We tell you how to complete the quest Lost in the snow. Talk to Joel.
He will say that he lost touch with his father, who went to the mountains.
Head to the Statue of the Seven on the Dragonspine. Below is the camp in which the note is located. Read and follow the marker.
The second camp with supplies and a second note is located on the western slope of the mountain.
Then return to the statue of the seven again. To the west of the statue there is an entrance in the ground, on the other side there is a cave leading to the top. Break the stone wall. VnUtri is located the third camp with supplies. Read the note.
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If you put some berries in the bowl next to the camp, a fox will appear and give you 50 Source Stones and lead you to Father's Bag.
Go back and talk to Joel
Do not rely on this walk through its not entirely correct ie selecting the first option when asking if anyone else could have been with Adam doesn't give you the name of the car. And no matter what yo...
Moonvale Walkthrough — Game Guide. Episode 1