Series description:
Detailed walkthrough of "Astraea's Broken Heart. Romance Club" season 1 episode 9. How to save everyone. Character guides. How to date, relationships. Reputation, Faith, Skepticism. Branch with David, Mikael, Raphael, Cassiel.
Walkthrough Astraea's Broken Heart (Romance Club) - Episode 9 Season 1. Guide and Answers
Attention! The next choice will determine who will help you get your license back in the future!
"I need to decide who to talk to now..."
- (Call Felonia.) Additional choice #1 below
- (Tell David.) Additional choice #2 below
- (Call Malek.) Additional choice #3 below
#1 "Just like that... And without even asking for anything in return?.."
- (Thank Felonia.) Felonia is glad you trusted her with your secret / Felonia will be glad to help you / This will affect the plot
- (Ask what to do next.) Felonia will be glad to help you / This will affect the plot
#2 "I'm speechless..."
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- (Thank David.) David is always ready to help you / David is glad you asked him for help / This will affect the plot
- (Ask what to do next.) David is glad you asked him for help / This will affect the plot
#3 "Call him or write a text message?"
- (Call.) Malek appreciated that you had the courage to call him / Malek will help you get your license back / This will affect the plot
- (Write a text message.) Malek will help you get your license back / This will affect the plot
"I haven't felt such a fool in a long time..."
- (Apologize.) +1 Faith
- (Justify yourself.) +1 Skepticism
- (Silence.) No effect
"What part of my life can reveal this?"
- Childhood. You can choose each option in turn, it won't affect anything
- Youth. You can choose each option in turn, it won't affect anything
- Adulthood. You can choose each option in turn, it won't affect anything
- I don't even know what else can help... End conversation
If you choose paid clothes below, you will earn a compliment from Felony.
What hairstyle should I choose?
Any, it doesn't matter.
"I think, in addition to their name, it's worth remembering the most important parts of their biography"
- Where did the girls get the invitation? You can ask all the questions, no effect
- Where are the girlfriends themselves? You can ask all the questions, no effect
- What kind of relationship do the girls have? You can ask all the questions, no effect
- Do I need to behave in a special way?.. End the conversation
Timed choice!
"Oh, what's my name..."
- Audrey. -1 Reputation (PENALTY)
- Natalie. -1 Reputation (PENALTY)
- Julie. +1 Reputation
"Will I risk it?"
- (Try.) You know how to impress / The achievement "Not everyone can handle it" is unlocked (+10 diamonds; take a risk and try a dangerous dish)
- (Refuse.) No effect
"And again his appraising gaze is directed at me..."
- Of course, we believe. +1 Faith
- We trust, but we check. +1 Skepticism
- Time will tell. No effect
"Does she really want this?"
- (Blindfold Felonia.) Cutscene / Additional choice below
- (Refuse.) No effect
You can go through all the options until you finish the conversation. You'll get a sign saying "Felonia is happy to be with you, even on a mission!"
"What to do?"
- Try everything yourself first (31 diamonds). Cutscene / Improving your relationship with Felonia
- Feed her (56 diamonds). Cutscene / Improving your relationship with Felonia
- (Ask her how she feels.) Cutscene / Improving your relationship with Felonia
- (Remove her blindfold.) End conversation
If you took any two options before the end of the conversation, you'll get a notification saying "Felonia would be happy to stay here with you longer!"
If you choose all three options before the end of the conversation, you'll get a sign saying "Your relationship with Felonia has improved!"
"Try to find out more?"
- Play along (18 diamonds). Your choice will affect the plot
- (Change the topic.) No effect
"But how?"
- (Start from afar.) +1 Faith
- (Ask directly.) +1 Skepticism
- The connection is in our loneliness. No effect
- The connection is in our fathers. +1 Reputation
- The connection is in our influence on electronics. -1 Reputation (PENALTY)
"And what should I tell him?"
- Embellish (18 diamonds). The guy is not afraid of you and is ready to cooperate / +1 Reputation
- (Tell the truth.) You did not convince the guy, he does not trust you
- Help him (only if there are exclusively male branches). For 56 diamonds. Your action struck Cassiel to the depths of his soul / He will think about you all night / Cutscene
- Distract the girl to yourself (18 diamonds). Cassiel appreciates your action, but it is important to him that you remain safe
- (Call the police.) No effect
"Damn, we can't let him go like that..."
- Warn him (Requirement: Reputation 18). You managed to convince the guy / This will affect the plot
- (Threaten him.) You failed to convince the guy / This will affect the plot