Two prominent Hollywood directors, Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, have taken on sequels to the zombie movie "28 Weeks Later". The new project is titled "28 Years Later" and the plan is to release three movies at once under this common title. Alex Garland will be responsible for writing the scripts for each of the tapes, and Danny Boyle will take on the directorial work on the first film of the trilogy. Each of the projects is expected to have a budget of $75 million, and the filmmakers are currently looking for a sponsor for the trilogy.
The original film "28 Days Later," released in 2023, brought in $82 million at the worldwide box office on a budget of $8 million. This post-apocalyptic thriller starring Cillian Murphy describes the events in a world where people are infected with a zombie virus. The sequel 28 Weeks Later, released in 2007, was also successful, grossing $65 million at the worldwide box office with a budget of $15 million.
The action game also received a content update.