A couple weeks after release, physical editions of the relatively new pirate action game Skull & Bones have begun to drop at major Western retailers.
Recall that the disks were originally sold at a price of $70, but now they can be purchased for 50 bucks. In the official Ubisoft store the price tag remained the same, but it's a matter of time before the discounts get there as well.
This trend indicates that things are clearly not going well for Skull & Bones. Critics initially warned the company about the impending failure, as their project does not draw on the set price tag. Ideally, the game would be distributed for free, but with the current sales model the action is doomed to failure.
Reynolds fought the reporters as best he could.
We will also be shown new gameplay.
There is little information, so the shooter could be based on the StarCraft, Warcraft universe, or a completely new IP.
On the evening of November 14, 2024, Obsidian began accepting pre-orders for its new RPG Avowed on all major platforms, including the Russian Steam.
The project is codenamed Half-Life X.