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ShowGamer.comNames and fates of all crew members in Return of the Obra Dinn (100%)

Names and fates of all crew members in Return of the Obra Dinn (100%)

In Return of the Obra Dinn, you have to unravel the mystery of a sea vessel on which terrible events took place. The main goal is to name each person who was on the ship and indicate his fate.

This will allow you to pinpoint the exact reason why the freighter Obra Dinn returned to port with dead bodies on board. The entire crew has disappeared, and the remains of some people can be found on the ship.

With the help of a mystical compass, the main character can return to the moment of death of any person (if he found his dead body). With only a little useful information on hand, it will be necessary to determine what happened to each person. For a complete passage of the game for each sailor or passenger, you need to specify two things - the name and fate. Once you figure out the correct answers for three people, the game will capture them, so you can gradually reduce the number of solutions to see what happened to each one.

Walkthrough Return of the Obra Dinn
Walkthrough Return of the Obra Dinn

Below is a large list of all crew members. If you are interested in a specific one, then clickon CTRL+F and enter its name.

Note . Some crew members may have alternate fates. Their personalities are always the same, but different options can be chosen for fate. All crew members appear in the manifest in the same order as suggested below.

Walkthrough Return of the Obra Dinn
Walkthrough Return of the Obra Dinn
  1. Captain: Robert Witterel, shot himself with a pistol.
  2. First mate: William Hoskat, was shot with a pistol by Robert Witterell.
  3. Second mate: Edward Nichols, was shot with a pistol by Chio Tan.
  4. Third mate: Martin Perrot, kill with the claws of the beast.
  5. Fourth mate: John Davis, beaten to death by Gurney Brennan.
  6. Boatswain: Alfred Klestil, torn apart by a beast.
  7. Boatswain's mate: Charles Miner, drowned by the beast.
  8. Surgeon: Henry Evans, lives in Africa.
  9. Surgeon's assistant: James Wallace, killed by the claws of the beast.
  10. Carpenter: Winston Smith, stabbed to death by a beast.
  11. Carpenter's Mate: Marcus Gibbs, kill with the claws of the beast.
  12. Cook: Thomas Sefton, killed by the tail of a beast.
  13. Butcher: Emil O'Farrell, kill with the claws of the beast.
  14. Gunsmith:Christian Wolf, shot with a cannon by a beast.
  15. Gunsmith's Mate: Olus Viater, gunned down by John Davis.
  16. Treasurer: Duncan McKay, drowned by the beast.
  17. Helmsman: Finlay Dalton, drowned by the beast.
  18. Artist: Edward Spratt, torn apart by the beast.
  19. Passenger: Abigail Hoskat Witterel, crushed by rigging.
  20. Passenger: Nunzio Pasqua, stabbed to death by Edward Nichols.
  21. Passenger: Emily Jackson, lives in Africa.
  22. Passenger: Miss Jane Bird, lives in Africa.
  23. Passenger: Bun-Lam-Lim, strangled by a beast.
  24. Passenger: It-Beng Sia, burned to death.
  25. Passenger: Chio Tan, kill with the claws of the beast.
  26. Passenger: Hok-Seng Low, gunned down by Henry Brennan.
  27. Ship's Steward: Zungi Sati, killed with a pistol by Charles Miner.
  28. Captain's steward: Phillip Dahl, burned alive.
  29. First Officer's Steward: Paul Moss, stabbed to death by Leonid Volkov.
  30. Second mate's steward: Samuel Galligan, stabbed to death by It-Beng Sia.
  31. Third mate steward: Roderick Andersen, torn apart by gunfire.
  32. Fourth mate steward: Davey James, lives in Africa.
  33. Midshipman: Peter Milroy exploded.
  34. Midshipman: Thomas Lanke, stabbed by Olus Viater.
  35. Midshipman: Charles Hershtik, burned alive.
  36. Mars sailor: Omid Ghul, drowned by the beast.
  37. Mars sailor: Timothy Butement, killed with a pistol by Edward Nichols.
  38. Mars sailor: Huang Li, killed eh?? electric current.
  39. Mars sailor: Zhi Jang, killed by the claws of the beast.
  40. Mars sailor: Lee Hong, stabbed to death by a beast.
  41. Mars sailor: Wei Li, drowned by the beast.
  42. Mars sailor: Nicholas Botterill, stabbed to death by a beast.
  43. Mars Sailor: Maba, torn apart by the beast.
  44. Martian sailor: Lewis Walker, scored by Robert Witterel.
  45. Martian sailor: Leonid Volkov, killed with a gun by Emily Jackson.
  46. Sailor: Alarkus Nikishin, drowned by a beast.
  47. Sailor: Alexei Toporov, drowned by a beast.
  48. Sailor: Nathan Peters, drowned by the beast.
  49. Sailor: Lars Linder, scored by Nathan Peters.
  50. Sailor: John Naples, torn apart by Phillip Dahl.
  51. Sailor: Renfred Rajoub, died of illness.
  52. Sailor: Abraham Akbar, torn apart by a beast.
  53. Sailor: William Wasim, crushed by the cargo.
  54. Sailor: Solomon Syed, died of illness.
  55. Sailor: Namadu Diom, kill with the claws of the beast.
  56. Sailor: Henry Brennan, stabbed to death by Robert Witterell.
  57. Sailor: Alexander But, drowned by a beast.
  58. Sailor: Patrick O'Hagan, stabbed to death by a beast.
  59. Sailor: George Shirley, gunned down by a beast.
  60. Sailor: Samuel Peters, crushed under the weight.

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