Location of tools in True Stalker

We tell you how to find tools for rough or fine work, tools for calibration at the Cordon, the Landfill and in the Dark Valley..
Location of tools in True Stalker
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
24 December 2023

Tools in True Stalker - where to find them

Tools for rough work

  • Can be found in the first chapter: “Arrival”
  • Location: "Cordon"

These tools can be found from the very beginning of the game. Before this, it is recommended to complete the story missions in order to gain access to a dialogue with the technician Mikhalych, who will refuse to communicate with the hero until the task “Nothing Changes” is completed. Head to the territory of the ATP, where the bandits have settled. Do not enter the territory, but go around it on the right side to find the yellow bus. Climb onto the barrels next to him and take the tools lying on the floor. In some cases, this will require holding down the “Ctrl+X” keys.

Tools for fine work

  • Can be found in the second chapter “Beyond the Cordon”
  • Location: "Dump"

These tools are in the tunnel behind the Depot. Before you go there, prepare yourself by purchasing an optical sight. Groups of bandits are waiting for you in the tunnel. It is recommended to visit this place after completing the quest "An Unusual Request", as you will receive the key to the bandits' cache in this tunnel, where you will also find the Veles detector. Move to the end of the tunnel, at the fork, find the entrance to a small room, where the tools will lie on the bottom shelf of the table to the left of the entrance.

Calibration Tools

  • Can be found in the third chapter "Bandit Valley"
  • Location: "Dark Valley"

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After completing all the story quests of the second chapter, you will have access to the Dark Valley. After fighting off a pack of monsters and avoiding all anomalies, go to the entrance to the bandits' base. After refueling, turn right and find three large tanks. Climb up and find a hole inside one of them, where the necessary tools are located. Once you have collected all three tool sets, return them to Mikhalych to unlock additional upgrade options and earn some money.


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