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Enlisted has a new technique

Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of a major update "Pacific Ocean" for the online shooter Enlisted.
Enlisted has a new technique

In the new campaign of the same name, the spirit of the battles in the Pacific theater of the Second World War is carefully reproduced: landing on the islands and the use of amphibious tanks, air support from aircraft carriers, fierce battles of infantry and armored vehicles in the tropical jungle with a large number of water barriers.

The Japanese Army is featured in Enlisted for the first time, and with it the unique weapons and vehicles it has deployed, from Arisaka rifle modifications and pole mines to Zero fighters and Ha-Go light tanks. More than half of the US equipment in this campaign has also not been seen before in Enlisted - for example, the Australian Owen Mk.1-42 submachine gun and the M13 MGMC self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. A new tactical technique has appeared - a dash with melee weapons in the spirit of the famous banzai attacks, as well as a new type of grenade - with a phosphorus charge. All these weapons will be used in new missions on the coast of the famous Guadalcanal and on the island of Gavutu.