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All you need to know about Lineage 2 High Five - tips, best servers and more

Here are the details of the Lineage 2 High Five update, which greatly simplified the game and made it more accessible for beginners.
All you need to know about Lineage 2 High Five - tips, best servers and more

With the release of the High Five update for MMORPG Lineage 2, even more time zones have appeared where gamers can get valuable loot and pump their character much faster. At the same time, the game is still replete with many elements and aspects, which are easy to get lost in, so below we have compiled a list for you with general recommendations and tips.

Getting Started - Tips

  1. The first thing you should do is choose a quality L2 HF server . There are a lot of them, and we have indicated one of the most popular and convenient options in the mid-rate.
  2. After that, think about pumping characters to farm resources. For example, create two or three EEs and upgrade them to 1 profession. This will take about half an hour to an hour, depending on the selected server.
  3. At the beginning of the game, you need to save adena. At the same time, it is recommended to farm adena in several windows at once. You can take Spoil, Varka and DB for this. Having pumped up to level 40, you can farm adena in the catacombs or necropolises.
  4. Keep leveling up your characters. You can earn even more once you level up to level 83+.
  5. If you use the characters listed above, it is enough to equip the gnome with an S80 lance, grade 300 ATT, and a set of Moirai armor.
  6. And do not forget that you will receive more money if you sell all the accumulated resources yourself.

Important for beginners!

Before downloading the client for High Five la2, we recommend that you study the basic terms and aspects of the game:

  1. There are many time zones in HF that are used to extract valuable resources. Instead of PvP, you can focus on instas.
  2. Find a Rookie Helper that grants a buff for 1 hour. You can use it up to level 76.
  3. Get 100 recommendations to get a rec. Bonus in the form of +50% to earned experience for the next hour.
  4. Near the beginner's assistant, look for the Priest, who provides Nevitt's hourglass once a day. The bonus above will be extended by one, two or three hours.
  5. Complete the quest "In the Name of a Legend", which can be taken at level 80. By doing this, you will be able to get the desired Venus weapon. But only once per character!

Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
21 October 2022
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