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ShowGamer.comHustle Castle: how to play, tips, tricks

Hustle Castle: how to play, tips, tricks

Life in a castle is not only a walk through a colorful park. Hustle Castle is a mobile game from My.com that challenges you to take control of a medieval castle. In the game, you will be able to manage your subordinates, train people, expand the fortress and even fight with opponents. You will find more than a hundred story missions that go hand in hand with the development of the account.

You will also need to develop each of your inhabitants so that they learn new skills, and provide them with equipment. If you feel strong enough, you can send your people to plunder the castles of other players. On the other hand, you need to be prepared to defend your own castle. Below we will look at the main aspects of the game and give some tips to simplify the development in the game.

Get the best gear

Equipment plays an important role in the game! Good equipment will give your citizens a boost in both stats and traits. They can even gain a bonus stat, such as additional attack damage from armor. In addition to combat abilities, residents can also receive other benefits from the use of equipment. An example of this would be financial analyst glasses. These points can increase your villager's earning potential. There are other types of equipment withbonuses. Make sure you find the gear that is best suited to the tasks assigned to each individual.

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Use the right weapons in battles

There are several aspects to consider during an attack. This is not only a power rating in battle. Another thing to think about is the type of weapon your characters will be using. Even though a sword and a bow can have the same attack power, bows can deal more damage earlier in combat due to the ability to attack from a distance. Think about how you will cover the distance to get into the range of the sword in cases where the enemy has archers. You also have to consider the number of villagers you are sending into battle. Keep in mind that two strong fighters can be much better than five weak ones.

When should the throne room be upgraded?

Although the upgrade of the throne room is undeniably important, it is strictly forbidden to rush to increase its level. In fact, you need to develop, but first pump everything else that is in your castle to the maximum. Many new things will be unlocked after the Throne Room update. On the other hand, it is impossible to update everything at once, so the resources needed for d?I am upgrading the throne room, it is advisable to save it for a later date. Having pumped everything else to the maximum, you can proceed to the upgrade of the throne room.

As for upgrading the other rooms, you should prioritize the barracks and fighter training, as military power in the game is of paramount importance. After that, take care of the dining room and the treasury. Finally, you can upgrade the cellar and the safe. If you have no problems with food and coins, then you can swap the last two points - first improve the cellar and the safe, and only after that - the dining room and the treasury.

How to get free diamonds

Diamonds can be bought for real money - this is the so-called. premium currency in the game. However, if you are not ready to part with real money and invest it in the game, then you can use several methods to get free diamonds. One of those is opening chests. Diamonds can randomly drop out of them, so you should open as many chests as possible.

Another way to get free diamonds is through achievements. Click on the crown icon to see a list of achievements in the game. You will be able to collect rewards for completed goals on this screen. In addition, this list will allow you to figure out for what price?and you will be rewarded with diamonds.

Leave one fighter in training

Fighters who remain in the training room continue to increase their combat stat (red shield icon). Make sure to always leave at least one fighter in the training room, even when sending people on raids. This fighter will continue to evolve until you are ready to move him to the barracks. When you finally upgrade your throne room and have room in the barracks, you will automatically get one super-powerful fighter ready for battle.

Fill rooms before upgrading them

Modernizing rooms takes time. If you want to minimize construction time, then make sure to fill the room with residents before starting the upgrade. Castle dwellers who stay in this room will automatically speed up their upgrade/building time. This trick works for all rooms of the castle, so always choose as many residents as possible for the room you are going to improve.

Cast out weak people

Children are born if you place two residents of the opposite sex in a living room. What will be the parameters and rarity of the child, depends on the same characteristics??and his parents. If you have two parents with one star, then they will always have children with one star. That's why you have to dismantle this system before you "raise" children. To get started, place any pair in the living room and leave them until all the slots in your residence are filled. After that, select a couple of suitable men with high parameters and rarity, placing them in the living rooms.

When the right men are available, then send all the women in the castle to them for mating until they become pregnant. First, send high-ranking ladies to the man. Consider the fact that a village woman can only become pregnant once a day, while a village man can perform his intimate duties for as long as necessary. As soon as the women give birth, then save all the babies with a high rarity in the castle, and then immediately expel the residents with a low number of stars from the fortress, which can be replaced with better ones.

If you don't know how to drive a villager away, don't worry, it's easy to do. In addition, there will be no negative consequences for doing so. Just go to the resident screen by clicking on it. After that, tap the icon with three stripes at the top, to the right of the character's name and his health bar. Will there be two??options, one of which reads "Send to possession." It's the same as driving away. Click on a phrase to perform an action.

Deplete Your Stocks

In Hustle Castle, your resources can be stolen by intruders (other gamers), so make sure you use as many resources as you can before logging out. Do this throughout the day. It's best to spend resources on random upgrades rather than giving them to looting players. Also, don't open chests if you don't need them. Chests contain various resources, but while they are inside, none of the players will be able to steal them from you. Thus, in the chests you leave resources in reserve, which will be useful if you are attacked and looted.

Deliberate loss

Having a high rating can be dangerous. If you have a high rating, then the probability of being attacked by other players increases several times. Try to lower your account rating to get off the radar of more powerful gamers.

To do this, counterattack all those who attacked you. However, instead of a serious attack on them, send one weak fighter into battle. When you lose a battle, you lower your rating. Can you sde?Do the same when attacking other players. You will still be wasting some resources, but one of humanity's greatest strategies is to "give less to protect more" (in this case, "greater" means the rest of the castle's treasures).

Looking for friends

The game provides bonuses to friends who play together. You can send and receive gifts from your friends. However, if you don't have many friends running the game, there is still a way to take advantage of it. Simply create another account in the game and link it to any Facebook account. You can create a new account or use your family member's page. When you have a second account, then just make friends with each other and start sending gifts to each other. In addition, you will be rewarded for sending ten gifts, so you need to make sure you send them as often as possible.