Five years have passed since the disastrous release of the sci-fi survival game No Man's Sky , and finally the game deservedly receives "mostly positive" reviews on Steam. Recall that initially, at the time of launch, the game had simply terrible ratings, and the column indicated “Extremely negative” reviews.
Developer Hello Games noted that the situation has finally been corrected thanks to the release of Frontiers, a recently released expansion with numerous innovations and fixes.
According to Hello Games, the transition from "very negative" to "mixed" reviews on Steam took two years. And for the last step, it took three more.
The higher the rating of the game, the more difficult it becomes to earn each next positive percentage. It can take several hundred positive ratings to go from 20 to 21% positive reviews, while going from 69 to 705 is about 10,000. That's why games rarely change ratings, and why we thought we couldn't achieve such a result.