Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Boris Chernyshov said that YouTube could be blocked in Russia if domestic video platforms establish a convenient monetization system. His comment is quoted by the portal. At the moment, Russians are deprived of the opportunity to earn money on YouTube, since the platform has disabled monetization in the Russian Federation. Chernyshov noted that Russian analogues, such as Rutube and VK Video, are actively developing, conducting advertising campaigns to attract users and expand their capabilities.
According to the deputy, the final decision to block YouTube will depend on the success of Russian video hosting sites. If they can displace the foreign platform, YouTube could be closed in the country. Later, in his Telegram channel, Chernyshov denied information about a “complete block”, calling such messages fake. He clarified that his words were misinterpreted for the sake of provocation and hype.
The deputy speaker emphasized the importance of developing domestic services, but noted that all platforms, including foreign ones, must comply with Russian legislation.
A recent study by CDN Video found that YouTube traffic in Russia has fallen by 50% since August 2024 due to access issues caused by the platform's slowdown. Providers had previously filed a complaint with the FAS over "discriminatory conditions" due to YouTube's deteriorating performance.
The action game also received a content update.