How to solve the Mystery of the Universe puzzles in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

We talk about the principle of solving the most difficult puzzles in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
How to solve the Mystery of the Universe puzzles in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
4 September 2021

At first glance, the mysteries of the Tana of Creation series in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous may seem complicated. For the first time you will come across a similar one at the location The essence of the unknown and , but despite their diversity, the essence (sorry for the tautology) does not change .

Whenever you need concrete slabs with symbols of a certain color. At the location of the Essence of the Unknown, there are plates for the same puzzle. Plates for Forgotten Secrets must be found at the "Temple of the Desecrated Faith" and so on. In general, I plan to go into detail about each puzzle, so catch the list, which will be updated with links:

  • Forgotten Secrets
  • legacy of the ancients
  • Last canopy
  • Center of mystery

Once you have the right slabs, the first thing you should do is place the side slabs. They are cut in such a way that they become only in their cells , so you can never go wrong with them.

Installed? Fine. Remember Japanese crossword puzzles. Although the example may be bad, one element of them is still present in these puzzles of the Secrets of the Universe: you must focus on the symbols depicted on the side plates and, in accordance with them, place the double plates inside the puzzle.

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What does it mean? And this means the following: if there is a slab with two symbols on the side in the form of the letter F and, for example, H, then in this row, which continues inside the working area of the puzzle, symbols should only be used in the form of these same letters F and H. And not it matters whether there are any obstacles in the row, how many free cells are in the row, and so on. In general, they can all be filled only with the symbols F or H. The main thing is that the situation should be similar with other side plates and lines continuing them. All these symbols must be taken into account. And once they all match and you can place all the double tiles, the puzzle is solved.

How to solve the Forgotten Secrets puzzle

Slabs with green symbols are located at the Temple of the Outraged Faith .

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How to solve the puzzle The Last Canopy

Plates with red symbols are located on the Bone Hills location.

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How to solve the Legacy of the Ancients puzzle

Plates with purple symbols are located on the location Place of execution .

Как решить головоломку Наследие древних

How to solve the Concentration of Mystery puzzle

Slabs with blue symbols are located on the location of the Ruined Longhouse .

Как решить головоломку Средоточие тайны

How to solve the puzzle Heart Riddles

The water slabs you need are located at the Laughing Caves , behind the portal.

Как решить головоломку Сердце Загадки

When you solve the last puzzle, a portal will appear in the center of the room. Pass through it and meet Arishkagal. If you kill the Sphinx, free the ancient ghost. If you outwit your bluff and remain silent three times, the Sphinx will disappear, a ghost will appear and give you a reward - Mask of the Worthiest .

    Game from the guide
    Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous


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