ShowGamer.comThe best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077: and where to find them

The best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077: and where to find them

    We're talking about the best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077's action RPG, from legendary to iconic items!


    Location: In the basement of Lizzie's Bar during or after completing A Doll's House.

    This iconic weapon can be found relatively early. But on the other hand, it will last a long time (if you constantly improve the item), which is affected by the ability to shoot additional cartridges. Can be used with any mods and perks that increase damage.


    Location: South of the College Street tube station, in Heywood.

    One of the weirdest weapons in Cyberpunk 2077. A smart gun with built-in artificial intelligence. You can select the automatic shooting mode for limbs or heads.

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    Location: Kill Nash and loot his corpse during the mission "At the Crossroads".

    This is an incredible weapon with a fairly high base DPS, as well as the ability to shoot multiple projectiles at once (like a shotgun). Poisons enemies with a certain probability. One of the most destructive Cyberpunk 2077 rifles!

    Strength in conflict

    Where to find: Complete the Boss is Dead, Long Live the New Boss side quest (or just kill all the enemies in the quest area and grab your rifle).

    This rifle's ability to take out up to five enemies at once means that players with the right mods and perks will be able to clear thick ground fairly quickly.populated regions.

    Gold plated baseball bat

    Where to find: In the pool at Denny's villa during the mission "A New Turn".

    High base damage (especially for melee weapons) is the only reason every V should have a bat!

    Sniper rifle "Surveillance"

    Location: Rescue Sol during the side quest "Riding the Storm".

    This is far from the most advanced rifle in the game, but it is perfect for those who like to sniper fire. Equipped with a silencer, reloads quickly. And other parameters are not far behind!

    Legendary Mantis Blades

    Location: In a chest near the start of the side quest "Cyberpsychosis: Ghost of Night City". You can also purchase from rippers.

    This legendary weapon opens up a whole new approach to hand-to-hand combat. Has a wide range of damage, deals incredibly high damage.

    Pistol "Malorian Arms 3516"

    Where to find: Take it from Grayson during the side quest "Traces of the Past".

    This iconic weapon is Johnny Silverhand's personal pistol. It has high stats, fun shooting animation, lots of slots for mods, ricochet ability and a powerful butt attack.

    Katana Tsumetogi

    Where to find: Collected from the room where you meet Maiko and the Tiger Claw bosses during the Palace Revolution side quest.

    One?The main reason is the huge base damage.

    Smart Pistol Genjiro

    Where to find it: After you exit the elevator on the 21st floor (balcony) during the story mission "Audience", open the door on the right using the technique.

    This is a really powerful pistol that combines the strengths of shotguns and smart weapons. A legendary pistol with the ability to shoot four bullets at the same time, aiming at multiple enemies at once.

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