Hideo Kojima, the renowned game designer, has found the perfect actor for the role of Solide Snake in the Metal Gear Solid film adaptation. In his X profile (formerly Twitter), Kojima shared his impression of the movie Furiosa: The Mad Max Chronicles, noting the performance of Tom Burke, who played Furiosa's mentor, Jack. In Kojima's opinion, Burke is incredibly similar to Snake.
The developer personally met the actor at a party and shared his observation. Burke confirmed that since the early days of filming Furiosa, the team noted his resemblance to the Metal Gear Solid character.
Rumors of a Metal Gear Solid film adaptation have been persistent for several years now. In December 2020, there were reports that the role of Snake went to Oscar Isaac, but this information was denied by insider Daniel Richtman.
Development on the Metal Gear Solid movie started back in 2014, but has been stuck in production hell. The script has been rewritten several times, but so far the project hasn't gotten the green light. Nothing is known about the current development status.
The action game also received a content update.