ShowGamer.comDetailed walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077: all story missions

Detailed walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077: all story missions

    Finally, we are ready to share with you a detailed guide to completing all the story missions of the Cyberpunk 2077 role-playing game.


    The first mission of the game will depend on V's chosen past. But in general, nothing complicated should be. In addition, an additional side quest related to the chosen past is activated in the third act. These are all the differences (except that you can choose some specific phrases in the dialogues, which do not affect anything).

    • Nomad (Trouble does not come alone). You start outside the city. Get in the car and drive to the antenna. Climb up and talk to your friend. Go to Jackie's, cross customs together. At the border, you will need to transfer money and documents to the customs officer, after leaving the weapon at the entrance. Don't forget to pick it up. Then break away from your pursuers and talk to Jackie inside the abandoned garage.
    • Child of the streets (For the lads and the yard). Chat with the bartender, go up and listen to Kirk. Upon arrival, go forward and go to the parking lot. The right character is sitting on the right, who will turn off the surveillance cameras. Then go to the car where Jackie will meet you. The choice does not affect anything, and as a result, Jackie and Vee become friends.
    • Corporat (Between two fires). Talk to Jackie in the restroom and then go to the boss. He will give you an assignment. You can inspect the offices or directly fromgo to the garage and sit in the avi. On the spot, talk to Jackie (at the bar), and after the appearance of corporations, V will be fired.

    Repetition is the mother of learning

    This will be the first task that you can activate during the game. Or you can skip the tutorial when Jackie suggests inserting a tutorial stick. The most difficult moment may be related to secrecy. When you are asked to make your way through the room with the enemies, there is no need to eliminate anyone. Just move past. Remember that for a few seconds you can get into the field of view of the enemy. He doesn't immediately raise the alarm!

    The last rescue game

    Climb with Jackie on the elevator and eliminate the first guards stealthily. You can continue to act covertly, for which move along the right wall of the hall with enemies. Or you can make some noise by shooting everyone. In order not to kill the big man yourself, go into the room on the left (T-Bug will open) and start shooting at him through the window. So you will distract him, and Jackie will run up and stun. Take the body of Sandra Dorsett from the bathroom, inject the stimulant and take it to the balcony. Put "Injuries" next to the employees, and then retire. Jackie will take Vee home. It is not necessary to shoot enemies along the way, although on hard difficulty it is necessary so as not to lose health (press ALT at any time to apply a stimulant). Go upstairs and go to bed.

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    Act 1

    In this acthose events of the game will take a new turn. Jackie and V are ready for a big deal, but when things go wrong, Dexter DeShawn gets cold feet and decides to get rid of the main character. And V will find a biochip with an engram of Johnny Silverhand (Keanu Reeves).

    City of Dreams

    Go outside, take the elevator down and chat with Jackie. On the way, you can drop by the local arms dealer (upstairs of Vee's house) and pick up a free cult cannon "Fade of the Night" from him. Move to Vic and install implants for the eyes and hands (the desired cells will be highlighted in blue). Then talk to Jackie from above and head to DeSean's car. Listen to him. Next, you will need to complete two missions in any order.

    Downfall into the Maelstrom

    One of the most interesting tasks in the game. Before heading to All Foods, meet with Meredith Stout (need to dial by phone - T key). Take the chip from her. It's stupid to refuse! You can open your inventory, hover over the word "Journal" and select the "Chips" subsection. Scroll down the list to see Meredith's chip and hack it. Were you able? In this case, all 10,000 Eurodollars will be transferred to Vee's account. But there is another option.

    At All Foods, go to Dum Dum and wait for Royce to appear. Then you can shoot him as soon as the opportunity arises. And then get out, killing the people of the Maelstrom. This option will also suit Meredith Staum. Or you can give him an unhacked chip with a virus. Royce will take damage, Musltrem will aggro you and it will be the same, but at the end you will also have a battle with Royce in an exoskeleton. Meredith and this option will suit.

    Or you can pay Royce your hard-earned money (including if you got it through removing the virus) or, if you play as a corporate, give Meredith the chip and say that it has a virus on it. Royce will not aggro, but when leaving All Foods, you will have to fight Militech agents. Instead of Meredith, you will see Gilchrist.


    • If you kill Royce or pay Meredith with a virus chip , then you have to finish off the Maelstrom, and Meredith will be grateful for the work done. In the second act, she will write to Vee (regardless of gender) and the quest "Venus in Furs" will begin. In addition to the sex scene, you can get the iconic baton "Vstanislav Shishkin"
    • If you do not kill Royce, but instead give your money or a chip, saying that it has a virus , then Meredith will be imprisoned, and there will be no "Venus in Furs" quest.
    • Also during the mission, if the Maelstrom gets aggroed, you will go through the conveyor and jump down into the room with the first enemies blocking the exit. Behind the next glass door on the left will be a cell with Brick, the former leader. To the right of the camera, behind the wall, there is a detonator. You can turn it off and then enter the code 9691 to freet Brik.
    • This will have different consequences in the side quest "A New Turn". In the Totentanz club, you can only meet Patricia (if Royce is killed and Brick is not saved), and you will have to kill the enemies, Patricia, who will lead you to Dum-Dum (if Royce is not killed, but Brick is not saved), and the Maelstrom will again become aggro (but there will be a cult pistol on Dum-Dum), or Patricia, who will lead you to Brick (if Royce is killed and Brick is saved; not sure if Brick can be saved without killing Royce). In the latter case, no one will attack you, and you will be able to leave the club with Nancy.

    Cherche la femme

    In the next task, meet with Evelyn at the specified bar (you will need to chat with the bartender). Go down together to Judy and view the brandance. The first one will tell you what to do. In the second braindance (recording from the hotel), you need to eavesdrop on Yerinobu's conversation on the sound layer to find out how the device should be stored. Then, at the end of the recording on the image layer, find the tablet (inside the drawer of the bedside table), and then the heat scale is activated. Rewind to the first third of the video and look for the moment when Yerinobu gets up and walks to the left while talking on the phone. There will be a panel in the far left corner. Study it. It's a hidden biochip safe!

    Major League Pass

    Visit the Afterlife and listen to DeShawn and T-Bug's plan. Go to the hotel, go inside and check in??Yes. You can look into the bar where Hideo Kojima is sitting. Take the elevator up and go to your room. Next, take control of the cameras. Use the scanner (TAB) to guide Bolt. In the first room, the ventilation is on the upper right, in the second - on the lower left, but you will also need to explore and interact with the panel to the right of the terrarium. When the maids are distracted, guide Bolt further. Try to open the door, examine the panel to the left and switch to another chamber. Scan the netrunner and the ventilation by the left wall. Switch to the previous camera and scan the ventilation in the floor to the right of the door. Let Bolt get through it. Point it at the netrunner.

    Climb with Jackie to the room and take the chip from the safe. To open it, press the button on the bedside table. Try to get out and then hide in the column. Spy on the parricide scene and get out of here to the balcony. Beforehand, you can pick up the iconic pistol "Kongu" from the bedside table and the iconic katana "Satori" from Avi standing on the roof of the building. To do this, go up the stairs to the right of the elevator door after T-Bug opens the glass balcony door. On the balcony, run left, follow the narrow ledge and jump down.

    Fight your way through by stealthily finishing off the first few enemies. At the end there will be a Minotaur. If you want to destroy the robot, shoot in the side?The first guns on hand. Get to Dex, decide what to do with the body of a friend (send it to the family or leave it in the car - these are the best options with the same outcome), and then chat with Dex and wash in the bathroom.

    Act 2

    So, in V's mind is now Johnny Silverhand's engram. The main character will try to figure out if there are ways to remove the biochip.

    To be continued...

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