Chaco Sonny, Executive Producer of Overwatch, has announced his departure from Blizzard Entertainment. Thus, another high-ranking employee leaves the studio, which is probably somehow connected with the ongoing harassment and discrimination lawsuit.
According to Bloomberg , Sonny will leave the company on Friday, September 24th. In a letter to the staff, he stated that the 5 years spent in the studio were "an incredible privilege and one of the best experiences of his career." The message does not mention whether the dismissal is related to litigation.
Sonny oversaw the development of Overwatch 2 , which had already lost director Jeff Kaplan five months earlier. Despite all these layoffs, Blizzard insists that Overwatch 2 is "doing well" and the game is "in the final stages of development." Perhaps new information will appear in the coming weekend.
The action game also received a content update.