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Walkthrough Witch Hunter - game guide

All levels of adult game
Walkthrough Witch Hunter - game guide
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
15 April 2022

Walkthrough Witch Hunter

Witch Hunter - A novella game with an interesting plot and a lot of endings. The protagonist is Lord Cedric disguised as Rick Hoffman (local librarian). By order of Phobos, he tries to find a successor to the throne and weaken the friendship of the witches. The game will contain a lot of delicious images and the opportunity to have fun with each of the witches, as well as many secondary characters.

1. Introduction

1. After the prologue, you find yourself in a bookstore. To begin with, click on all the highlighted items, after which Cornelia and Elyon will enter the store. After talking with them, you will need to teleport to Meridian to Prince Phobos. To do this, you need to click on the book that is on the shelf on the right.

2. After you talk to Prince Phobos, Cornelia and Elyon will come to you again, where you will have the option to choose their names. The correct choice (Cornelia and Elyon) will increase Elyon's attitude towards you by +1, the other options will not give anything and, in principle, they do not affect anything. So if you answered incorrectly, then nothing bad will happen.

1.2 Passage of the main branch and a large fork

1. Click on Elyon\Actions and ask her to show her breasts, or any other action below. Elyon will be outraged by this and the next day the guy Elyon will come to you. After a conversation with which you will be offered a choice: “Deal with Brian yourself” / “Ask Miranda for help.”

2. If you have already played previous versions, then I strongly recommend that you select the “Deal with Brian yourself” branch, since all new content is located in this fork, while the content in the “Ask Miranda for help” branch has not been updated since version 0.1!

1.3 Deal with Brian yourself

1. First you need to earn 220 bucks, then go to the store near the station and buy a Cap for 20 dollars during the day. Skip until the evening, click on the map and go to the cave in the lower left corner and ask Blanc to steal the phone. He will ask for a cap and $200. Give him everything and wait five days. After that, come back to him in the evening and get a phone. Open your phone, go to messages and send a message to Brian. Wait for an answer and put your phone away. The next evening, the Brian fight event will automatically start.

2. (If you lose, the game ends, so save in advance).

3. Defeat Brian and wait two days. After that resorts Elyon in tears and tells that Brian was gone. The next day, Elyon comes again and talks about Brian.

4. A day later, a policeman visits you in the evening and asks about Brian's disappearance.

5. And a couple of days later Alchemy visits us, also asks about Brian.

6. Two or three days later, in the evening,Cedric wakes up and sees that Alchemy climbed into his store, after which she accidentally touches the teleport book and teleports to Meridian. Watch the scene and then you will have a choice: Stop the guards or see what happens. Here I recommend that you save, watch the scene that will be if we do not stop the guards, then load and choose to stop them (since choosing to see what happens, you will miss about 4-5 scenes with Alchemy).

7. Three days later, Elyon comes running and cries about the loss of Alchemy.

8. That same evening, a policeman visits you and a fight begins, if you lose, you will be thrown into a game over, so I recommend saving in advance.

9. After two days, ask Elyon to show the tongue (action \ show the tongue)

10. Now we need to cheer up Elyon with gifts (Plush Totoro), which we can buy from the blank in the cave in the evening.

11. Each time you give Elyon a plush Totoro, her mood rises by +1

12. And every day decreases until it reaches 5.

13. We ask Elyon to show her breasts in a bra, this requires mood 6.

14. We try to ask Elyon to show her panties, but Cedric understands that she will not agree to this.

15. We come to Blanc in the evening, we ask to arrange an accident at Elyon's parents, Blanc refuses, but mentions a certain goblin, whose name is Jink who would ??og will agree to this. We go to Meridian, to the Tavern and there we speak with the goblin.

16. Goblin asks for information about the whereabouts of Jink 200 gold.

17. In order to earn them, we go to the left forest on Meridian and fight with the Rebels until we earn 200 gold. (do not forget to use the skill, snake strike, it will be easier to win, if you lose, you don’t lose anything, so you can try again and again)

18. After we have earned 200 bucks, again we talk with the goblin in the tavern.

19. He tells us that he is Jink, and we ask him for a favor for which he asks for 200 gold and women's panties. (You can chat him up at Speech 2 and stop paying him.)

20. But if you don't have enough eloquence, you will have to give him 200 gold and get panties.

21. Panties we can get in locks from Miranda, for them she asks for Morpion's tail, which can be knocked out from Morpion in the forest on the right.

22. To defeat a morpion, it is advisable for you to purchase 3-4 large HP potions from Miranda.

23. In order to earn money on them, we go to farm the forest on the left.

24. After we bought potions, we go to look for a morpion (I advise you to save it in advance), if another monster falls out, press Run Out, and so on until Morpion falls out, fight and save up for transformation. We kill Morpion, we get a sting. We give the sting to Miranda, we get panties.

25. After we persuaded Jink not to pay (l??bo brought him 200 gold coins and panties) and asked him to arrange an accident for Elyon's parents, then in 2-3 days Elyon will come running to us to tell us about what happened to her parents.

26. After 7 days, Elyon comes up to us again and reports that she now lives with Cornelia.

27. We approach the next day to Elyon and press "talk".

28. For the further passage of this branch, we need to get a job as a teacher at a school, you can get a job at a school as you progress through the Will and Susan branch.

29. When you got a job at school and have already talked with Elyon, we go to the School in the Journalism Room (Radio room) and spread rumors about Elyon.

30. We do this twice and on different days.

31. After you spread rumors about Elyon twice, Irma's branch becomes available to you.

32. After that, click on Elyon and on the “talk” button.

33. A day later, in the evening, a fight scene with Cornelia will automatically start, it is impossible to win it, so don't even try. That's how the story is intended.

34. A day after that, click on Elyon\"talk". We offer Elyon to move to us. The same evening, Elyon moves to us, but her mood does not rise. To do this, we need to fix the room in which she moved. To do this, click on the phone and on the “repair the room” button.

35. Now you can alternately do actions with Elyon. “Show underpants” \ “undress”\ "footjob" and so on, having previously cheered her up with gifts (totoro plush toys). If Elyon does not have enough trust, it can be increased by giving her tasks to wipe the shelves.

36. That's it!

1.4 Will and Susan's branch

1. Will Vendom will come to the bookstore on the 5th day.

2. On the 8th day, Will will come again and want to buy “Peppa” frogs, which you need to order through the phone that you receive according to the story during the passage of the Elion branch from Blanc).

3. Frogs cost 200 dollars, earn money, open the phone “order” \ “Peppa Frogs”.

4. Parcel with frogs will arrive in 2-3 days. About the same day or the next day, Will will come for the frogs.

5. The next day we go to the station (shop)

6. We meet Susan and Will, have dinner with them.

7. Now we need to increase our “knowledge of history” with the help of a book in a bookstore.

8. Raise by 1 and go home to Will (afternoon).

9. Working with Will.

10. Next, we increase the “Knowledge of History” again

11. Again we go home to Will (in the afternoon), we train Will, we fight with Collins (Do not lose, so I recommend saving in advance).

12. We increase the Knowledge of history again.

13. Once again we go home to Will.

14. The next day again home to Will.

15. Now you can get a job as a teacher at a school by clicking on it

16. In 1-2 days in the evening, the Date with Susan event will begin, look.

17. SvidaWill's father interrupts the conversation, the next day we again come to Will's house.

18. Now we need to win a game board from Geralt, who is sitting in a tavern on Meridian.

19. To play the board you need to have 200 gold coins, if you lose you lose them. When you win, you get a board.

20. We win the board and the next evening Thomas Vendom comes to our bookstore (if we have a playing board and about $ 150 or something like that, I don’t remember the exact amount), we play poker with dice with him. Whether we win or lose, the storyline will move on.

21. In the afternoon we come to Will's house, talk with Susan, watch a scene with Susan in the cinema.

22. This is the end of the thread with Will (if you decide to come back to Will's house, the scene in the cinema will be repeated)

1.5 Branch Tarani

1. The ram branch starts as soon as we get a job as a teacher at the school (the opportunity becomes available as you progress through the branch with Will / Susan.)

2. Click on the school, click the button to get a job as a teacher.

3. We get settled, we come to school in the afternoon, we press to conduct a lesson (lessons can be held on weekdays, in the afternoon). We see that Tarani\Hai Lin\Irma is studying in our class.

4. The next day we go to school again, hand out homework, talk to Tarani.

5. The next day we go to school again, we see that Nigel is calling Tarani for lunch, we check?? control work.

6. The next day we go to school again, we have a lesson, the ram shows her chest.

7. The next day we go to school again and check the work.

8. The next day we go to school again, ask the ram to drive.

9. The next day we go to school again, we are called to the principal's office.

10. The next day we come to school, go to the Radio room (Journalism room), press to ask about the ram, we are required for information Microphone which can be bought in the store (at the station).

11. We buy a microphone (100 dollars), we come to the Journalism Room, we press again to ask about the ram, we get the necessary information.

12. We go to the cave in the evening to the blank (lower left corner), we ask you to follow Nigel, in return Blank asks for a camera and a dragon's nostril.

13. The camera is bought in the store (at the station), for the nostrils of the dragon we go to Miranda (to the meridian).

14. For the nostril of the dragon, Miranda asks for the “fang of Larvek”, which can be obtained on Meridian in the forest on the right with monsters, we buy potions (a few large ones are enough), we go to catch the right monster (if you come across an unnecessary one, then press Run Out).

15. We kill Larvek, we get the “fang of Larvek”, we give it to Miranda, we watch the scene, we get the dragon's nostril.

16. In the evening we go to the blank in the cave, again press the button to ask to follow Nigel and give him the camera and the dragon's nostril.

17. After 4-6 days we come to b?Anku, we take photos with Nigel.

18. We go to school in the afternoon, we have a lesson, we get a handjob from Tarani.

19. The next day we go to school, we have a lesson, we notice that Tarani did not come.

20. The next day we go to school again, Tarani did not come again.

21. The next day, in the evening, we go home to Tarani

22. We watch the scene, we get a handjob from Tarani with panties. The choice to “pick up the panties” or “leave” Tarani will pop up (it doesn’t matter what you choose, nothing but the subsequent dialogue will not change).

23. The next day we again have a lesson at school, Tarani is late, Tarani's mother comes.

24. We go to the form in the evening, we ask you to follow Nigel again.

25. Blank asks for a cupcake with a girl or a gold chain.

26. With a golden chain, everything is simple, you can buy it at the store at the station, but if you are during the passage of the Elyon branch, when Alchemy comes to you and gets to the guards, you chose the option to stop them. You can let Blank go to Alchemy and get a scene (but this will only be available if you have already unlocked all Alchemy scenes).

27. Regardless of what you gave the form, we wait 3-5 days, and we come to him again, pick up new photos with Nigel.

28. We spend a lesson at school, we notice that Tarani did not come again.

29. The next evening we go home to the ram, we get the scene Anal Taranee.

30. In the afternoon on a weekday we come to school, we get a stage, is that so far?then the end of the branch with a ram.

1.6 Branch of Irma

1. In order for Irma's branch to start, we need to get a job as a teacher on the Will / Susan branch and ruin Elyon's reputation at school on the branch with Elyon (main branch)

2. After that, we come to the school, we get a scene where the director asks us to attach a couple of students to community service.

3. This evening or next, Cedric will come up with a plan to frame Irma

4. After 2-3 days there will be an event with Irma, all scenes will start automatically

5. So far, the branch with Irma has been completed.

6. Alchemy Branch (If you chose to stop the guards)

7. Everything is simple here, we visit Alchemy in the dungeon in Meridian's castle, several times until we get all the scenes.

8. With Alchemy, you can get one more additional scene when passing the Tarani branch.

1.7 Ask Miranda for help

1. The global branch "Ask Miranda for help" contains not so many scenes and has not been improved since version 0.1, but still there are some scenes that are not in the branch "Deal with Brian yourself". I do not recommend trying to go through something other than the main plot in this branch (for example, you should not try to go through the branch with Will / Susan, with Tarani, with Irma, with Alchemy in this branch because they simply will not work correctly)

2. So, after we have chosen the fork in the prologue “Ask Miranda for help”,

3. teleport to MEridian and go to the castle to Miranda, press the button to ask Miranda for help, we observe the scene. Now we need to get the ingredients for Miranda.

4. Buy Chinese cabbage ($50) at a restaurant in Heatherfield

5. In the evening we go to the cave in Heatherfield (lower left corner) and buy a mandrake root (50 dollars) and a dead frog (50 dollars) from the blank.

6. We give them to Miranda.

7. After a couple of days, we return to her for a potion.

8. We save 220 bucks, buy a laker cap (20 bucks) in the store at the station, and in the evening we go to the form in the cave and ask to steal the phone, give 200 bucks and the cap to him.

9. Three days later we return to him and pick up the phone.

10. Now in the bookstore click on Elyon\"Give a gift"\"Give a potion".

11. Watching a scene

12. Now we can click on Elyon \ actions and select requests for her in order.

13. If there is not enough mood, then we give gifts (Totoro plush toys), if trust is not enough, you can give her the task to wipe the shelves or, again, give her Plush Totoros. If he writes that there is not enough corruption, then you poke the scenes out of order.

14. On this in the thread “Ask Miranda for help“

15. Everything!

16. Update 0.5 Branch of Cornelia and Lilian

17. On the third day, Elyon informs us that she found the books that at the beginning of the game asked Cornelia with Elyon. The book delivery scene startsCornelia, getting acquainted with her sister.

18. On the 4th day, Alchemy will come for Elyon to the bookstore, and we will find out that soon there will be a musical concert of the group that Cornelia loves so much. Now we need to buy tickets for the concert. We go to the station in the afternoon or in the morning and press the button to buy tickets (or press this button on the phone, if we have one). We learn that tickets are no longer on sale. We go at night to Blanc in the cave (lower left part of the map), ask him to get tickets. Blank will ask for a T-shirt for tickets, which you can buy at the station. We save 100 bucks, we buy, we go to the form at night. The next night we go to Blanc, pick up tickets.

19. The next day Cornelia should come, we invite her to the concert. In the evening the stage of the concert begins.

20. The next day Cornelia comes, we talk, we agree to go to the skating rink.

21. In the afternoon we go to Cornelia (upper right house on the map), we watch the scene of going to the skating rink.

22. Save up 100 bucks, go to Blanc at night, buy a cat.

23. The next day, Cornelia will call and ask to sit with her Sister. In the evening, the stage will start, we are sitting with Cornelia's sister.

24. We go through the branch with Will and Susan until the moment when we get settled in school, we go through the branch with Elyon until the moment when we spoil her reputation at school. We press the button to talk to Elyon, we fight with Cornelia. After some time, Miranda comes to us and says that Phoboscalls Cedric to her. We go to Phobos, we talk. After we buy Khilki from Miranda (it is desirable to have 5 pieces). And we go into the forest to the right of the tavern, kill the Sand Demon and Gargoyle. We return to Prince Phobos, we report that the order has been completed.

25. After a while, Cornelia will call us and ask to sit with Lillian, we sit, we watch a big scene.

26. After that, we visit Lilian in Meridian's castle. We go to Miranda and ask to make potions of growth. After we go to the tavern, we play with the witcher for the ingredient for the potion of growth (you must have 200 gold), we win. We go to Miranda, she gives us a potion of growth. With a potion of growth we go to Lilian, we give it to her. The next day we again go to Lillian and so on several times until we get all the scenes. After that, we go to school, in the school corridor we talk with Cornelia, we get a scene. Next, press the button to talk to Elyon again. After that, we teleport to Meridian to Lilian, we get the last scene.

Answers to questions: Knowledge of history

Level 1

The sun god in ancient Egypt - Ra-Atum

Who became the first Roman emperor? — Octavian August

Was he killed by conspirators from his inner circle with a few dozen blows of swords? — Caligula

What were the first rulers of Rome called? - Tsar

Father of History in Ancient Greece - Herodotus

What was the name of the Temple of All Gods in Ancient Rome? — Pantheon

Does this one rule?The Great Roman Empire knew how to do 7 unrelated things at the same time - Julius Caesar

The state that owned the entire Mediterranean coast? - The Roman Empire

What is the basis of the Latin alphabet? - Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs

What were the slaves who were given weapons and forced to fight each other to the death called? — Gladiators

Level 2

What were the first castles built from? – wood

Who are the troubadours? — Wandering poets and musicians

Who are the heralds? — Creators of family coats of arms

What is the inquisition? — Church Court

The center of Orthodoxy was located in? — Byzantium

How many years did the Hundred Years War last? — 116

Who is the Feudal? — The landowner in the era of feudalism

Who is Pepin the Short? — King of the Franks

Religious-philosophical doctrine, trying to know God and the world with the help of logical reasoning, is called? — Scholasticism

When did the feudal system begin to form in Europe? — Since the fall of the Roman Empire

Level 3

In what year did World War II start? - 1939

Who was attacked by Germany on September 1, 1939? – Poland

When did World War II end? - 1945

What was the first country that Hitler declared war on? – Poland

Pearl Harbor is it? - US naval base in the Hawaiian Islands

Cheat codes

Codes for money and gold. Need open?? console by pressing Shift+O (Required on the English keyboard layout): = x (Gives you x amount of money) = x (Gives you x amount of gold)

Also on the Internet you can find other codes for increasing Elyon's stats and other things, but I do not recommend you use them, as this may lead to some bugs or cause some errors in the plot sooner or later.

Making money

In the bookstore, you can earn money by clicking on the checkout in the morning or afternoon. During the day you will earn on average a little more than in the morning. You can also increase the earnings of the store in other ways.

In order to immediately increase earnings, you can click on Elyon, click on the “Give a task” button and ask her to advertise magazines at school, which will immediately increase earnings.

You can also increase your earnings in the bookstore by buying a sign (but for this you will need a phone, which you will receive a little later in the story.).

Also, every Sunday, Elyon will ask for her salary, if you give her a salary, then her mood rises, if you delay, then it decreases. If you do not pay her, then next Sunday she will ask for a salary for two weeks, if you do not pay the required amount again, then for three, and so on ...)