Cyberpunk 2077 quest designer Pavel Sasko, who works at CD Projekt RED, admitted that the development team had some problems with the balance of Adam Smasher's character. After the release of the anime series Edgerunners, in which this cyborg is shown to be very powerful, the players rushed to fight him in the game, but in it he turned out to be even more dead.
As Sasko admitted, initially Smasher was not planned to be made strong, the authors wanted everyone to be able to handle him. But now the developers will have to work on the balance of Adam, so that the battle with him is more in line with the expectations of users.
Smasher is already slightly buffed compared to his original version, and in the near future he will be made even more formidable opponent, for the battle with which we will have to seriously prepare and pump.
The action game also received a content update.