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How to quickly collect 200 obols in The Devil in Me

The best ways to farm obols as fast as possible in the game.
How to quickly collect 200 obols in The Devil in Me
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
21 November 2022

Farming obols in The Devil in Me (The Dark Pictures Anthology)

Obols are a new type of collectible, an in-game currency based on real coins. The Greeks and Romans put these coins in the mouths of the dead, believing that their souls would have to pay the carrier Charon. In this guide, we talk about the best ways to earn obols, for which you can unlock bonuses and get the "I love money" achievement.

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The fastest ways to get obols

Obols in The Devil in Me are divided into several types depending on the value of one coin:

  • Dog - 1 obl.
  • Boat - 2 obols.
  • Skull - 5 obols.
  • Dove - 10 obols.

To be clear, it is not actually necessary to collect all the obols in the game. Coins respawn every time you restart/reload a chapter. What's more, The Devil in Me has a ridiculously fast way to farm coins. The gist is this:

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  1. Navigate to: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\TheDevilInMe\Saved\SaveGames
  2. You should find a file called SPSaveSlotsav. This may be a different number depending on how many save files you have, or a completely different format if you're playing co-op.
  3. This file is updated whenever the game auto-saves (for example, during cutscenes, highlights/elections, or exiting the game). We need to create a backup at the right time.
  4. Also, make sure to create a separate folder where you put the backup file. In the future, you will have to copy it back to the SaveGames directory.
  5. Finally, it is only recommended to use this method if you are playing solo, asthis method will interfere with multiplayer progress.

Farming obols in The Devil in Me

We are interested in the mission "Interrogation". After Jamie solves the third fuse box puzzle, go through the wall and enter Kate's room (lit in red). On the table is an obol with a "Skull".

For now, don't take it! Make a backup of your save and place it in a separate folder.

As soon as you are done, take a coin, which will be immediately credited to your account. Exit to the main menu. Copy and paste the backup file into the SaveGames directory, then continue playing. After the reboot, you will find yourself in the corridor, where you got after the wall and the fuse box. Run back, pick up the coin and repeat the process.

Farm obols in the maze

An even faster way to farm obols can be found in the Labyrinth chapter. Regardless of the character you control, you must successfully complete the Don't Breathe mini-game.

Either way, drop down to the lower level and head towards the statue of the two dancers. Climb the stairs, take the lever and bring it to the electrical switch at the bottom. Climb the stairs and press the three buttons on the control panel to open a hidden passage under the statue.

Don't get down. Instead, create a backup. Return along the same path from the stairs. Instead of going left, where n?Move the lever and control panel, turn right. You will see an obol with a Dove lying in the corner. Its value is 10 obols. Exit back to the main menu.

Copy and paste your backup save into your SaveGames directory. When you reload, you will find yourself next to the control panel, as if you had just opened a secret passage. Just go to the opposite corner and pick up the obol. Repeat 20 times and you will be able to collect 200 obols, which is necessary for the "I love money" achievement.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Horror
  • Release date 18 November 2022