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ShowGamer.comHow to upgrade troops in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

How to upgrade troops in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Gradually, your units will earn experience points, which will allow them to improve. Below we describe how you can upgrade your army and what to do after a unit has gained enough experience points.

Whenever you hire warriors in villages and cities (not to be confused with satellites and companions), you get a unit of a certain level (tier). As a rule, you will get the weakest level 1 units. For example, imperial recruits are level 1 units. But as soon as they accumulate the required amount of experience points, they can be upgraded to level 2. Instead of recruits, they will turn into, for example, imperial foot soldiers or archers.

Guide How to increase the squad (army) in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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Warriors gain experience points for each battle. On the Battle Summary screen, you can see that some units have been upgraded. It doesn't actually happen automatically. You are shown only a notification that the warrior can be improved.

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On the squad screen, select the desired group of units. You will see a special icon indicating that warriors canbe improved. Open the desired unit and you will see icons at the bottom indicating which path these units can develop. Just choose what you want. Each time you have to invest money, but compared to other expenses of the game, this operation is cheap. It is much cheaper to upgrade / improve your own troops than to buy more expensive, but already upgraded ones!