Putin supports the development of the domestic gaming industry

According to him, the country is in the TOP 5 in terms of the number of people who are fond of video games.
Putin supports the development of the domestic gaming industry

Russian President Vladimir Putin made his comments regarding the state of the Russian gaming industry, emphasizing that video games have become a significant and profitable business that is popular among many citizens. In his statement, he noted that Russia is one of the top five countries in the world in terms of the number of people who are interested in video games, which is an important area of activity.

The President emphasized that the gaming market in Russia is estimated at approximately 177 billion rubles, which creates prospects for young professionals. He also expressed concern about video games that portray Russia and its people in a negative light, and stressed the importance of creating domestic games that take into account Russian traditions to maintain stability and positive content.

Let us note that on December 18, a proposal was made in the State Duma to protect children from pro-Ukrainian video games, and Deputy Speaker Anna Kuznetsova offered to support this initiative. It also became known that the Unified Gambling Regulator (URAI) expressed a desire to gain control over the video game market and oblige developers to interact with its information systems. Later, State Duma deputy Anton Gorelkin criticized this idea.

Svetlana Ivanova
Date of publication
18 December 2023


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