Series description:
Detailed walkthrough of “Soulless. Romance Club" episode 6, season 1. How to save everyone. Character guides. How to date, relationships. Paid elections. Bed scenes. Endings.
Romance Club Soulless - Episode 6, Season 1. Walkthrough, guide, answers, scenes
Let him deny as much as he wants. I'll show her that she has as much lust as the others.
- You can't resist me, I know for sure. +1 Pride
- Continue to seduce her. +1 Nice
- There are no such pure souls. +1 Envy
Sweater or towel?
- Cynthia's Sweater (23 Diamonds)./Walter's Shirt Improved Relationships (Friendly Line)
- Dirty towel (free). No effect
If this fool wants to serve me so much, why not take advantage of it?
- Okay, do as you wish, but why me? Your relationship with Walter/Cynthia has improved (romance)
- Are you doing this just so we can be friends? Improving Relationships (Friendly Thread)
- Do you really like serving someone or what? No effect
"One question…"
- I don't have to pay for it right? No effect
- What are these pictures and words on the tops? No effect
- Do you get a lot of looks when you wear these things? +1 Mastery / You think about what is really important.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
If you select the “Buy All” option, an additional selection of decorations will appear. But this option is inactive during the diamond rush.
Which outfit to choose?
- Sweater with eagle sprite (free). No effect
- Hoodie (23 diamonds). No effect
- Jacket with a cat (27 diamonds). No effect
- Rainbow cardigan (47 diamonds). No effect
- Buy everything (87 diamonds). Save 10 Diamonds / Get all outfits / Does not work during Diamond Rush / Additional decoration selection
Which hairstyle to choose?
Keep your current hairstyle. No effect
- Straight, medium length with a cap. No effect
- Two braids and a cap are black (23 diamonds). No effect
- Two braids and a cap are light (23 diamonds). No effect
- Loose hair with a bandage is red (27 diamonds). No effect
- Loose hair with headband - purple (27 diamonds). No effect
- Casual Dreadlock Hairstyle - Black (27 Diamonds). No effect
- Casual Dreadlocks Hairstyle - Pink (27 Diamonds). No effect
- Buy everything (138 diamonds). Save 16 Diamonds / Get all hairstyles / Does not work during Diamond Rush
Which decoration to choose?
- (No decorations.) No effect
- Set with feathers (23 diamonds). No effect
- Set with cats (23 diamonds). No effect
- Rainbow set (23 diamonds). No effect
- Fashion set (23 diamonds). No effect
- Buy everything (84 diamonds). Save 8 Diamonds / Get all decorations / Does not work during Diamond Rush
- Why me (23 diamonds)? Your relationship with Eliot has improved (friendship thread)
- Get to the point. No effect
- Is that all (10 diamonds)? Your relationship with Eliot has improved (romance route)
- Sounds reasonable. No effect
Another self-righteous fool. Just like Vincent, only with different methods...
- Who cares? It is beneath me to think about this. +1 Pride
- I bet he could use a distraction. +1 Nice
- Who are these mortals to judge what is right and what is wrong? +1 Envy
Path of Lust
The vixaria ineptly eats shrimp without thinking about peeling them, and thus without appreciating their taste and texture.
"Stop laughing!"
- Snatch the pizza from his hands (23 diamonds). Your relationship with Eliot has improved (romance route)
- Take the rest of his pizza (10 diamonds). Your relationship with Eliot has improved (friendship thread)
- (Look at him closely.) No effect