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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed Valhalla

A detailed walkthrough of all story quests in the third-person action adventure Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

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Battle for the Northern Route

All quests of this line take place on the map of Norway . After completing the story missions, you can return here at any time and find all the secrets and treasures.

lor: #bae7fa;">A matter of honor

Use Odin's Vision and look for Medicinal Berries. With their help, you can restore the health of the main character. Run towards the green marker. Use raven vision and the highest points (displayed on the map as a raven icon) to inspect nearby territories. In the settlement, you need to get to the longhouse and enter it through a passage in the roof. Kill all enemies, but before leaving, inspect the village for secrets.

matter of honor
A Matter of Honor - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Velva consolation

When you land at Fornburg, talk to everyone you can. You will learn about various mechanics and competitions. After summoning the steed, go to the road and press the appropriate button to proceed to the next goal. So you will find yourself at the dwelling of the seer Valka. Do whatever is required of you and leave this area.

Velva comfort
Velva Solace — Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Family matters

Return to the city, talk to the blacksmith and Randvi, then just follow the game's instructions.

Return of the prodigal son

Also, as in the previous task, follow the instructions of the game. At the end of the mission, Sigurd's friends will present the hero with a blade for stealth kills.

disturbed sleep

Waking up you will see an enemy spy. Get rid of him and track down a few more. To do this, use the Vision of Odin when exploring the city. Tell Sigurd about what happened, then get on the drakkar and go to Nottfall. This village is located not far from the island from which you have recently left.

disturbed sleep
Disturbed Dream - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

When the raid on the village begins, use the torch or light the arrows, then burn everything in your path, including the supply wagons. Like any other, this area is fraught with many secrets and treasures. Don't be lazy to find them all.

cruel fate

It should be warned that you have to fight with a fairly strong opponent. Prepare for battle and tell Sigurd it's safe to go.

The battle with Kietvi is divided into two parts. First the enemyno strike with fists, then take their axes. In any case, you don’t need to climb on the rampage: use dodges and try not to linger for a long time in the radius of his attack.

After defeating Kyotvi, run forward and open several gates of the fortress. After reaching the longhouse, listen to the monologue of the son of the late Kyotvi and leave the building.

cruel fate
Cruel Fate - Assassin's Creed Valhalla


Find Sigurd in Alrekstad. Try not to start fights in this city, as the guards here are all level 90. This may end badly for you. We do not count the scene with Basim, who will teach the hero how to use disguise. In this part of the quest, you can attack the guards, or kill them if you didn't manage to get past them undetected.

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Birthright - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

In any case, get to Gorm and talk to him. The quest will end in the longhouse after a series of exciting dialogues. The choice that you make while communicating with the king has not yet affected the further passage.

Seas of fate

This is the final quest in the Battle for the Northern Route chain. As we have already noted, at any time you can go back and explore the secrets in Norway.

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