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Where to get the whip stone in V Rising

Everything you need to know about looting lashstones in V Rising.
Where to get the whip stone in V Rising
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
1 June 2022

Whipstones in V Rising

After you get to the second area of V Rising, you will need lashstones. This is a green-black stone needed to create new items. Searching for a lashstone is not easy and rather tedious, but we will make it easier

Where to find the Scourgestone in V Rising

You can find the Whipstone in the Church of the Damned, which is located in the northern part of Danlí Farmlands. We were also lucky enough to get whipstones from chests, crates, and coffins in other areas on Danlí Farms. For example, in the monastery of Danlí. However, there are few Scourgestones in the game. Do not compare with the same cotton or coarse thread. To provide yourself with such stones, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their crafting.

How to make whipstones in V Rising

To create lashstones, you need to kill two bosses - Sun Priestess Cristina (level 44), which will allow you to craft glass from quartz, and Shadow Priestess Leandra (level 46) to unlock the recipe for creating lash stones. Cristina wanders around Dunley Farm and Leandra can be found in the Church of the Damned. You also need to kill Gunsmith Grayson to learn how to make a whetstone, but if you're looking for stones, you've probably already unlocked the recipes.

After you get all these recipes, you need to use your furnace to create a grindstone and glass. You also need a grinder, hto make stone dust. It takes one whetstone, three glasses, and three grave dust to make one whipstone.

To build a large stockpile of lashstones, make sure to stock up on a good amount of the following resources:

  • Quartz (for glass making)
  • Bones (to make grave dust)
  • Copper ore (for crafting copper ingots for grindstone)
  • Stone (to make stone dust for the grindstone)

You should have enough of all of these resources at the time of searching for the recipe for whipstone, except for quartz, which can be found in Danlí Monastery and other farmlands.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PC
  • Genre: Action, Survival, Adventure, Sandbox
  • Release date 17 May 2022