The Dead by Daylight Hellraiser chapter has been released, and this event was marked by the release of a new trailer introducing the cenobite, the reincarnated demon priest Pinhead.
The pinhead is a new killer that developer Behavior Interactive had to deviate from their usual approach with. This isn't your typical slasher villain clumsily chasing its prey. In fact, he doesn't move at all. Animation director David Prenovo took to the PlayStation Blog to explain Pinhead's transformation into a maniac.
In DbD, we have a basic set of mechanics common to all maniacs - they can all pick up victims and hang them on hooks. But in the case of Pinhead, we decided to use his personal chains and hooks as tools to interact with the victims. By controlling Pinhead's chains, you use them to manipulate the survivors, performing the same actions that the rest of the killers do manually. We hope that players who control Pinhead will be able to feel even more powerful.
The post also touches on Pinhead's playstyles. His primary ability, Call Pain, creates a gateway that can be used to summon a controlled chain or simply scout an area on the map. In any duel with Pinhead, there will be a puzzle box somewhere on the map: the survivors can find and solve this puzzle to delay the deadly Chain Hunt, however, if they pick up the box, Pinhead will be able to instantly teleport to you... Maybe not worth it at all touch her?