DLC for Elden Ring, titled Shadow of the Erdtree, has successfully launched on Steam, attracting high online and positive reviews. The add-on was released on June 21, 2024, and on that day the maximum number of players on Steam exceeded 589,000, setting a new record since March 2022. Online figures are expected to continue to rise over the weekend.
Shadow of the Erdtree has received many positive reviews, with a current approval rating of 93% based on over 3 thousand reviews. Many players have yet to spend enough time with the add-on to form a final opinion, but most have given it a positive review based on their trust in the developers.
Some players who have already tried the DLC have noted optimization issues such as crashes, incorrect texture mapping and other technical issues. However, there are no detailed comments about the quality of the content yet.
Journalists who had a chance to try out Shadow of the Erdtree before release praised the boss battles, environment design, scale of locations and engaging narrative. The add-on became the highest rated DLC in Metacritic's history, scoring a record 95 out of 100 points.
Shadow of the Erdtree is available on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. A special feature provided detailed information about the add-on.
The action game also received a content update.