Expeditions: Rome novel guide

How to start romances with Dejanira, Julia, Ceso and Cleopatra
Expeditions: Rome novel guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
20 January 2022

All novels in Expeditions: Rome

The main way to romance your companions in Expeditions: Rome is to make sure you choose what they like and never miss an opportunity to give a compliment (phrase with a picture of "heart").

All options:

  • Julia is a male character
  • Bestia is a female character
  • Cezo - any character
  • Syneros - no
  • Dejanira - any character

Julia Kalida

The first companion you can romance with. Upon first meeting Yulia, she will be disguised as a soldier, Yulia Kalidou. As you progress through the story of the game, the girl will reveal her identity. Earn her favor: she loves generosity, cunning and arrogance. There are several plot points where you can stand up for her. Like when she reveals her identity. Lucullus will force you to keep Lucullus in your squad, but you can do so with open arms or express indignation. As you can see, you need to take her side.

In the "Divide and Conquer" quest, during the optional objective, you will be able to leave Mithridates' military camp with it. After arriving at the camp and talking with Julia, you can flirt with her by choosing the "heart" option. The next option will appear after the conquest of Asia Minor, when youreturn to Rome. You can offer Julia to move in with you. She will refuse, but she will be grateful.

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In the second act, go to the market to meet your sister. Kalida will distract the hostile senator. Talk to her and choose the romantic path, telling her how much you missed her. If you went through all the stages correctly, then a random event should occur during a trip to Africa. You and Kalida will go hunting. You can show your interest and talk about the relationship. Let her kill the prey and then offer your help with transportation. After returning to the camp, she will come to your tent, and you can start a relationship with her. She will then come to your tent in the camp and you can talk to her to get the achievement. Also, after the second act, when you return to Rome, you will be able to propose marriage to her.


Former gladiator Dejanira is the second romantic companion. You will first encounter her in the quest Morituri Te Salutant, during which you need to go to the gladiator school to deal with the traitor of Rome. As you progress through the quest, you will trigger a gladiator uprising and Dejanira will join your team. First, decide how to deal with the traitor Damian. Dejanira offers to take his slavery, and if you do so, you will earn her favor. Then there will be a choice: to accept it in gr??ppu or disperse. Obviously, you need to take her to your squad. She is an optional companion, but why refuse help?

At the camp you can chat and learn more. You can choose the first romantic phrase by asking about her sister. Show empathy and say that you are always there and ready to talk. When you conquer Asia Minor and return to Rome, if you talk to her, she will ask you to live in your villa. Agree to open additional options.


One of your loyal soldiers and friends, Cezo is another character to romance. When you return to Rome and head to the inn to celebrate, choose the romantic option by stating that you want to be alone. After a five-year hiatus and the completion of the first act, there will be another chance when all the companions meet at Rufus' villa. Talk to Cezo and say that you are glad to see him.


  • When talking to Cleopatra at Luculla's Villa, choose the first option after she offers you a reward.
  • Say that she is a goddess (repeatedly) and you can come up with another romantic phrase.
  • Buy her a carpet in Memphis for 300 denarii.
  • Make it so that she survives during the meeting with Ptolemy in the pyramid.
  • When she arrives at your villa, select the following phrases: first, second, third, second, first, second, first, second, first,the last option with a "heart". You will receive an achievement and spend the night with the queen.
    Game from the guide
    Expeditions: Rome


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