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ShowGamer.comComplete Resident Evil 3 Remake Walkthrough - 100% (All Secrets)

Complete Resident Evil 3 Remake Walkthrough - 100% (All Secrets)

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the detailed walkthrough guide for the remake of the third part of the cult Resident Evil series.

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 3 Remake

Waking up and getting out of bed, look around the room and go to the bathroom. Let Jill wash up. Watch the cut-scene, after which the heroine will wake up from a nightmare. Look to the side to see a light switch. Turn on the light and take Jill's Report from the adjoining pedestal. Examine the wall with various clues to get Investigation Notes . More to the left on the pedestal lies an unopened envelope . On the pizza table is a message from a colleague , Brad Vickers. Go back to the bathroom, turn on the light with the button to the right of the mirror and watch the cut-scene. From now on, the game will switch you to a third person view.

Raccoon City

September 28, 20:07

Get out of the bathroom. You can look into the refrigerator on the right. Go to the TV and take the phone on the cabinet on the right. It will not work to relax, because Nemesis will soon break through the wall.

After getting out of the apartment, run to the end of the corridor so that Jill runs into the next room. There is no time to search here, so run to the back room and get out through the window. Go down to the floor below and?take in the house through a similar window. This time Nemesis will appear right in front of you, breaking through the ceiling. After getting rid of him, run down the corridor to the door with the EXIT sign.

Climb down the fire escape until Jill is attacked by Nemesis again. Watch the cut-scene. This time, Jill will be able to escape from Nemesis thanks to the destruction of the building's slab.

Leave the city

Go ahead and chat with Brad. Follow your partner towards the cinema. Hold the run key and see how the dead destroy the metal fence. Brad and Jill will hide in Jack's bar. Unfortunately, your friend will be bitten by a zombie. Run out of the bar and find a corpse with a gun in the alley. Jill will take a firearm for herself.

[adinserter block="8"]

No need to spend ammo and kill the dead! Instead, keep running and crawl under the fallen neon sign. Again, ignoring the zombies that will fall out of the bus, run into the alley on the left, behind the gate. This will take you to the storage building. Follow the fat man, who will eventually hide in the container. Run to the door in the far corner. To the right of her on the box are pistol cartridges .

Go to parking

After getting out of the building, climb under the fence on the left, along the container. Approach the elevator from which the zombies will fall out. You can go around them and press the elevator button again to get inside. climbing to the roof, run between the cars to the helicopter. Nemesis will appear shortly. Start the car and ram it. As you know, the villain at least henna. Fortunately, Jill will be rescued in time by Carlos.

Meeting with Carlos

Climb down, enter the train car to meet with Captain Victor. Yes, yes, the same episode from the demo version of the game begins. Get out of the car and pick up a note on the manufacture of cartridges from the bench. Climb up the stairs to find the pussies with the newspaper . Keep going up until Carlos contacts you. Upstairs, in front of the metal detectors, there are crates. On them are two jars of gunpowder and two green herbs . You can break the box with orange ribbon to get red herb . Immediately combine it with green.

[adinserter block="3"]

To the left of the passage is a case with a yellow lock. For now, you can't open it! A little further willa table with a typewriter that allows you to save the game.

On the table is a note about mixing herbs . Go outside by sneaking under the gate. You can finish off the zombie that comes out of the alley. Go to the same alley, turn right and take the pistol cartridges from the barrel on the left hand. Further along this lane there will be two more zombies. After killing them, leave the alley.

The entrance to the building opposite is closed with a yellow padlock. The same as on the case in the subway. When you get the lockpick, then go inside. This is a toy store. On the shelf on the right is a figurine of Mr. Charlie, on the display case on the left is a box. Nearby hangs a magazine about Charlie figurines. A green diamond is hidden inside the box.

And on the doors of the first building on the left hand hangs a chain. When you get the bolt cutter, cut the chain and go inside. On the first counter there is another box with a blue diamond hidden inside. On the shelves in front is high quality gunpowder and spray .

Walk forward down the street and smash another box of tape to get regular gunpowder . Pass?? fence with zombies to play a cutscene.

By combining two cans of regular gunpowder, you will get handgun ammo.

In the alley on the left is a fire. There is also a hydrant. We need to find a way to put out the fire. This requires a hose. After examining the alley, return to the street to see how the zombies break through the fence. Killing zombies is optional. Run around them. To avoid capture, press the dodge button in time. Go downstairs to the donut shop.

You can use the generator to slow down the zombies.


Enter inside and pick up pistol cartridges from the counter on the right. On one of the tables with corpses lies a jar of gunpowder . Go to the corridor where there is a door leading to the kitchen.

Please note that there is a locker with a yellow padlock at the entrance to the kitchen. Again, you can't open it now. But when you get the master key, you will find a grenade inside.

Enter the kitchen and take the box from the table on the right. In the basket to the right lies green grass . You can also combine two green herbs to save space. In inventory, open the box to get a red diamond . In the corner there is a chest where you can store all unnecessary things. And next to it there is a typewriter to save the game.

Metro offices

Exit the diner and go to the door on the right, with the Railway sign. These are subway offices. Go down the long corridor, kill the zombies and pick up the fire hose from the floor. Enter the room on the right and take the subway worker's note from the table. There are three drawers on the side. One of them is locked with a yellow padlock . The other two contain gunpowder and a grenade . On the wall cabinet with a shotgun, there is a grate held by a chain. So far, you don't have a bolt cutter.

Exit the room and go into a spacious office with lots of desks. There is a figurine of Mr. Charlie under the first row. We will tell you more about each figurine in the game in our separate guide. When interacting with the panel, nothing?it won't happen. On the side lies the subway guide . To the right is a container with a yellow lock . Exit through the door marked EXIT and return to the street.

Go left down the street where you haven't been yet. At the entrance to the building on the left is a zombie lying around. You can immediately attack him. Inside the open pharmacy there is green grass and handgun ammo . There is high quality gunpowder on the side shelf.

By combining ordinary and high-quality gunpowder, you will receive shotgun shells. And two high-quality ones give cartridges for the machine gun.

Exit the pharmacy. A little to the right, on the other side of the street there is a metal staircase (on the left there are zombies and a broken box with ordinary gunpowder ). Climb up and enter the corridor. On the crates in front are handgun ammo . A zombie will attack you outside the door. Deal with him and move to the back of the room. There is a pharmacist's journal to the left of the closed safe. Open the desk drawer on the left to get regular gunpowder .

To open the safe, turnhandle 9 times to the left, 3 times to the right and 7 times to the left.

Exit through the nearest door, run along the metal ramp. At the very top, there is a destructible green grass crate. There are two zombies on the other side of the roof. Next to them lies ordinary gunpowder . Walk to the edge of the scaffolding and knock down the ladder to create a short path down to the fire alley. Go there, apply the hose to the hydrant to put out the fire.

Raccoon City

Restore power to the substation

Go to the auto repair shop and remove the bolt cutter from the wall in front. There is a typewriter on the table to the left, and next to it is a storage chest. In the same room is a locker with a yellow padlock (there is a spray ). You can go back to the subway offices and cut the chain to open the grate and get the M3 pump action shotgun . Leave the offices. There are zombies and handgun ammo in the alley opposite.

Return to the auto repair shop and cut the chain on the red door. behind it you will meet a wounded guy. Take away from the tableff0000;"> shotgun shells . There is a training log lying next to the corpse. Go through the door to which the steps lead. In the alley, run to the right to find a corpse in a dead end. Near it are pistol cartridges and a soldier's suicide note . Go to another side and remove the electrician's note from the wall.

Go towards the police car. Kill two dogs that will run towards you. Go to the very end of the street to find a destructible box with tape behind the car. Green grass is hidden inside. Go through the bars and the red door to get inside the building. Kill three zombies and go to the right of the stairs to find three lockers at the dead end. Inside one of them is hidden ordinary gunpowder . The other box is empty, and the third is closed with a yellow lock (there are pistol cartridges ).

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Climb up the stairs and take the red grass from the nearest cabinet. Go through the far door to the control room. On the consoles on the left is a fax from the head of the substation . On the other side, there are four monitors and a typewriter. To the right of the typewriter you will find an upgrade - a hip pouchto expand inventory. It will give you +2 inventory slots. Get out of here through the nearest door.

After going down the stairs, inspect the stand ahead. It contains green grass and a note "Green Plants: How It Works" . Go to the end of the alley and take the box from the hands of the corpse. Open it in inventory to get a lock pick . If you go further into the alley on the right, you will find a destructible crate of handgun ammo .

Lockpick - You need it to open the yellow padlocks.

Use the lockpick on the nearest grate with a yellow lock. Open the grate, after which a strange creature will attack you. Jill will be infected. Use the spray to heal and follow the infected corridors forward. To restore power, you need to lift 4 levers. Go left, left again and you will see the first lever. Activate it. Turn around and run in the opposite direction. Turn right and find the second lever. Do not rush to activate it, but make sure that there is no monster nearby. Go back to the first crossroads and follow to the left. On the left hand there will be a dead end with green grass . Pass by the shafta flashlight on the floor, pick up the green grass lying in front (you can combine it with the previous one) and turn left. After killing the enemy, activate the third lever. Open the grate nearby, go up the yellow stairs and smash the crate, inside of which are hidden pistol cartridges . Go forward through the scaffolding and go down another ladder. Go down the corridor and at the end you will find the fourth lever. You have restored the food!

Turn around and go to the cocoons ahead. The spiders will break them. Kill all enemies and get out of this place. Return to the control room with four monitors. Save! Get out of here, moving in the opposite direction, and Jill will contact Carlos.

It only takes a few hits from a pistol to kill parasites.

Restart the metro system

When you move back, you will meet Nemesis again on the street. If you saved the grenade, then throw it at the boss. When it hits the ground and starts making gurgling noises, a supply crate ( larger pistol clip ) will appear next to it.

Supply Container
Save your hand grenade and throw it at Nemesis the first time you meet him!

At the auto repair shop, Jill will contact Carlos again. You need to get to the subway offices. When you get there, you will find that there is now electricity here. You will need to solve the subway puzzle:

  • FA-02
  • RA-03
  • SA-02
  • FO-01

If everything is done correctly (you also need to click on the green button below to apply the settings), you will see that a long green line lights up on the diagram.

Get out of here and meet a mutated zombie in the corridor with some kind of crap on his head. Shoot straight at her. Such zombies will also appear outside. Save in the diner's kitchen and go outside to see how Nemesis turns from a normal zombie into an enhanced one.

It is noteworthy that Nemesis will not follow you inside some buildings - for example, a toy store, a pharmacy, a supermarket, and so on. But will wait outside.

When you return to the subway, pay attention toclock stand next to the typewriter. Insert three diamonds (red, green and blue) found in three different boxes (read above) into this watch to get an upgrade - a hip pouch that expands your inventory. Scroll down and watch the long video.

Lure a creature from the station

There is a spray on the shelf in front. Nemesis will chase Jill. Run further through the room with the shelves and break the yellow grate from below. This is how you get to the tunnels. After going through the door, Jill locks it with a powerful deadbolt.

Return to the surface

First, open the door on the left to enter a room with a typewriter, chest, and red herb . There is also a sewer map hanging on the wall. There are handgun and shotgun ammo in the lockers on the side. Get out of here and run forward down the corridor. Climb down the stairs and remove the note from the wall on the right about increased security measures in the sewers .

To open the door, you need to find a special device - a battery. Go down even lower down the stairs. Jill must slide down. Go ahead and destroythose of a huge mutant. He receives maximum damage at the moment when you shoot into an open mouth. Run forward and climb the yellow stairs. After opening the door, save with a typewriter. Here you will find an MGL grenade launcher . Nearby lies a Kendo farm invoice .

This is a very important note, from which you will learn how to produce grenades for the grenade launcher. Also nearby you can find the report of a researcher . Exit the room and go downstairs. Go in the opposite direction, but on the way turn into the tunnel on the left. Kill one more monster, then follow further. There will be a drain on the right. You can go underwater to find a secret niche. A destructible crate contains regular gunpowder , and next to it are shotgun shells and a worker's note from the sewers .

Keep going deeper into the tunnel, kill the third monster and go up the yellow stairs to get into a new room. There is a battery on the table nearby. It is just what is needed to open the locked door described above. We need two free cells! On the shelves on the left is high-quality gunpowder . There are lockers on the left. The one on which the yellow padlock hangs contains an explosion.vchatka A. the other contains ordinary gunpowder . There is a love note on the table nearby, and green grass on the floor.

Go back, destroying a couple more monsters along the way. Climb up the ladder where Jill slipped down into the sewers. Run up the stairs and use the battery on the door on the right. move down the stairs and kill the monster. There will be another door on the right that requires a battery. Instead, go to the left and unlock the grate on the left side, creating a short path back.

Remove the battery from the door you just opened. Now you can go to the second door through the open grate. That is, unlocking the first is optional. Open the second door by inserting the battery. Take the upgrade lying on the table - a hip bag that adds 2 inventory slots. On the left lies the explosive A , on the right - the usual gunpowder . Leave the room and take the battery with you. Go ahead and knock down the ladder to make another short cut. Climb down and go right to the first door that needed a battery. Now you can unlock it.

Climb up andtalk to Carlos on the radio. Use the stairs, after which Nemesis will attack you.

Escape from the creature

Run forward down the street, to the right and enter the building. Jill will lower the garage shutters. Go through the door ahead. The first room will contain a chest for storing items and a typewriter. In the next room there is explosive A and regular gunpowder . Get out of the room and go up the stairs on the right.

Run to the top floor, knock over the red boards and go to the other side. Climb up the yellow stairs at the end of the corridor, keep running away from Nemesis along the narrow boards and debris. Climb even higher up a pair of stairs to find a chest, a typewriter, and a note about a delayed demolition .

At the very top, you will be attacked again by Nemesis, who uses a flamethrower. It will be great if by this point you have collected ammunition for the grenade launcher. They will make the fight easier. Resources are also scattered around the location, allowing you to create shells and cartridges. Keep shooting the enemy, but don't be greedy: shoot 1-2 times and hide behind the boards. You need to shoot at the container on Nemesis's back. When he throws fire at you,run across to the second cover, around which you can run from the boss. In the end, the balloon must explode. But the battle won't end there. Nemesis will rise to his feet and use the burning rebar as a melee weapon. Hit him a few more times with the grenade launcher to end the fight.

raccoon city

Gun shop

Run forward. Behind the concrete fence you will see a fire brigade: use the yellow ladder behind the car to climb it and overcome the blockage. After going down, you can approach the police car and listen to the officer's conversation on the radio. At the same time, the infected will begin to approach you. At the end of the street on the left you will find the entrance to the gun store. Pick up Explosive B on the shelf near the entrance. There is an upgrade for a shotgun on the adjacent shelf on the left. Here, on the left hand, take Explosive A. Mix them up to get some grenade launcher ammo. On the following racks, you can find pistol cartridges and regular gunpowder . Run deep into the store and watch the video.

[adinserter block="6"]

When will Robert leave the mage?zine, examine the locker on the right and take the Gate Key . Return back to the store. If necessary, use the chest and save the game. To the right of the typewriter, pick up rifle ammo . Leave the weapon shop, then use the key and open the lock on the gate to the left of the shop. Just outside the gate lies red grass and zombies. Even if you shoot at the dead, it will not work. The zombie will stand up after you get closer to it. In the alley you will meet another infected with a deformed head. Shoot off his leg so the ghoul can't get close to you quickly, then kill the vermin on his head. Come into the building.

Inside you will find another zombie with a parasite on its head. Climb to the second floor and open the chest with a master key ( explosive cartridges ). On the bed you can read an excerpt from the local newspaper. Leave the building through the front entrance and watch the Nemesis cutscene.

The escape

Now your main opponent uses a rocket launcher. You need to run forward and dodge the shots when the laser turns red.

Do not press dodge several times in a row, because due to ethen Jill will lose stamina and you just won't have time to dodge the next time.

Run forward until the cutscene starts. After that, you need to run a little more along the cars, then a long cut-scene will begin.

Once you're back in control of Jill, break the crate ( spray ) and climb up the scaffolding by the building on the right. So you will be on the roof. While Jill is talking to Carlos, take the green herb and go down to the diner. Now everything is on fire here. Go to the toy store and watch as Nemesis blows up Charlie's huge head, which in turn starts to roll on the heroine. Waste no time and run down to the metal stairs. Climb back up to the toy store and follow the subway entrance. After going down to the train with Carlos, watch the video.

Police station

After a lengthy cut-scene, control passes to Carlos Oliveira, who has already reached the police station. Walk forward and watch the scene with Marvin and the infected Brad Vickers. Deal with the infected STARS agent, take his ID card and enter the RPD building. Run into the opened corridor on the left. ?On the bench, read the instructions for ID-cards and use the Vickers card obtained earlier on the locked box ( rifle ammo ). Go to the next corridor, where Lizun just dealt with several officers. Kill the zombies in the hallway, and when you get closer to the double doors, get ready to face some more ghouls. In the back room, take the rifle cartridges and open the door to the corridor.

Be careful: there are six walkers right outside the back door. At the dead end on the left, break the box ( green grass ), then run to the Dark Room. Here on the table, read the memorandum, which contains the code for the safe in the West Office on the first floor (9 to the left, 15 to the right, 7 to the left) . Examine the lockers ( red herb and rifle ammo ).

Climb the stairs to the second floor and enter the shower room. Read the note on the bench, take the green herb and pick up the Detonator on the wall at the end of the shower room.

  • The password for the locker in the shower : CAP ( flash grenade ).

Return to the hall and go up to the third floor. On the boxes lies blue key , there are pistol ammo in the wooden crate .

  • Password from the box on the third floor : DCM ( ammo ).

Now you need to go down and return to the corridor with the ghouls. Even if you neutralized all the ghouls, a slime will appear here. We advise you not to make noise. If you wait a bit, the mutant will turn around and you can safely go to the armory door and open it with the found key.

Keep to the right wall

In the armory, examine the photo on the right on the board (password to the combination lock on the third floor of the west wing) and interact with the locker control panel.

  • 104 - Battery for the detonator .
  • 106 - Cartridges for a rifle .
  • 109 - Hand grenade .

Connect the battery to the detonator and set the device on the explosives in the shower room. As soon as the passage opens, get rid of the group of ghouls. Take the rifle ammo on the bench and spray in a locker. Before you leave the locker room, get ready for a slime encounter. It is not necessary to fight him. Open the door, and after he jumps off the wall, immediately go back to the locker room. Wait a bit, go out into the corridor and slowly go to the STARS office. Watch the video.

On the far table on the left, take a flash grenade , in the armory open the drawer with an ID card ( rifle ammo ), and in Wesker's office read the report on the incident in the mansion .


Run to the end of the tunnel and interact with the door. On the bench on the right, read the notice about a new weapon , as well as mine shells for a grenade launcher . You can use them before encountering a group of enemies: just use the projectile and wait for the zombies to get close and explode. In the next corridor, get rid of the dead and leave the subway. From the place where you appeared, turn left and go up the stairs to the bridge. You will see a burning Nemesis jumping into the water. Watch the cut-scene.

Battle with Nemesis

The Nemesis of this form will try to catch up with you in every possible way and deal damage. To escape?To do this, use explosive cartridges for the grenade launcher (they will delay the monster a bit). Also don't forget to use dodges. After you deal some damage to him, he will start running around on different objects (walls, cars, etc.). You need to save some artillery mines and throw them at the place where the creature will run through. When it gets closer, it will explode and reveal a weak spot.

To install the charge, use the building opposite the town hall

When the enemy is defeated, inspect the battlefield and pick up all the useful items. It is important to do this BEFORE you approach Nemesis's lifeless body, because the passage to this location after the cut-scene will be closed!


For starters, you can get rid of extra items in your inventory. Throw away the blue key and Vickers' ID card.

Find a vaccine

Leave the room and go through the hall to the reception. Deal with the dead and run further down the corridor. In the next room you will find a tape recorder , as well as a nurses' diary.s . Enter the double doors, behind which another group of zombies will be waiting for you. Use the double doors on the left to get to the stairs. Walk along the roof of the building. You will be taken to another wing and then to the archive.

On one of the shelves is another Nurse's Diary . Here you will also find an item box, a typewriter and rifle ammo . Leave the archive. Take the hospital map on the stand on the left and run to the lab (double doors on the left). Next to the locked door, read the memo from the administration , which says about the use of ID-cards (similar to RPD). Another nurse's diary is on the far table to the left of the entrance.

Return to the corridor and approach the broken window. Interact with him to make Carlos jump into the greenhouse. Here, take the upgrade: a tactical rifle grip , as well as a key with a red key fob . Leave the greenhouse through the door locked from the inside and go up to the second floor again. Return to the laboratory to the locked door. Open it with the found key. So you will be in the locker room. Search the crates to find a flash grenade , a corpse of a doctor, and an ID card from one of the hospital workers. As soon as you return to the entrance door to the laboratory, you will meet withnew monster.

Killing this mutant is quite simple: shoot in the head and dodge his attacks and jumps. It is worth noting that at a high level of difficulty, one missed jump can be fatal for the main character.

Try not to miss the blows, because you can die even with full health !

Now you need to open all the doors that have an ID-card panel next to them. First, visit the room with the safe on the second floor (bottom on the map). It is important to open this door now, so that on further passage, Jill can get here and use the master key on the yellow lock of the locker. But first, inspect the central room, which contains several mutants. Having dealt with them, you can pick up rifle cartridges and an audio cassette .

  • Password for the safe on the second floor : 9 right 3 left.

Once you've done that, head back upstairs to the hallway where some zombies are standing behind glass. When you approach them, they will break the barrier and fall on Carlos. Use ID-card side by side?? with a door to the operating room. Collect all the useful items and read the note with the code for the safe on the second floor .

Go back almost to the very beginning and use the audio recorder with the recording on the door scanner. Examine the corpse, read the invitation next to it and the email on the PC. After the cutscene behind Carlos, the door to the vault will open, where you can take the vaccine and return to Jill. It is worth warning that another mutant will attack the hero on the way back.

Before returning to Jill, open the safe on the second floor. Otherwise, when you play as a girl, the safe will already be open!

Protect Jill

Save and leave the room. Kill zombies that climb through the windows. Run through the opened door, take the hip bag , grenades and turn on the light. You need to connect the detonator and explosives, and when the ghouls go in a crowd, activate it.

Head to the underground facility

Check out the first floor. At the operating room, open the locker with the yellow lock ( explosive shells ). Then visit the second floor to open the locked cabinets and the chest?? with yellow locks ( shotgun shells , magnum shells ). Here, find the blockage, crawl under it and jump out the window. In the greenhouse, take a new weapon - Magnum . Run to an unexplored area down the map and go down the stairs.


After going down the elevator, pull the other lever and start the second elevator. Go to the room with the typewriter. Nearby is a notice about the lift and an upgrade - a fourth hip bag that adds 2 inventory slots. This is the last inventory upgrade! Exit the room and jump down the bridge. Pass by the corpses of scientists and try to start the elevator. The fuses will blow. You will need to restore power by finding three switches.

When the light turns off, go to the remote control opposite and activate it. After killing the zombies, go to the lowered lift on the right and drive up. Remove fuse 3 from the electrical panel. Break the crates on the right to reveal Handgun and Shotgun Ammo . Go down the stairs. On the right there are pistol cartridges . Kill a couple of dogs, huh??orye will appear after the explosion. Continue moving along the perimeter of the room, kill the zombies and squeeze into the narrow opening between the shelves on the left. Stand on the platform and pull the lever to go up.

Climb the stairs and go into the room behind the door. There will be three zombies here at once. Unlock the door in front, after taking the shotgun shells lying on the right side and the service note on the left side. You will create a shortcut to the typewriter room. Exit back, go down the stairs and go to the lift platform in front, slightly to the right. Behind it, on a crate, there is a case with an improvement for a shotgun , which speeds up reloading.

Go back to that room and return to the first room with a typewriter, at the beginning of the location. Enter the large warehouse. This time, go down the stairs directly opposite the door, hitting the left wing. Kill the huge pangolin that jumps out of the box. Pull fuse 2 out of the shield on the left.

Again, follow the place where you found the improvement for the shotgun (the elevator, next to which there is a ladder leading to the door to the room). Climb up the lift and instead of heading towards the door, look to the left. You will be able to go to a narrow bridge. Go to the remote and activate it, ?to raise the adjacent platform. Go through it and take away high - quality gunpowder . Go down the yellow stairs nearby.

Go right. The zombies will break through the massive door. Kill all enemies and search the niche with resources. Go to the second white door, which will be knocked out by a huge monster. Kill him before he gets close to Jill. There will be other resources within the niche. In the same corridor where both doors were knocked out, there is an electrical panel at the end. It is highlighted in red. Remove fuse 1 from it. Return to the fuse box, kill all the zombies and use the three fuses. Take the nearest lift.

You will enter the control room. To the left are a typewriter and a chest. Behind the remotes with buttons, at the right edge of the window, there is a container with an improvement for the Magnum - a long barrel. When interacting with the central console, you can get a pending activity log . After that, a video with the appearance of Tyrell will start.

Your task will change: you need to find a vaccine for Tyrell. Follow your partner until the Nemesis appears in a cutscene. Unfortunately, Tyrell will not survive.

Umbrella Lab

Walk along the corridor. To open the door on the right, you need a key card. The door ahead is open, but there is also a ladder nearby that leads up. First, go through the door into the room with the typewriter and the chest. On the side is a note with rules for Nest 2 employees . If you're playing on Easy difficulty, you'll also find an Assault Rifle Ammo Case.

Exit the room and go up the stairs. First, go forward along the corridor without turning at the fork. Go through the open door on the left hand and find yourself in a ward with beds. On one of the beds is an essay on the synthesis of a vaccine . Examine the camera in the middle. To start the synthesis of the vaccine, you need to get all the materials. And behind the beds on the right there is a green monitor. Interact with it to generate a cancellation code . You will receive a flash drive with a code .

Exit the room, go back and turn right. Break the crate along the way to get high quality gunpowder . Nearby lies the diary of Isaac Graves . Go down to the first floor and insert the flash drive into the door with the red panel. There will be stairs behind the door. There are many enemies around her. If you kill them, you can collect resources - green grass , explosive A , shotgun and machine gun ammota (for an easy level of complexity). Under the stairs is a delivery notice .

Run up the stairs, go into the room and interact with the panel near the showcase with mechanical devices. You will receive sulfur . Nearby there is gunpowder and a note about a request for weapon authorization . Climb down and go through the door under the stairs. Take gunpowder and go even lower. You cannot open the door because energy is needed. Go around the lockers opposite, kill the zombies and insert the battery. Go forward and behind the first column you will find an explosive case B . In capsules on the sides of the corridor there will be several flasks with Tyrants. Ride up the lift ahead.

There will be ammo in the case on the right. A little further on there will be another explosive case B . Go through the door, from which three zombies will come out, and take a note with an expression of concern from the table. Pull out the vial filled with liquid from the cabinet on the side. Get out of here in the opposite direction, killing enemies, and get to the room with the camera, in which you need to place the ingredients for the vaccine. You already have both components! In inventory combine these components and pastethose in the camera.

You need to solve the puzzle. The task is to make sure that all three scales are in the green zone. Click the buttons as follows:

  • Middle / Right / Left / Right / Left / Middle / Middle / Right / Left / Middle / Middle / Right / Left / Left / Left / Right / Right / Left.

Take the vaccine . After the video, you will need to escape from the factory. Move through the ventilation on the left, watch the cut-scene and crawl away. After taking the elevator, you can save and collect supplies. Go down and watch the video. The battle with Nemesis will begin.

Keep shooting at Nemesis until Carlos appears. Nemesis will receive electric shock damage. The enemy will start hiding behind the tanks. Listen to what Carlos says and shoot the red slots on the indicated cistern where the boss is hiding. He will be temporarily stunned, and you can deal damage to him. Then keep dodging until the enemy hides behind the tanks again. Shoot the red cells with your pistol, and shoot the Nemesis with your best weapon. From time to time, ordinary zombies will appear on the location. In the end, you will win, and in order to get rid of Nemesis once and for all, Carlos will flood the pool with acid.

Go through the door ahead and save. Follow on and watch a new cut-scene featuring Nikolai. If you thought that the Nemesis was finished, I have a surprise for you - now he has turned into a huge alien mass. Do not hurry. There is a container behind you. Open it and take a huge cannon that fires an electric discharge. Jill will shoot the first time automatically. You will need to reload the weapon by inserting the red battery on the left or right. Note the pink growths on the Nemesis. Shoot at them to temporarily stun the enemy, and only then push the batteries. You need to do this only at the moment when the boss is stunned!

Run forward through the hole in the wall after collecting a lot of ammo. Climb the stairs, go forward and take the elevator up. Go up the stairs to find Carlos and Nikolai. It will be necessary to quickly shoot Nikolai in the head before he kills Carlos and Jill herself.



Dragon Age: The Veilguard Review After Complete Playthrough


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