Passage On thin ice - 8 episode 3 season. Answers "Mexican Showdown"
At the beginning of the eighth series, we will play from the perspective of Dominic.
- Humble yourself. +1 Light
- To push back. +1 Darkness
- Everything is captured. +1 Dark, +1 Light
Then you can choose clothes for Cassandra:
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- Regular (free). No effect
- With details (21 diamonds). +1 Authority
- Tasteful (30 diamonds). +1 Authority
After that, for Brian:
- Regular (free). No effect
- With details (21 diamonds). +1 Light
- Tasteful (30 diamonds). +1 Light
Now choose an outfit for Dominic:
- Regular (free). No effect
- With details (21 diamonds). +1 Darkness
- Tasteful (30 diamonds). +1 Darkness
Attention! Choice on time!
- Let's wait for the moment. This is the correct answer, +2 Authority
"Tell me please..."
- Have you seen two nice men? +1 Darkness
- Are there often foreigners here? +1 Light
- Are you the only bartender in this establishment? +1 Dark, +1 Light
Attention! Choice on time!
- We're not going anywhere. No effect
- Let's finish your beer first. No effect
- We have something to discuss. +1 Authority
- (Try to explain.) +1 Light
- (Try to escape.) +1 Darkness
We play on behalf of the main character
Path of Excellence
- Wasn't ready to meet. +1 Light
- I want to go home. -1 Authority
- Looking forward to meeting. +1 Darkness
Choosing an outfit for the main character:
- Interesting (free). No effect
- Attractive (21 diamonds). +1 Authority
- Unique (30 diamonds). +2 Authority
If we go along the branch with Hodge
- (Keep remembering.) 75 diamonds. Improving relations with Hodge, cut-scene
- (Stop thinking about it.) No effect
Playing as Dominic
- (Provoke.) +1 Darkness
- (Explain.) +1 Light
- (Try to negotiate.) +1 Light, +1 Darkness
- I can answer? 30 diamonds. +2 Authority
- Just drop it. No effect
- (Calm him down.) +1 Authority
- (Try not to interfere.) No effect
- It's time to go home. No effect
- And why did you leave? No effect