How to fast travel in Stalker 2?

We tell you more about the fast travel system across the vast world of the Zone in Stalker 2.
How to fast travel in Stalker 2?
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
20 November 2024

Fast travel in Stalker 2

Using the fast travel system in Stalker 2 will help you save time and secure your way through the Zone, but this service has its price. Guides are rare, so their services are quite expensive. Usually over 1000 coupons (at the initial stages of the game, this is an impressive amount).

In addition, the guides will not introduce themselves to you, and are not marked in any way, so let's look into all the details of fast travel and travel in more detail.

Fast travel in Stalker 2 is possible only through NPC guides, who are indicated on the map by a green crosshair icon. You will find them in settlements such as Zalesye, Khimzavod, and Dump.

Approach any of them and say that you are “looking for a guide,” and they will offer you several places that you have previously visited, and also indicate the cost of the trip. In my experience, the procedure is not cheap, usually 1500 coupons or more. Choose the place you want to go to, pay money, and after loading you will be at the desired point.

It is a simple system, but with several fairly realistic restrictions: you need to find a guide and visit places to be able to move to them. Obviously, the guides themselves need to be found in safe locations, in settlements, and so on.

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The first guide you will encounter in the game is Uncle Lyonya in Zalesye, but his services will only become available after you find other locations where he can accompany you. I met the next guide, Fly Agaric, at the Chemical Plant.

    Game from the guide
    STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl
    • Platform: PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Shooter, FPS
    • Release date 20 November 2024


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