As for cheats for the Age Of Mythology: Retold strategy, players have access to both old (from the previous version) and completely new codes. As a rule, cheats give resources, units that are usually not available in the game, give you the power of a god and offer various other bonuses.
To use cheat codes, press the key associated with the chat window . If you are playing on PC, it is the Enter key. Once the chat window is open, you can type in the code you want.
ATLANTIS REBORN - Summons heroes from the Trident Fall campaign to your town center. These heroes include Castor, Ajax, Setna, and King Volstag.
ATM OF EREBUS - 1000 gold
BARKBARKBARKBARK - Summons Bella to the town center
BAWK BAWK BOOM - Grants the power of the meteor god. Chickens appear at the target location and then explode, causing massive damage.
BIG PROMO - Summons the god Prometheus to the town center
CHANNEL SURFING - Start from the point where the next cutscene in the campaign begins
CLEAR SKIES - Removes the fog of war. Using it again will restore the fog of war.
CONSIDER THE INTERNET - Slows the game down by half. Using this cheat again will reset the speed to normal.
DEVASD - 10,000 of each resource. Population cap at 200. Removes fog of war. All your scouts move at maximum speed. Buildings are erected in seconds. Researching technologies and advancing to the next age happens almost instantly. Three insanely powerful units and a UFO city center with a capacity of 50 units appear. You can use divine powers infinitely. Using this cheat a second time will reset the scouts' speed to normal.
DIVINE INTERVENTION - Adds one charge to all divine powers, allowing them to be used again for free.
ENGINEERED GRAIN - Herd animals are instantly fattened. Does not work on animals purchased after entering the command.
FEAR THE FORAGE - Grants the power of the god of the Walking Forests. It can only be used on berry bushes, turning them into Walking Berry bushes.
FOOTY - Spawns a Mountain Giant and a Soccer Ball in the Town Center. You can kick and launch the Soccer Ball by hitting it with the Mountain Giant.
HOTLANTIS - Removes all Divine Powers. Instead, you gain a random Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 God Power from the Atlantean Pantheon.
IN DARKEST NIGHT - Switches to the next lighting setting. There are four different lighting settings available.
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA - Summons heroes from the Fall of the Trident campaign to the Town Center. These heroes include Arkantos, Amanra, Ajax, Odysseus, Chiron, Eitri, Brokk, Reginleif, and Setna.
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! - Summons 100 Monkeys of Set to your Town Center.
GOATUNHEIM - Grants the power of the god Goatunheim. When used, all units on the map turn into goats.
GREEK TO ME - Removes all your god powers. Instead, you gain a random tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 god power from the Greek pantheon.
JUNK FOOD NIGHT - 1000 food
KRO NO! - Summons the god Kronos to the town center
L33T SUPA H4X0R - Increases construction, training, gathering, and research speed by 100.
LAY OF THE LAND - Unveils the entire map, but you will not be able to see enemies on the map.
LETS GO! NOW! - Doubles the game speed. Using this code again will return the speed to normal.
METEOR ROULETTE - A meteor will hit a random unit on the map. This unit can belong to both you and your opponents. The camera will focus on the hit unit, allowing you to see who took damage.
MOTHER NATURE - Summons the god Gaia to the town center
MOUNT OLYMPUS - 1000 favor
MR.MONDAY - Gives AI opponents a 1000 percent head start
N.D. NILE - Removes all divine powers. Instead, you get a random tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 divine power from the Egyptian pantheon.
O CANADA - Summons a Lazer Bear to the Town Center
OF NORSE NOT! - Removes all divine powers. Instead, you get a random tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 divine power from the Norse pantheon.
PANDORAS BOX - Grants a random tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 divine power from any pantheon.
PIECE CARTS? - Summons the god Osiris to the Town Center
RED TIDE - Kills all fish and turns the water red. Turning the water red is currently not working.
RESET BUTTON - Removes all units and destroys all buildings except Town Centers and Stronghold Centers
SET ASCENDANT - All animals on the map become yours
STONKS - 10,000 of each resource
THRILL OF VICTORY - Instant victory
TINES OF POWER - Summons a Forklift to the Town Center
TINFOIL HAT - Randomly distributes ownership of all units and buildings on the map between players
TITANOMACHY - Summons a Titan of the pantheon associated with the god you are playing as to the Town Center
UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT - Hides the entire map, revealing only areas within line of sight
WRATH OF CYCLONE - Transforms all players' units on the map into Titans, excluding animals and workers
WRATH OF THE GODS - Grants the divine powers Lightning, Earthquake, "Meteor" and "Tornado" with unlimited uses
WUV WOO - Summons a flying purple hippo to the town center
ZAP EM - After 15 seconds, idle villagers will become "Locked". That cheat code is currently broken.)
ZENOS PARADOX - Grants four random divine powers from any pantheon
The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.