Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new President of the United States of America. And it's you!
In the latest story-driven satirical thriller, you've landed the most powerful position in the world. And you have one and only goal: to promote your own agenda. A rich and ruthless businessman with a dubious history, you are under investigation by the FBI. They don't have proof yet, but eventually they'll dig something up. As President, you receive temporary immunity, but to keep this order, you will have to implement the 28th Amendment to the Constitution and make this privilege for life!
Manage a team of qualified professionals and make sure that the amendment is accepted, no matter what the cost. How you spend your time in the Oval Office is up to you. Can a sinner become a saint and pretend to be a good president? Or will people call you the scammer that you are and your ratings will sink to the bottom?
The dark political thriller This Is the President will premiere on December 6, 2021 on PC.
This is the President is a satirical thriller in which the President of the United States runs the country like a gangster and tries to escape justice for past crimes. Change the United States Constitution by persuading, blackmailing, bribing and intimidating to get lifetime immunity.