console. — 15 credits.
Professional flashlight - a little more expensive, but an excellent flashlight! It is brighter and holds power longer. Food required - 25 credits.
A shovel is a piece of metal on a stick! Use it to punch small fauna in the face until they either die or you get tired and run away. Larger creatures, such as forest guardians, will simply eat you. If electricity begins to accumulate in it when you bring it onto the ship, the power on the ship will turn off - 30 credits.
The brake light is the same as the shovel, only the damage is higher, and can be found in the cosplex.
A flashlight is a cheap and semi-reliable way to navigate very dark buildings where you'll have to run around while shitting your pants! Requires electricity and runs out fairly quickly. - 15 credits.
A flashbang grenade is exactly what it says on the tin. Charge it, throw it and kill your friends, stunning everyone in front of the Forest Giant. Useful in a pinch for a quick escape.—40 credits.
The key is a small meTall key that can be found during missions. Instantly opens any locked door.
Master key - automatic master key. Use on a locked door and wait a minute for it to work. Useful if you can't find your keys, but at 16 pounds it becomes awkward to carry around all the time. — 20 credits.
Stun Gun - Large, clunky stun gun. When used, stuns a nearby object and then shocks them until the power runs out or you press again. Please note that this will also stun players. VERY useful for capturing an enemy while your friends are hitting them with a shovel. Power required—400 credits.
Inhaler - you will move very fast, very slippery and you will sound very stupid. Pack quantities are limited, so use with caution. —120 credits.
Boombox – Blue boombox for entertainment! It can be installed at the entrances to dungeons to find a way back, or to distract the local fauna. Food required—60 credits.
radar-booster - seemingly a small fan, works like a camera for a radar. Fauna reacts to radar noise. —50 credits.
Jetpack - Useful for getting over obstacles, but somewhat slow and cumbersome. - 700 credits.
Retractable ladder - allows you to build bridges.— 60 credits.
Loud beep - Deafeningly loud beepdock for your ship. Main use is to let the team know it's time to leave, or just a simple way to direct them back. - 150 credits.
Teleport - teleport that can be used from the console. When targeting a player from the terminal, it teleports him or his corpse back to the ship at the cost of losing a credit commission. But when teleporting, all items in the person’s hands are lost. - 375 credits.
There are no tactics as such, there are just tips that will help you be more effective, but will not ensure 100% winning.
Team roles:
Player A will take on the role of Operator. (Walkie talkie)
Player B as a collector and liaison. (Talkie + Flashlight)
Player B as guard and collector. (Flashlight + Shovel)
Player G as a Gatherer. (empty)
The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.