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Steam massively returns money for the failed The Last of Us

A refund can be issued at any time.
Steam massively returns money for the failed The Last of Us

Valve, together with Naughty Dog, is actively returning money to users on Steam who issue The Last of Us refund. The release of the novelty on the PC was overshadowed by the disgusting technical condition of the game, and therefore the companies are willing to make returns, even if gamers spent more than 2 hours in the game.

On the network, users note that they were able to return their funds after spending 3 to 6 hours in The Last of Us. Usually Valve is reluctant to make refunds even if the user has played 2 hours, and here such generosity. Of course, this is due to a wave of indignation caused by the players due to the lack of optimization and the presence of a lot of bugs in the new product.

Meanwhile, the ND team continues to work on patches that are designed to eliminate most of the problems and make the action more playable.

Edward Dmitriev
Date of publication
3 April 2023

Games from the news
  • Platform: PS5, PC
  • Genre: Action, TPS, Shooter, Adventure
  • Release date 28 March 2023