In the course of the Cyberpunk 2077 story, after the events at the Arasaka Tower Hotel, Jackie will receive an injury that will prove fatal to him.
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In one of the first prologue missions, Major League Pass, V and Jackie infiltrate a motel to steal a mysterious biochip.
Later, Jackie gets shot, and although he helps you fight your way to the exit, things clearly don't go as planned. In the end, you will reach the car in which Jackie will die.
The short answer to the question of whether Jackie can be saved in Cyberpunk 2077 is no . I'm sorry, but Jackie's fate is inextricably linked to history, and there's nothing you can do about it. Regardless of your gameplay and dialogue choices, Jackie's outcome is the same.
If you send Jackie's body to the family or ask Delamaine to wait downstairs, you will soon be able to take part in the offrande according to Jackie. After the wake, his mother will hand over the keys to Jackie's motorcycle. If you send the body to Victor, it will be stolen by Arasaka, and later, at the end of the game, you will find out that the corporation created Jackie's engram.
In addition, if you return to the El Coyote bar 24 hours after the See you in the Afterlife quest, you can find two of his iconic pistols on the altar in honor of Jackie.