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Where to find all the skulls in Halo Infinite (location)

There are several types of collectibles in Halo Infinite, but skulls are the hardest to find! Here's how to find each skull in Halo Infinite.
Where to find all the skulls in Halo Infinite (location)
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
9 December 2021

Skulls are iconic collectibles from the series. There is one skull in each story mission of the game, and activating any of them has a significant impact on gameplay. Skulls are special modifiers that change the basics of the combat system. There are several types of collectibles in Halo Infinite , but skulls are the hardest to find! Here's how to find each skull in Halo Infinite.

How to find the skull in the first mission

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

Can be found in the first mission of the game, on the warship Gbraakon. In the hallway with the three elevators on the right that move the Exiles' supplies, take the middle elevator (after all the soldiers are dead). Before it lifts you up into the deadly energy field, look sideways for a skull. When activated, this skull increases the radius of all explosions.

How to find the skull in the second mission (Skull "Envy")

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The bell skull can be found in the second story quest. After you get the Weapon back, you will find yourself in a large symmetrical room with props and rafters under the ceiling. Use the scanner and look up to notice the outline of the skull. Use the grappling hook to climb up the rafters until you reach the skull. When activated, increases the acceleration generated by explosions.

How to find the Catch Skull

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

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The skull should be found in the northwest corner of the open world map, in a small canyon. Search in a broken tree trunk next to a shallow pond. The Exiled are usually located in this location, so be prepared for battle. When you activate the Catch Skull, enemies will start using grenades against you more often.

How to find the skull "YABBTP"

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

Located on top of the "Bash?"I am the Exiles", in which the player fights Chuck Lok during a story mission. It's in the western part of the central region of the map. To climb to the top of the tower, you'll need a flying machine (like the Banshee) or an upgraded grappling hook that allows you to scale higher structures (thanks to a short cooldown). The skull is on the box. When activated, increases the chances that allies or enemies will say some stupid phrases.

How to find the skull "Fog"

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

The skull of the mist is harder to find than the others, as it is hidden in a hard to reach place. To get it, you need an aircraft transport. Preferably the Wasp, which is more maneuverable than the Banshee. Fly to the western edge of the map, where there are high, interconnected metal pillars. Search the bottom of the pillars to find a hidden tunnel. Big enough for the Wasp to fly into. Fly into the tunnel to find a platform with a sniper rifle, grenades, armor, and a skull. When activated, the motion tracker is disabled.

How to find the skull "Blindly"

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To find the Blind Skull, head to the southwestern part of the map until you find a huge gorge. Walk along the edge of the ravine and look down to notice a small metal platform reflecting blue light. Jump there or use the hook to find another skull in the far left corner of the platform. When activated, it completely disables the interface elements (HUD).

How to find the skull "Hunger"

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

The Hunger Skull is located on the southeastern edge of the map, on a high, isolated island, and you'll need an aircraft to get to it. On the island, next to the dead Elite in golden armor, lies the skull itself. When activated, the skull halves the amount of ammo dropped by enemies.

How to find the skull "Thunderstorm"

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Look in the upper left corner of the southeastern part of the map, on top of a single metal hexagonal structure. To get to it, you need air transport. When activated, increases the rank of most enemies on the battlefield.

How to find the Black Eye Skull (Black Eye)

Где найти все черепа в Halo Infinite (расположение)

Near the western outskirts in the southeastern region of the map, there is a hot spring that runs down the slope of a large mountainous area. Use jumps and a grappling hook to carefully slide down the cliff until you find a golden light illuminating a small platform next to a waterfall. Climb up to the platform to find the entrance to a hidden cave. Crouch down and move through the cave. Inside will be the corpses of the Exiles and a skull perched on top of a large jagged tree branch. When activated, disables shield recharge until you deal melee damage to an enemy (F key).

Game from the guide
  • Platform: XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Shooter
  • Release date 8 December 2021