Passage “Romance Club. The game of TEG" - guide 2 episode 1 season. "Big prizes and even more surprises"
“We need to collect three keys. I'll go…”
- To the lake. Additional Choice
- To the forest alley. Additional Choice
- To the playground. Additional Choice
If you chose "To the lake":
“I will have to make my way through the crowd. How can I do this?
- Jump into the water (23 diamonds). You caused a surge of interest! Additional choice.
- Push through the crowd. No effect
- Wait until the path clears. No effect
Some actions will change the audience's opinion of you. Think about your image.
If you chose "To the forest alley"
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
"Just a second, I need to think"
- Follow Daniel. +1 Hunter
- Work with Daniel and Emily. +1 Team player
- Search on your own. No effect. Additional choice.
If you chose "To the playground "
"Good question"
- I'll steal the key. You are ready to cheat and steal to win.
- Let's work together. Additional choice.
- I'll climb myself. No effect. Additional choice.
If you chose "Let's work together"
"Oh wow...he's very close"
- Linger in his arms (26 diamonds). You and Daniel are getting closer.
- Turn everything into a joke. Improving Friendships
- Get free. No effect
If you chose "I'll climb myself"
“If I calculate correctly, I can…” Timing
- Get it! / Jump after him! +1 Izvec tnoc t. Verny variant !
If you were able to grab all 3 keys +2 Renown
The choice of hairstyle and outfit has no effect.
“Only this was not enough for me ...”
- Reply diplomatically. +1 team player
- Answer boldly. +1 hunter
"And I can't believe me either!"
- We will tear everything! +1 team player
- Consider that the prize is already mine! +1 hunter
“It seems that I really remember him from TV”
- You are the best thing in the news. You are getting closer with Api !
- I'm your big fan! Improving Friendships
- Nice to meet you. No effect
"big="" prizes="" and="" even="" more="" surprises""="" alt="Прохождение «Клуб Романтики. Игра в ТЭГ» — гайд 2 серия 1 сезон. «Бoльшиe пpизы и eщё бoльшe cюpпpизoв»" width="100%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2023-02-16/9c3c389b738460363e3b1de30f5e2bdb.jpg">
"God, this guy looks like an excited puppy"
- Wow, what a healthy you are! Your friendship with Jake has improved!
- I saw a couple of clips in Pinstajem. Your friendship with Jake has improved!
- Never heard of you.
"Another girl..."
- This does not diminish you in any way. You and Capa have become closer .
- So we are both hired slaves? Improving Friendships
- It's nice that there is another girl in the team. No effect
“I can’t just stand and endure this. How to be?
- Let's play fair. +1 team player
- I will be pleased to kick your ass. +1 hunter
- I can identify the strengths of people. +1 team player
- I can motivate people. +1 hunter
"O. Well, in that case…”
- I'm ready to shoot (77 diamonds). +1 Fame. Apt.
- I would not want to shoot.
“But what is worth doing is getting to know someone from my team better”
- Call API
- Call Cape
- Call Jake. Additional choice.
- Don't call anyone
"Suddenly" (If Ari called)
- Do you think I'm beautiful? you got closer
- I'll keep it on mind. Improving Friendships
“I think ...” (If they called Sarah)
- Next to you, I will look simple. You have become closer.
- We will show them all. Improved friendships.
“This is commitment to the cause” (If Jake Called)
- I'm sure you can throw me on yourself. No effect
- This is impressive. you get closer
“They are just a kaleidoscope of characters, that’s for sure. But I want to know better ... "
- Bcex. (23 diamonds). Your team has become more united !
- Ap.
- Cap.
- Jake.