The latest House of Ashes video released during gamescom 2021 gives a closer look at what the third installment in Supermassive's The Dark Pictures Anthology is all about.
The trailer also features a secret URL (scribbled on a card seen at 1:24) that leads to a fictitious US military website full of additional details about the history of House of Ashes.
Among the shortcomings of the trailer, we highlight the huge emphasis on the Pazuzu Edition advertisement, which appears at the very end and shows a figure of a game monster. We are talking about the same creature that is mentioned in the trailers of the game.
When exploring this fictitious site, military records and some footage of the game monster can be found. There are also folders that are still locked - most likely they will open when more people visit the site.
The action in the latest trailer focuses on the conflict between US Marines and Iraqi soldier Salim Osman.
Many films dehumanize people and nations, but we would like to tell and show both sides of the conflict. [Osman] is a brilliant character who has proven himself during all user tests.
The action game also received a content update.