Hollywood actor Ismael Cruz Cordova, who played the role of the elf Arondir in the series "Rings of Power", said that he received numerous threats due to his appearance in the project. Some people threatened the star with physical violence, because of which Ismael experienced serious emotional and psychological pressure.
The reason for the anger of the public was the very presence of the actor in the cast. The fact is that Tolkien did not invent dark-skinned elves in his work, but Amazon, which filmed the series, did not give a damn about the canon, introducing colored actors because of the modern agenda. Even dark-skinned gnomes appeared in the "Rings of Power", and the presence of such elves led the fans into wild horror.
In general, Cordova needed psychological help after the incident, and it was provided to him by a staff psychologist hired by the developers. In addition, the actor’s bank account, PayPal wallet and other resources were hacked in order to harm and demonstrate their attitude to his work in every possible way.
The action game also received a content update.