The developers of the shooter Payday 3 from the Starbreeze studio justified the reasons for the delay in the first post-release patch, which was supposed to be released in early October. According to company representatives, in this way they take care of the players themselves.
The creators of the game stated that they slightly miscalculated the risks of releasing an update, which, if released in a timely manner, could lead to critical errors. They (errors, in the sense), in turn, would most likely lead to the loss of progress made by players during the time after the release. For this reason, the authors decided to resolve this issue, even if it leads to changes in the patch release schedule.
At the moment, the creators of Payday 3 cannot say exactly when the first post-release update will be released.
The patch added new content to the game.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.