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ShowGamer.comHow to get all endings in Endless Summer

How to get all endings in Endless Summer

We will tell you about all the endings in the Endless Summer game.

Whether you get a good or a bad ending depends on the points scored throughout the game. Your choice in the dialogues affects the points you receive.

  • To get a good ending, you need 9 or more points.
  • You will get a bad ending if you reach less than 9 points.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

In the character dialogues, we will indicate the scores for the answers and the impact of the answer on the ending.

Slavya (good and bad ending)

good ending


Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here

Day 1.

  • Do not answer her / Answer Slava. (+1)
  • Run after him / Do nothing.
  • Try to take away the cutlet / Do not try to take away the cutlet.
  • Take the keys / Do not touch.
  • Praise the book / Say nothing.

Day 2

  • Card: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch. (after the first checkpoint)
  • Go alone / Go for cards with Slavya. (+1)
  • Argue with Alice / Don't argue with Alice. (+1) (It doesn't matter what the result will be).
  • After the game, go to the parking lot. (+1)

trong>Day 3.

  • Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.
  • Well, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening ...
  • Worth going to see / What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers. (Otherwise, it will be impossible to help Slava clean up the square).
  • Cleaning with Slavya on the square. (+1)
  • Run away. (+1) / Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.

Day 4

  • Map: house number 17. (The second choice is not important).
  • I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that.
  • Probably overate stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room?
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask. (+1). (If you ask, you won't be able to go with her in search of Shurik)
  • Give Alice the coal/Don't give it.
  • Eat an apple/Don't eat.
  • Go with Slavya.

Day 5

  • Okay / No, you know, I still have things to do...
  • Go with Lena / Go with Slavya. (+1)
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls. (+1)
  • Elections on the map are not important.
  • Try to snatch the book from Alice/Be careful.
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about / Do nothing, just sit (Otherwise you can't find Slavya).
  • Try to find Slavya. (A critical choice for Slavya. The ending depends on it).

Day 6.</strong>

Yes, I just wanted to eat / I want to take food for Slavya. (+1)

I have nothing to justify. (+1) / I have nothing to justify to you

bad ending

Everything stays except day 6:

  • Yes, I just wanted to eat / I want to take food for Slava
  • I have nothing to justify / I have nothing to justify to you

Lena (good and bad ending)

good ending


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Do not answer / Reply
  • Run after him / Do nothing
  • Try to take the cutlet / Don't try to take the cutlet
  • Take the keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book (+1) / Say nothing

Day 2

  • Cards: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch
  • Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone
  • Don't argue with Alice (+1) / Argue with Alice
  • Lose to Lena (+1)
  • After losing, go to the sports ground

Day 3

  • Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena (+1) / Okay, wait a minute
  • Xokay, I'll come (+1) / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening
  • Worth going to see / What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.
  • I think I will help the guys in the construction of giant robots.
  • Escape / Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.

Day 4

  • Elections on the map are not important.
  • It seems to me that it would look great on you (+1) (Having kept silent, you will not go in search of Shurik) / Yes, just like that
  • I suppose you ate too many stolen sweets? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room?
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask.
  • Give Alice the coal / Don't give her the coal.
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat.
  • Go with Lena (+1)
  • Say that I went with Lena / Say that I went alone. (+1)

Day 5

  • Elections on the map are not important.
  • Go with Lena (+2) / Go with Slavya
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.
  • Try to snatch the book from Alice / Be careful.
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about (An important choice for Lena. Inra's ending depends on it) / Do nothing, just sit

Day 6

  • Don't interfere/Help Alice (+1)

bad ending

Everything stays except for 1 and 6 days:

Day 1.

  • Praise the book / Say nothing

Day 6

  • Don't interfere / Help Alice

Alice (good and bad ending)

good ending


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Don't answer her/reply
  • Run after him / Do nothing (+1)
  • Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing
  • Take the keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book / Say nothing

Day 2

  • Map: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch
  • Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone
  • Don't argue with Alice / Argue with Alice (+2)
  • Win a tournament (+2)

Day 3

  • Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute
  • Okay, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening
  • Worth going to see (+1) / What's the difference? Gotta keep looking for answers
  • Agree to meet Alice instead of dancing (+1) / No, I'm sorry
  • Escape / Stay and help Ulyana clean up
  • Go to Alice
  • Tell what was with Alice / Think of others??go excuse (+1)

Day 4

  • Choose a boat station (Alice locks Seeds in her house), the second choice is not important
  • I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that
  • I suppose you ate too many stolen sweets? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room?
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask
  • Give Alice coal (+1) (If you don't give Alice coal, you won't be able to go with her in search of Shurik) / Don't give her coal
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat
  • Go with Alice

Day 5

  • Elections on the map are not important
  • Go with Lena / Go with Slavya
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls
  • Try to snatch the book from Alice / Be careful (+1)
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about (Important choice for Alice. Affects the ending of the game) / Do nothing, just sit

bad ending

Everything stays except for 1 and 5 days:

Day 1.

  • Run after him / Do nothing

Day 5

  • Try to snatch the book from Alice / Be careful

Illyana (good and bad ending)

good endingvka


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Don't answer her / Reply
  • Run after him / Do nothing
  • Don't try to take the cutlet / Try to take the cutlet (+1)
  • Take the keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book / Nothing

Day 2

  • Card: Go to lunch (+1)
  • Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone
  • Argue with Alice
  • Lose to Uliana at cards. Go to stage after defeat (+1)

Day 3

  • Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute
  • Okay, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening
  • Worth going to see / What's the difference? Gotta keep looking for answers
  • Okay, I'll help the sports club (+1)
  • Escape/Stay and help Illyana clean up (+1)

Day 4

  • Elections on the map are not important
  • I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that
  • I suppose you ate too many stolen sweets? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room? (+1) (Telling for candy you will not go in search of Shurik)
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask
  • Don't give her coal / give coal
  • Eat/Don't eatapple in the clinic)
  • Go with Ulyana

Day 5

  • Select circles on the map, then refuse to take out the wire (+1)
  • Go with Lena / Go with Slavya
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls
  • Try to snatch the book from Alice / Be careful
  • Do nothing, just sit (Without this, you can’t go to Ulyana) / Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about
  • Go to Ulyana

Day 6

  • Roughly grab her hand / Try to stop with words (+1)

Day 7

  • That's all she is! / It's all my fault... (+2) (Answer "It's all her" leads to a bad ending)

bad ending

Everything stays except for 1 and 6 days:

Day 1.

  • Try to take the cutlet / Don't try to take the cutlet

Day 6

  • Roughly grab her hand / Try to stop with words
  • That's all she is! / It's all my fault...

Semyon (good and bad ending)

For easy endings, don't get close to anyone for the first 5 days.

D??n 5.

On the 5th day in the evening, choose the answer option "Do nothing, just sit"

good ending

  • don't follow the voice

bad ending

  • follow the voice


It will only become available if you reach at least one of the game's endings.


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Take the keys / Do not take

Day 2

  • Go for cards with Slavya / Go for cards alone

Day 4

  • On the map, go to the bus stop.
  • Go with Miku / Don't go with Miku
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat
  • go alone
  • Ruth with Miku (Masha) has only one ending.


Attention :

It will become available only if you have received the good and bad endings of Slavya, Lena, Alice, Ulyana, Semyon and Miku's ending.


  • Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stayes

Day 1.

  • Take the keys / Do not take

Day 3

  • Okay, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening
  • Worth going to see / What's the difference? Gotta keep looking for answers
  • I think I will help the guys in the construction of giant robots

Day 4

Eat an apple / Don't eat

  • go alone
  • Day 5
  • Go forward / Turn back