Due to the situation in Ukraine, many companies left the Russian market. Most gamers from Russia buy games from the Turkish PS Store. We are glad to announce that at the moment any user of the Turkish "store" can pre-order Hogwarts Legacy . The cost of the action is 899 lire (approximately 3,300 rubles at the current exchange rate, excluding taxes and VAT).
Hogwarts Legacy is an RPG set in the Harry Potter universe. The game takes place at the beginning of the 19th century. Immerse yourself in a fantasy world and understand how the goblin uprising is connected to the evil plan of the dark wizards.
Hogwarts Legacy will be released February 10, 2023 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. The PS4 and Xbox One versions will release on April 4th. The game will be released on the Nintendo Switch on July 25th.
The action game also received a content update.