Walkthrough and guide Romance Club. The Desert Rose — Episode 10, Season 2
"Is he trying to help?"
- Yes, definitely. +1 Daydreaming
- Not quite clear. +1 Defiance
Branch with Jaffar
"Not stupid..."
- The best! No effect
- Understanding. No effect
If in the third episode of the second season you decided to tell Jaffar about the rebels, you will receive the message “ Jaffar knew about the rebel and was able to save Akram! You have received an important clue! . If they didn’t tell, then “ Jaffar did not know about the rebel, and therefore could not help Akram!” .
The choice is available if in episode 3 of season 2 you chose “Silence”
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- Let me in! +1 Defiance
- Yes, definitely. +1 Daydreaming
- Be silent. No effect
The choice is available if Akram survives:
"Here you go…"
- Not a moment of peace. +1 Defiance
- She won't just scream like that. +1 Daydreaming
- What is there? +1 Dreaminess , +1 Rebellion
Branch with Mustafa
- Continue the conversation (17 diamonds). The farewell scene and the sign “ Who knows, maybe it will happen!”
- We said goodbye. No effect
"For what?"
- Is there something wrong with this newspaper? No effect
- Since when do we hide newspapers? No effect
- Something happened? No effect
Choice for a while
- Go through the living room. Incorrect / Zuleika suffered. It will be more difficult for her to move in the future !
- Go through the main exit. Incorrect / Zuleika suffered. It will be more difficult for her to move in the future !
- Run to the balcony. Correct solution
If in episode 8 (season 2) we managed to get James' help: Now society will gradually learn the truth !
- Desert... Glad to be here. +1 Desert Flower
- And yet I miss Rio. +1 Child of the City
- I'll be safe here. +1 Flower of the Desert , +1 Child of the City
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect.
Branch with Jack
- Kiss him (17 diamonds). He will find you g>road
- Wish you good luck. No effect
Thread with Said
- Remember Said (17 diamonds). He will look for you
- Close eyes. No effect
Thread with Cindy
"I worry about you"
- Give free rein to your feelings (17 diamonds)? Your words touched Cindy
- Support her. No effect
Thread with Zane
Comments from the scriptwriter of the story “Desert Pose”: In episode 10, when Jaffar invites GG to have sex with Zane:
- If you have a branch with Zayn, there is no parallel branch with someone else and there is no transfer of Said (more improvements, including paid outfits for him in episode 9), you will have access to the stage)
- Otherwise, the game will automatically redirect you further. The fact that you DO NOT have a scene with Zayn without a branch with him or with insufficient pumping/pumping of Sayid is NOT a bug. Yes, it’s hard with Zayn, I warned you) But the fact that Jaffar offers sex to those who don’t have Zayn’s leveling is a small bug, we’ll fix it.
- Good (99 diamonds). Kiss with Zayn and a gift necklace
- No. No effect
Along the single path, if you have previously chosen
"The best!"
- Remember Jaffar. (17 diamonds). You miss each other
- Close eyes. No effect
Thread with Adil
“I lose control around him.”
- I agree (157 diamonds). Did you spend it?? night of love with Adil! Adil will also give a ring / Additional selection below
- He drives me crazy! No effect
- He is my obsession. No effect
- You did everything right. No effect
- Everything is fine. No effect
- I'll refuse. No effect
If Zuleika was injured earlier : “Zuleika is wounded. This affects her condition."
If the relationship with Zuleika is not good enough : “Zuleika has no one to share her secret with, this burdens her and affects her condition”
How to improve your relationship with Zuleika:
- "Intervene" in episode 1 of season 1
- How to properly brew tea in episode 1 of season 1
- "Zuleika" in episode 2 of season 1
- “Ask to talk about Saleh” in episode 7 of season 1
- "Calm her down" / "Distract her" in episode 8 of season 1
- "Tell!" in episode 2 of season 2
- “Run to the balcony” in episode 10 of season 2
If you received a flower from a rebel in the twelfth episode of the first season, now you will receive Nafisa's dagger .
If in the sixth episode of the second season you took notes from Augusto’s office, you will receive the message “You are getting closer to solving the mystery!” .
Also, if in the twelfth episode of the first season you were able to make a choice for Dreaminess or Rebellion, you will receive a message“ You received a special outfit in the past! Put it on, it will help!” .