ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Braindom 2 - answers to all levels

Walkthrough Braindom 2 - answers to all levels

    We offer a detailed guide to all levels of the Braindom 2 logic puzzle game. This is a direct continuation of the original Braindom mobile game. Before climbing into the passage, do not forget that you can earn special points that allow you to unlock new clues.

    Level 1. Who is Adriana's girlfriend? – There is a clue on the tree “A + M, his girlfriend Mary. Click on the inscription on the tree and on the letter "B". Oh what a romantic guy.

    Level 2. Who is the father? - Select the photo on the wall and you will see the father of the child, this is the man on the right. Why do these men claim paternity? Maybe you should ask your mother?

    Level 3. Which of them is married? -Click on the tickets in the men's hands and you will see family discount tickets. Choose option "B". I also need a vacation with my family.

    Level 4. Who is the winner? - Click on the black TV screen and see who crossed the finish line first. Rider under the letter "A". Who was the second, no one remembers, but you came first, you will always be remembered.

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    Level 5. How much do you rate me? Thanks for your support! - Click on the number 5. I, Brian, want to thank you! Please read these messages carefully., they may be useful in the future.

    Level 6. Who is cheating? - Click on the girl's ring and see the year of graduation. The man is cheating. Is there such a thing as an alumni ring? I have never heard about that!

    Level 7 Help her make a choice - Look at the men's phones and choose the man with the pizza. It is rare to find such a man who does not have a dating app installed on his phone.

    Level 8. Who can run the fastest? - Open the lion's cage by swiping it to the right with your finger.

    Level 9 - Take a magnifying glass and point it at the leaves of the tree, there you will find apples. The guy is deceiving, lemons do not grow on an apple tree.

    Level 10 - Click on the empty window and you will notice a photo of a cat on the wall of the room. Answer option "B". Look how much wool falls out!

    Level 11. What is his favorite lesson? - Click on the boy's briefcase several times and you will see the grades for the subjects. His favorite subject is History. A D+ is such a high rating.

    Level 12 - Click on the girl's watch and call dad, select option "A". Father is holdinga point for a hand for a short time, but she is forever in his heart.

    Level 13. Who is poor - Click on the pocket, the last guy on the right and you will see a voucher. For happiness, money is not enough.

    Level 14 - Brush outerwear off lovers and discover loving hearts. What a wonderful couple.

    Level 15 - Remove the yellow glove and you will see the inscription on the father's hand, click on it and choose the correct answer. Every son quotes his father in words and deeds, but not all fathers get tattoos with the name of their sons.

    Level 16 - Click on the cigarette in the hands of the fake doctor and select the doctor on the right. Say what you do or do what you say doctor.

    Level 17 - Click on the computer screen and see the deception, the answer is "B". You can't fool a scammer. Sometimes I can be cunning, but not a deceiver.

    Level 18 - Hold the spider on the wall and aim at the central guy. I always hoped that a bug would bite me and give me special powers.

    Level 19Walk on it and take a taxi on the left.

    Level 20 Who is their child? - Click on the rosy cheeks of the parents and select the baby on the far right. You have amazing eyesight!

    Level 21 - Take a camera and point at the statues, a person will definitely take a picture for you. I have always dreamed of becoming a street artist.

    Level 22 Music is a universal language, but everyone has their own unique taste!

    Level 23 - Open the window and you will see a cheat sheet. Deception is a form of theft. Taking someone else's job and calling it your own is theft. Don't cheat, you will get what you deserve.

    Level 24 - Hit the egg and see whose baby. All her geese are swans.

    Level 25 - Click on the hands of the boys and see who has them dirty from the stone. Cheating is worse than a broken window.

    Level 26 - Click on the picture on the wall and you will see a family photo. Correct answer: "A". I lie to myself all the time. But I never believed in myself.

    Level 27 - Put the croissant on the board and cut it with a knife. Chocolate croissant always makes me hungry.

    Level 28 - Click on the video camera and see what is happening behind the doors. Faulty toilet, under the letter "B".

    Level 29

    Level 30 - Select the pendant on the girl's neck and on the tattoo on the man's shoulder, on the left. You found him, I think he's in jail.

    Level 31 - Shake your phone and the mother under the letter "B" will run to the child. Life is not received with instruction, it is given to us from the mother.

    Level 32 - Click on the masks and you will see the virus under the letter "B". I dream of a world without masks.

    Level 33 - The boy on the right has a mobile phone in his hand, click on it. Poor family on the left, but is happiness in the phone? Every child has the right to be happy.

    Level 34. Find the groom - Shake your device and the apple will fall right on the groom's head and he will appear from the bushes. You shouldn't upset brides?? on the day of the wedding.

    Level 35. Finish the battle between the werewolf and the vampire - Cover the moon with a cloud, and from under the tree, get the protruding garlic and point it at the vampire. Who will win in a fight between a vampire and a werewolf? Obviously we will never know.

    Level 36 - Wipe the mirror with your finger and you will see the test results behind the girl's back, click on the sheet and then on the girl. She is expecting a baby, congratulations!

    Level 37 - Brush away the newspaper in the hands of a man and you will see scissors, select them and click on the letter "A". Newspapers hide lies.

    Level 38 - Raise the hem of the girls and try on the shoe. Be kind, be brave and always believe in magic.

    Level 39 - Bring a magnifying glass to the lower right corner and you will see the name of the author of the picture.

    Level 40 - Clamp the table and lower it down. It is a fact that tall people sleep longer in bed.

    Level 41 - Click on the pink photo, and select the letter "C". Look at them, I thought perfect couples only existed in books and movies.

    Level 42Put the wallet in the bag - Reduce the size of the blue wallet and it will fall into the bag. There is no money in my wallet! But I'm glad you're still here.

    Level 43 - Take a cocktail next to a man and bring it to the girls, a married girl will not be happy with the offer to drink. Loyalty is more than just a word, it's a way of life.

    Level 44 “Remove the scarf from the man’s neck and you will see hair and a trace of lipstick on the white collar. Correct answer: "B".

    Level 45 — A man with a package in his hands. Some people cannot easily part with their bags.

    Level 46 - Click on the man's index finger, on the floor and the honeycomb on the wall. From the letters you need to collect the name "Liam" and press the letter "C". Great! You found the killer.

    Level 47 - Brush the blue jumper off the guy and you will see a T-shirt stained with paint. I did not see traces of paint, you have a keen eye.

    Level 48 - There are car keys sticking out in the pants pocket, click on them, then on the keys in the hands of another man. Now select the white car. A few years later, the key?and disappear. I guess I won't lose them because I always forget where I put my keys.

    Level 49 - Click on the wheel strip left on the ground and see whose car left the trail. Select a man at the bottom of the screen.

    Level 50 - Click on the red personal diary and turn the page, the name will be written at the bottom: Brianna. A notepad from her mother, it might help find her years later.

    Level 51 - Click on the frame of the scooter and you will see a footprint, then on the shoes of young people. The trail will match the young man's sneakers. You did it again Sherlock.

    Level 52 I don't know honey - Move the sofa aside and find a box, look inside it and find slippers. Ah, children. They love to play hide and seek.

    Level 53 - Look at the mobile phones, each of the girls and select the girl under the letter "C". The mother gives you life, and the mother-in-law gives you her life.

    Level 54 - Click on the photo from the notebook and you will see the Eiffel Tower, select Paris on the map. Adventure begins.

    Level 55aching? - Click on the monitor screen and you will see the fingerprint of a man, circle his palm and press "A". You need Watson, then you can solve all the riddles.

    Level 56 “Take the soffit over the men's heads and point it at the young man, under the letter "B". True love can wake up your soul like hers.

    Level 57 Find the box - The box is painted on the white sheet in the left corner of the bed. Hope you didn't wake her up! This is a sleeping beauty, her name is Ada! By the way, did you see Caramel in the room?

    Level 58 Then we will head to Egypt.

    Level 59 - Flick your ears off the guy above and click on the trickster.

    Level 60 - The girl on the left has a spot on her shoulder, click on it and then select this girl.

    Level 61 This kingdom needs a king! - Take parts of the crown from the top of the castle roof and aim at the knight's head, the central part is in the grass. Long live the king!

    Level 62look at the mark on the map, take a shovel and start digging. I found a chest. I wonder what's in it?

    Level 63 Help him throw the ball into the basket - Behind the red sports bag, you will find milk, give it to the child to drink. Press the button and the ball is in the basket. Heroes come and go, but legends stay forever! I hope he becomes as successful as Kobe Bryant!

    Level 64 - Move the handbag from the girl's shoulder and find a bone, click on it. The world has become a better place to live with dogs and cats. I miss my cat Caramel.

    Level 65 - Divide the apple with a knife and give each of the girls a half. I asked the magic mirror on the wall: Who is the sweetest in the world? And it answered: the one who plays with Brian!

    Level 66 Create a rainbow - Open the valve with purple, then dark blue, then blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Let's go to Istanbul. I feel like I'm getting closer to my mom.

    Level 67 Whoever digs a hole under people, he gets there himself.

    Level 68pregnant? - Click on the stomach of the central girl, there is a pillow. Now, we need to note the cigarette in the hands of the smoking girl. Pregnant girl in a pink dress, she can't even tie her shoelaces, circle the shoelaces and choose a girl.

    Level 69 — The bone is on the floor, among the balls of yarn.

    Level 70 Choose the right chest - Point the white jug at the left chest and then point the key at it. China is very far from Istanbul, but I can't stop there.

    Level 71 If you're drinking, don't drive.

    Level 72 - Open the shoe box in his hands and bring the red shoe to the girl on the left. Happiness starts with your soles, especially if they are high heels!

    Level 73 - Click on the grandfather on the right, he and his grandson have the same blush on their faces.

    Level 74 One statue is different. Find her - Shake your device and the unstable statues will fall apart, leaving you alone. Things are getting dangerous, but I'm not afraid.

    Level 75 It turned out very nice.

    Level 76 - Click on the girls' hands and select option "B". Sounds like you're as big a Lord of the Rings fan as I am.

    Level 77 - Open the cabinet under the sink, and you will see stocks of your favorite canned goods. Fish are also my favorite food.

    Level 78 Enter them on the gray device. So I have to fly to America.

    Level 79 Help the prince find his princess - Take the crown in the bushes at the bottom left of the screen and put it on her head.

    Level 80 - Click on the handkerchiefs sticking out from the characters. Illusionist under the letter "A".

    Level 81 - Take a spatula and dig holes under the grains, then pour water from a watering can. You are sweet as a cherry.

    Level 82 Get to the chest - Remove the right side bolt, then the left one from under the man's legs. Next, lower bolt and direct the man to the su??duku. Wait for me in the United Kingdom. I have always wanted to see Big Ben.

    Level 83 - Drag the samurai to the plants, starting from the top. Your mind is the best weapon.

    Level 84 - Click on the pockets of the agents, the man in the red jumper has two passports - select it.

    Level 85 That's what love does, always somebody gets upset.

    Level 86 Wow, what an old ring.

    Level 87 - Swipe the green saucepan down and you will see a family photo, click on it and select the answer "A".

    Level 88 - Click on the red backpack and you will see a black cape from a toy. Lying, the child under the letter "B". I always shared toys when I was little, except for one, only I can touch my teddy bear.

    Level 89 - Point out the mistake in the alphabet, mark "F and E", the girl is a real teacher.

    Level 90?yana? - Bring the baby to women and the baby will smile, next to mom. It was nice to reminisce. Wait for me mom, I'll find you.

    Level 91 I never lock the closet at school. Not losing the key is a serious responsibility for me.

    Level 92 - Swipe down on the canvases with your finger and the drawings will appear. Girl, real talent.

    Level 93 What sports team does he play for? - Open the locker, under the number 4. Choose the option, basketball. I would play basketball if the ring was bigger.

    Level 94 There is a clue inside the tomb. Find her - Wipe off the dirt from the tomb and you will see the eyes, click on them. A kitten will appear, click on its collar. We are heading to Japan.

    Level 95 Find the bully - The boy in the center has a shard in his hand, click on his hand and look. Answer: "B".

    Level 96 What is his favorite food? - Bring food to a guy's face and he will smile at the steak. Does he like steak? What a special child.

    Level 97 What kind of shoes does he have - Click on t??kidney and see foot size 43, then on the shoes above the options. Answer: "S".

    Level 98. Get to the chest - Draw a line so that the stone falls on the lava, blocking its passage.

    Level 99 Click on their names! - The man has a phone sticking out of his jacket, look what is written there. Both girls are telling the truth, click on their names at the same time.

    Level 100. What instrument can he play? Note that the guy has long nails. Click on the fingers of the guy's left hand so that a circle appears that highlights the hand. Next, select the guitar under the letter "A".

    Level 101 Look, the girl in the pink sweater has a child's ID in her jeans pocket. Click on the identity and select option "B".

    Level 102 Brian found a hideout, the entrance to which was blocked. He must enter this hideout in order to find his mother. Open the door. - Simply rotate your device 90 degrees to the right to roll the stone away from the entrance. This hideout looks creepy, but I need to move on.

    Level 103? mathematics? - Sum the numbers on the board so that it turns out "2 + 2 \u003d". The girl under the letter "A" will correctly answer the number 4. What ?! How?! Isn't it 22?

    Level 104 - There is garlic on the table, bring it to the guy's face. The guy's eyes will turn red and his face will change. Obviously the guy is a vampire. You think that he deceived her by saying: “Honey! You're already in my veins!

    Level 105 - Clamp the barbell on the sides with two fingers and lift it up above the athlete. You are awesome!

    Level 106 Obviously the orphanage is empty, but surely his mom left him a note. Find a clue. - You need to click on the blue bottle, then turn your device over and a note will fall out of the bottle. The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful places in the world. But I'm not a tourist.

    Level 107 - Click on the outerwear of all the man and the guy several times. The son and the father will have the same slogan on T-shirts: "DADDY'S SUPER HERO". The apple never falls far from the tree.

    Level 108 Find clues! - Pay attention to the combs in the room. The first one is on a shelf hanging on the wall. INThe second comb is on the bedside table. The correct answer is number "2". You figured it out so fast! I am impressed.

    Level 109 - Count the number of people living on toothbrushes. The first is on the washing machine, the second is in an orange glass on the sink, the third is on the sink on the right, and the fourth is hiding behind the blue curtain in the bathroom. Select all toothbrushes and click on the answer "4".

    Level 110 He has to get rid of the bad guys. Find the bad guy. - In the back pocket of the trousers is the same man named BARRY BAD. Pick the person closest to the Taj Mahal. Did he see me? I can hide in the Taj Mahal.

    Level 111 - hold the bouquet from the bride and pull it up so that the bouquet flies to the girls. The girl in the red dress did not raise her hand to catch the bouquet. She is already married, she does not need to catch the bouquet!

    Level 112 You sparkle like the sun!

    Level 113 - Click on the beige bag at the redher girls. There are a lot of sweets in it, which means she is a child abductor. I would follow her if she offered me so many sweets.

    Level 114 - Light falls on the inscription from the window. Close the window by swiping your finger over it and the inscription will appear. Athens? Great place for a summer holiday, but then again, I'm not a tourist.

    Level 115 - Click on the blue ball above the heads of the girls. The balloon will burst and an inscription will appear that it is a boy! Choose answer "A".

    Level 116 - Take a bill on the table and bring it to grandfather, his facial expression will change, which means he is greedy. Must be fun in the world of the rich.

    Level 117 - Pay attention to the red light on the air conditioner. Click on it and cool air will blow. A girl in a blue cape will be a bore. Looks like someone is not very happy.

    Level 118 There must be a secret room, find it. - Click on the green, red and burgundy books in turn and the secret door will open. This is an American Indian totem. Let's see what I find in America.

    Level 119 - Look at the baby on the right, he hasthe same curls as my mother. Choose mom's curls on the head and baby with curls.

    Level 120 - Pinch each girl with your finger and pull your finger up. The girl under the letter "B" will have a visible tummy. Obviously she's pregnant!

    Level 121 - Click on the table you take the gun. The girl will see several ghosts, one of them will be with a red heart, which means the correct option is "C". Don't wait until you die to find your soul mate.

    Level 122 - Assemble the totem as shown in the picture below. These are the coordinates of some place. Time to use my GPS.

    Brain Dom 2 Level 122 Repair the totem.

    Level 123 There is a mirror to the right of the TV. Take a mirror and hold it in front of people's faces, in the reflection you will see that the person under the letter "B" won the lottery. The harder you work, the luckier you become.

    Level 124 - There are newspapers under the bushes near the left and right broken windows. So the guy on the bike under the letter "C" broke the window. Looks like the postman missed the mailth box.

    Level 125 - Click on the paper airplane in the teacher's hands and the name Alex will be written on it. Choose the boy under the letter "A". If I made this plane, it would fly to the moon, not to the teachers' heads.

    Level 126 Draw the bird's head with your finger and click on the golden egg. Look what I find in the egg. I have always wanted to meet the President of the United States.

    Level 127 - Remove the masks from each clown and you will see that under the letter "B" the clown has another mask. The mask tells us more than the face.

    Level 128 - Mix all the bottles into one and choose a full bottle. If mixed, they are as dangerous as fire and gunpowder.

    Level 129 - Don't you think that this level has already been? Perhaps the developers made a mistake. Bring a green bill to your grandfather's face and you will understand that he is greedy.

    Level 130 Find the clue. - Click on the drawer in the wooden table. Rotate the right and left parts and move the sliders. At the end, twist the piece in the middle to open the drawer. I'm really good at gambling. Wait for me casino.

    Level 131 - Take a piece of paper with the number 1 on the calendar and pull it down to make a werewolf appear. Professor Lupine, is that you?

    Level 132 - Take a knife on a plate and bring it to each piece of cake. All the pieces will burst, except for the real piece of cake. Never turn down a homemade red velvet cake.

    Level 133 - Pull up the blinds and you will see a sign similar to the business card of a guy in a coat. Choose option "B". If you cheat once, then everything you say after will be in doubt.

    Level 134 Win prizes. - Select the toy machine and move the tentacle to the blue hat toy. Cemetery! No! Mother! I need to hurry.

    Level 135 - Click on the closet door to see the tattoo on the guy in the green T-shirt in the reflection. The correct answer is "B". I always thought I had a talent for ball games, but I don't understand why my high school coach put me in wrestling.

    Level 136 - Move your finger quickly over people and understand who is a robot and who is a person. The correct answer is "C". How do robots eat guacamole? With micro chips!

    Level 137does it happen? - Click on the drivers on the left and right and you will see that one of them has a train in front of his eyes. So the driver is lying under the letter "A". How did the locomotive do its job so well? Preparation…

    Level 138 Find the secret entrance. - Click on the tombstone with numbers and rotate your device so that the infinity sign appears. I feel like I've come to an end. All for mom.

    Level 139 - Click on the cars and images with the transmission of the gearbox will appear. The right car will have reverse gear, which means the person on the right is lying.

    Level 140 - Zoom in on the plane with two fingers and you will see a poison sticker on the plane. The person under the letter "B" is deceiving. You did it again Sherlock.

    Level 141 - Click on the burning store and select the surveillance camera. The camera will show a man in a brown coat, which means the answer is "A". What a pity!

    Level 142 - Select the phone in the guy's pocket, and point the phone to the QR code on the stage and take a picture. I'm good at riddles. Let's play some game.

    Level 143the bottom mouse. - Zoom in on the moon and you will see a piece of cheese in the center. Pass a piece of cheese to the mouse to feed it. Two cheese lovers, rats and me.

    Level 144 - Click on each guy several times to make him angry. The most evil will be the guy under the letter "C". What do you call a battered Hulk? Broken banner.

    Level 145 - Water the flowers from the orange watering can. Next, select the clock on the wall so that the flowers grow. The flower under the letter "C" did not grow, which means it is not a real flower. I can never tell at a glance if it's a real plant or a fake one.

    Level 146 - Turn your phone upside down to make things fly out of your bags. Grandmother under the letter "A" for some reason became innocent. Write in the comments why? Never be fooled by looks!

    Level 147 - You need to turn your device upside down so that a $20 bill falls out of the piggy bank. The guy under the letter "A" is cheating. Money doesn't change people, it exposes them.

    Level 148 — There is a stand on the wall under the clock. Click on it and see hints for solving??. The person under the letter "A" is deceiving. The best teaching method is to always prepare a cheat sheet.

    Level 149 - Open the drawer under the green box and select the guy, as he is a cheat.

    Level 150 Prevent theft - Tap the guy with the brown bag many times to make him turn around. You saved the day and brought old friends together.

    Level 151 Point to the neck of the girl who is sitting on the couch. Choose option "B". Adam's apple!

    Level 152 Take a black-handled knife and cut the fruit on the table. I always sharpen knives that don't cut.

    Level 153 - Click on the bag, the boy in the center, balls filled with water will fall out of it. If people are trying to bring you down, it's you who is above them. Be kind, don't be rude.

    Level 154 - Remove the clouds from the sun and you will see a lonely man. I like being alone. I am always there when I need.

    Level 155 - There is a ring on the man's finger, click on it and you will see the name of his wife. The wedding ring is worn on the left ring finger, because it is the only one fell??ts with a vein that connects to the heart. This is true?

    Level 156 - Rotate your device, the real one won't fall. Annie, are you okay?

    Level 157 - Click on the pocket of the guy in the orange T-shirt. I think I know him very well!

    Level 158 - Take out the groceries from the girls' bags and choose the baguette mom. I'm hungry, I want a baguette sandwich.

    Level 159 - Enlarge their masks and select option "A".

    Level 160 - There are pots of chamomile on the tables, click on the flowers to tell fortunes. Robots are not ticklish, I'm not afraid either, maybe I'm a robot?

    Level 161 - Take a pen from the picture and tickle the heels of the guys, the guy under the letter "B" does not react to the legs.

    Level 162 - Pinch the heart on the chest of a young man with flowers and pull the shirt to the right, there will be a tattoo under it. Everyone has thought about getting a tattoo at least once.

    Level 163 What is his best toy? - Teddy bear under the letter "A", mark on polu cotton wool from a bear. A fun way to show love for a toy.

    Level 164 - Clamp the stroller and move it across the road, the young man under the letter "A" will save the baby. It's a bird!

    Level 165 - Take a branch with flowers and bring it to the men, the central one will react. Once I had to pretend to be dead and it saved my life, but I'm not going to talk about it.

    Level 166 - Click on the lion and select option "A". I call you "Lionheart" because of your superior courage.

    Level 167 - Take the bowl from the table and bring it to the TV antenna, then connect it to the rug on the floor. There is nothing more beautiful than a child's smile.

    Level 168 - Light a fire with your finger and bring the eggs from the nests to the flame.

    Level 169 - Turn the phone over and shake it.

    Level 170 - Paint the wire from the hair dryer to the outlet. Choose a man without a beard. I wonder if a beard will suit me.

    Level 171 - Take a shovel and youdig a green bush, bring flowers to people's noses. A woman is cheating. I think I'm allergic to the morning, no doubt I'm a night person.

    Level 172 - Tilt your device to the sides, only one girl will stay on her feet. Ice day!

    Level 173 Find the needle in the haystack ! - Spin the windmill with your finger.

    Level 174 - Turn the phone over and the delivery address will fall out of the courier's pocket. I'm hungry again.

    Level 175 - Swipe the sun to the left side of the screen. Time is everything.

    Level 176 - Enlarge the moon and close the sun to it. Saving the world has become a habit for you.

    Level 177 - Click on the guys' phones and select the letter "A".

    Level 178 - Brush the covers off the cars and you will see a red expensive car.

    Level 179 - Note that there is little milk left in the bottle and press the "A" button.

    Level 180 - Take an arrow from the gong?? bring to the wrestlers. I wonder if I can lose weight this way?

    Level 181 - Take a magnifying glass and point at the folder with the photo, press "B".

    Level 182 - Swipe the sun to the right of the screen and a real sunflower will face the sun. Face the sunlight and you won't see the shadow.

    Level 183 - Shake your device several times and see the winners, option "A".

    Level 184 - Lift the eggs in the air and throw them down, the boiled egg will not break. Do you like boiled eggs or scrambled eggs?

    Level 185 "Shake your phone and they'll turn around, 'A' cheater." "If you want something done well, do it yourself." — Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Level 186 - Lift the t-shirt on the boy, and press the belt - the shorts will fall off. When I was little, my biggest dislike was shopping for clothes.

    Level 187 - Swipe up the ground under the sign and you will see a mine, click on it. Peace at Home - Peace on Earth??!

    Level 188 - Brush away the pillow on the bench and you will see a file, then remove the poster on the wall to the side, and click on the bald man. I guess I'm just too lazy to dig this hole for years.

    Level 189 - Open the refrigerator, hold down the acid and aim at the brown plate. Look at the plates of the guys and the blond will turn out to be a deceiver.

    Level 190 - On the table, among the test tubes, there is a mask, put it on a balding man and select him.

    Level 191 — Open the door to the auditorium. I never had good concentration. Every time I start studying, after a minute I find myself scratching a notebook.

    Level 192 - Click on the notebooks with notes and you will find a quitter. Good music has no expiration date.

    Level 193 - Increase the size of the glove for a small boxer. Don't let the appearance fool you, even if the salt looks like sugar.

    Level 194 - Knock on the door to the toilet, then on the pear and see who hid.

    Level 195o cheating? “Look at the security camera and find that both pilots are cheating. Press the answer options at the same time.

    Level 196 - Swipe your hand behind the man to the side and you will see a knife. He loves the girl in the blue dress. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

    Level 197 - Hold the stick and throw it forward, transfer the stick to the road and the dog will come running to it, give the dog a stick in the teeth and she will bring it to the owner.

    Level 198 - Click on the judge's chest and a signal flare will appear, shoot. I've always been last in school races.

    Level 199 - Take a shovel and point it at an empty piece of land, you will find the remains of a dinosaur.

    Level 200 - Swipe everything off the men and click on the guy in the blue shirt. Amazing! You did it again.

    Level 201 — Look more closely at the keys of the people. The man with dumbbells has a key that goes to the first locker. The girl goes to the third locker, but she has a skeleton in her locker! You never know who to trust.

    Level 202 - Lift the turtle's shell and you will see a rocket under the shell! This story seems familiar to me.

    Level 203 - Click on the girl first and see where she flies. Then click on each suitcase and you will understand that the correct answer is "D". Traveling has always made me happy. I love being on the road.

    Level 204 - Zoom in on each counter to take a closer look at the artifacts. The counter under the letter "A" sells historical artifacts illegally. What is the difference between a pirate and a smuggler? If you're a known smuggler, you're doing it wrong.

    Level 205 Move the sheep to the side to see the paws of the wolf. Some people are not who they appear to be.

    Level 206 - Swipe to the side to see trash. Pick up trash every time you swipe to clean up the river. Clean water is important for both animals and humans.

    Level 207 - Please note that the girls have phones in their hands. Touch each oneand look at their childhood photos. The correct answer is "B". I want to dye my hair. Oh, I noticed that I don't have hair that needs to be dyed. Well, with or without hair, I'm still handsome.

    Level 208 - Click on the box near the house and tear off the tape to reveal the logo of the delivery service. The courier under the letter "B" deceives. I am waiting for my package. I hope she comes soon.

    Level 209 - Remove the blue feather under the clock and transfer it to the bird so that it will be delighted and fly away.

    Level 210 - Take a book with the name "OPEN" and move it a little lower closer to the boy. A secret door will open and the boy will escape. I have always wanted a secret room in my house.

    Level 211 - It is enough to shake your device and the table with the weakest legs will fall apart. The answer is "C". These days, furniture seems to be made out of cardboard.

    Level 212 - Move the guy with the bottle to the side and you will see a girl and a guy holding hands. The correct answer is "A". Don't expect kindness from people who can't even be honest with you.

    Level 213th rich? - There is a small patch of plowed land to the left of the bottom farmer. Swipe it a few times and you'll find a chest of gold. The greatest treasures are treasures invisible to the eye, but found by the heart.

    Level 214 - Press a large stone with your finger and put it aside. A fountain of water will come out from under the stone, fill the pits and the person will be saved. He is happy like Archimedes.

    Level 215 - Click several times on each guy with the tool. The experience of the masters and the enthusiasm of the beginners make it possible to create excellent music.

    Level 216 - Take the temperature measuring device in the doctor's hands and check the temperature of everyone. The guy under the letter "B" has a high fever. The greatest wealth is health.

    Level 217 - Check each player, hold the left player with your finger on the sleeve. He hides the cards, the answer is "A". Which is worse: gambling or cheating in gambling?

    Level 218 - Move the luggage to the side and press down on the employee's legs. He stood on the scales! I don't understand how people pack 50kg of luggage. I even have enough hand luggage.

    Level219. Whose life is in danger? - Move the grass a little to the left of the guy in the blue sweater and you will see a hole. Choose this guy.

    Level 220 There is food on the table behind the guy. Fill the bowl with food and see who is hungry. I wonder if my cat Caramel is hungry?

    Level 221 - Click on the fishing rod of the right fisherman so that the fishing line goes under the water. Then pull the fishing line out of the water of the right fisherman and he will get the fish. Fishing is definitely not for me, because I am very impatient.

    Level 222 - Pinch each duck with your finger and pull down to dip them. Choose a white duck. What time does a duck wake up? At dawn!

    Level 223 Zoom in on the sun with two fingers. The robot will not sweat, select it by clicking on the letter "C".

    Level 224 - Shake the phone and the girls' wallets will fall out. One will have discount coupons, and the other will have a lot of money. Choose the answer "B". It has an extreme coupon that everyone knows about.

    Level 225 — Check each passenger's ticket. The conductor is on August 27th. The guy under the letter "C" has 28 aAugust, he doesn't even have a ticket. Amazing! Sherlock.

    Level 226 - Bring a green lighter on the table to each guest. Let's have a party tonight.

    Level 227 - Swipe the blue bird to the tree with your finger and an object will fall from the tree. You gave the child what he wanted.

    Level 228 - Open the books of each boy in the backpack and click on the red bookmarks. One didn't finish first and that's the boy on the left. The teacher takes his hand, opens his mind and touches his heart.

    Level 229 - There is a picture hanging at the top left, move it with two fingers and you will see who is lying.

    Level 230 - Click on the boots of each climber and you will see boot prints in the snow. The best view opens after the hardest climb.

    Level 231 - Clamp the driver of the car and move closer to the inspection officer. The seat belt will save lives.

    Level 232 - Pinch each car and swipe up to see the speed of each car. The answer is "C". The best drivers know they need to be careful.

    Level 233 Take the knife off the wall and chop the onion. The guy on the right isn't paid, so he's cool! This bow also made me cry.

    Level 234 - click on the pocket of each and you will see one has an empty wallet, and the other has a blue pack. Swipe up on the blue packet and see the money. The guy on the right is cheating! The thief believes that everyone steals.

    Level 235 Put your phone face down and look again. The name "Hanna" will be written on the bear. Look at the names on the children's hands. The boy on the right is cheating! When I was little, I wrote my name on some things.

    Level 236 - For development, we all know that it is correct to say fireman , because a fireman can only be a bug. On the subject: knock over a barbecue and a fire will appear. The guy on the right will take a bucket and put out the fire. Don't try this at home.

    Level 237 - It is necessary to take a cup with handles on the table from the girl and knock it down. The librarian comes out. Do you remember the last time you went to the library?

    Level 238 — Enlarge the movie poster, ?Aren with a ticket is lying. To watch some valuable films you can tell a little lie.

    Level 239 - Click on the man in the red t-shirt.

    Level 240 Hold the pencil and pull up to take it out of the glass. The correct answer is "A". The truth is not always what it seems.

    Level 241 - You need to turn your device upside down and then you will understand that the witch is under the letter "A".

    Level 242 - Click on the pockets of each doctor and see who is who. The answer is "B". Dr. Noah treated me yesterday, looks like I need to go back to the hospital.

    Level 243 - Drag the lamp cover to the side to brighten the room. Thief under the letter "A". Don't forget to wear a mask, but not these masks.

    Level 244 - Click on the jaws of each person and you will see that the man under the letter "A" is not a vegetarian. Veganism is not a diet.

    Level 245 Open each door and try to take a picture of the inside. Above the letter "B" is a door with a pattern. The door to happiness opens from within. poslook how happy I am.

    Level 246 - Open the window behind and you will see that the girl is ill. We don't value health until we get sick. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

    Level 247 - Click several times on the seated passengers. Done without a hitch.

    Level 248 - Move each person to the car and you will see that the girl above the letter "A" is lying. Are technologies making life easier or harder?

    Level 249 - Choose the flags on the building, in the UK the traffic is on the left, so the correct answer is "A".

    Level 250 - It is necessary to add salt to the cups of visitors several times. The correct answer is "B". Did you know that during a Turkish wedding, the groom must drink salted coffee?

    Level 251 - Shake your device to see a girl with a mustache. Never trust a man with a fancy mustache.

    Level 252 - On the right you can see the tail of a monkey, pull it to the left and you will see a thief. Animals love shiny?? items.

    Level 253 — Move aside the T-shirt from the man on the right. He has a property card. Scofield is that you?

    Level 254 - Click many times on the red clock on the left. Even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

    Level 255 Draw a circle in front of the girl to make a face appear. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the cutest in the world?

    Level 256 There are plates between the girls on the table. Pass plates to each girl and see who handles them better. This is a very hard and responsible job, be nice to the waitress.

    Level 257 - Pull the rope from the top of the stage to close the curtains. Then move the curtains in different directions and you will see that the correct answer is "A" and "B" (hold two answers with your fingers). I haven't been to the theater for a long time. Would you like to join me at the theater evening?

    Level 258 - Enlarge the mirror in size and the correct answer is "C". Have you ever had a dream in which you were like in reality? What if you couldn't wake up from this dream?

    Level 259 - Click on the phone on the table. The guy on the left is dumb.

    Level 260 - Wipe your finger across each phone screen, the girl on the left is using a filter. You should value yourself more, no need to use fake filters.

    Level 261 - Move the curtains from each booth and select the man on the right, he looks very much like a Scot. I want to try playing the bagpipes. I can become a talented piper.

    Level 262 - Just shake your device and you will see which way is safe. I would like to walk along a beautiful forest road with my soulmate.

    Level 263 - Click on the pocket of the man on the left and you will find out that he is a secret agent! The man on the right is cheating! I love films about secret agents, so many adventures!

    Level 264 Open the bottom compartment of the refrigerator and place the ice cream in there. It made me want to eat ice cream. What ice cream do you like the most?

    Level 265 - Click on the balls several times and one of them will burst. The policeman will immediately reveal himself by pulling out a gun. You have to be alert like a cowboy.

    Level 266 Take the yellow vial from the shelf on the left and run it around the room. Our new girl is to eat, splash and love.

    Level 267 - Click on the matryoshka. Next, open each matryoshka until you find a diamond. I want to get one doll to decorate my bookshelf.

    Level 268 - rotate your device in different directions to see the person in the middle with an upset. I don't like to be messy, but it's important not to worry about these little things.

    Level 269 Ants are crawling to the left of the bushes. Zoom in on them to see what they're carrying. Select the man on the left.

    Level 270 - Click on each camera and you will see that the man on the left is lying. I love making family videos. Precious records to watch with the whole family and remember the good old days as the years go by.

    Level 271 - Look closely at the sky. In it you will see an aircraft similar to a drone. Bring the drone down to the road from the garage. I remember how excited I was waiting for my dad to come home from work. It was fun to play with him wherever he was.

    Level 272 - There is a column with a red button in the center, tap on it and water will flow. What to give a stranger? Little space!

    Level 273. Pull him out of the cave - Click on the wood in the fire and a flame will flare up, chests of gold and a lamp will appear, rub it and a genie will appear. Your desire is my command.

    Level 274 - Click on the girl's hand on the left, then select it, she's cheating. Never turn down chocolate cake.

    Level 275 - Pull up the sheets. Why did the ghost cross the road? To come from the other side, there is a drive.

    Level 276 - Click on the upper left shelf with books. It would be a nightmare if I lost my record collection. I can not live without music!

    Level 277 - Click on the flashlighthands of the guard and you will see the intruder. Say no to theft.

    Level 278 - Take the glowing wires and put them in the hand of the man on the left, then click on option "A". Well done keep it up!

    Level 279 - Swipe the parachutes of men with your finger up and they will fly. Answer: "S".

    Level 280 - Unscrew the screw with your finger, on the car. Correct answer: "B". If you're telling the truth, you don't need to remember anything.

    Level 281 - Turn your finger towards you, press it several times. Someone should have said you are the best.

    Level 282 - The level is not working, we are waiting for the game to be updated. Click skip level and play on.

    Level 283 - Click on the pockets of the men's trousers and look at the checks for the rings, select the guy on the left. The value of a person should not be measured by the thickness of his wallet.

    Level 284 - Brush off the mask from the central character and you will see the medical mask of our time. I don't want to see more masks.

    Level 285 - Place the parrot on the shoulder of the central boy. The parrot chooses a captain.

    Level 286 - Click on the buckets of water and see who stays wet, option "B" will be correct. When I'm in the pool, I parade waterbenders.

    Level 287 - Click on the tattoo on the shoulder of the last man, and press "A". So, you noticed the tattoo.

    Level 288 Bring the frogs to the princess. Sometimes it takes kissing a few frogs to find the prince.

    Level 289 - Take the scanner from the hands of the seller and point it at the girls.

    Level 290 - Move the fish to the surface of the water, and one of them will not change its color. Don't get lost again, Nemo.

    Level 291 - Click on the number in the visitor's hand, then on the cloakroom attendant. Impressive!

    Level 292 - Point the magnifying glass at the characters and see the deception, the central man was not in the bathroom, his hands are dirty. You are constantly improving, great job.

    Level 293 - Swipe the tablet on the left of the man to the right and you will see forbidden literature. Looks like someone got distracted.

    Level 294 - Click on the tickets in the hands of the passengers, then on the plane and you will see that the man on the far right is lying. You are awesome!

    Level 295 - Bring an empty bucket to a cow and get milk, then send milk to factories and see where cheese is produced. Everything is better with cheese.

    Level 296 - Draw out two swords, and the one that remains in place is the Excalibur sword. The sword is still waiting for its king.

    Level 297 - Carry milk bottles to bowls, cats will run up to fresh milk. This is good!

    Level 298 - Remove part of the rock, opening a passage for the bear, he will take delicious honey. Another common feature with bears.

    Level 299 - Open each ball with two fingers to see the future. The future of masked people is a middle ball.

    Level 300?right carpet to discover the door.

    Level 301 - Shake your device and select the man under the letter "B". I want this superpower. I am afraid of unkempt pots, especially in windy weather.

    Level 302 - Click on the girl's mobile phone and you will see the correspondence, dad is right! I am always honest, strongly recommend to live an easy life.

    Level 303 - Click on the rags of women, and you will see who has a dirty rag. She must pay double the worker.

    Level 304 Zoom in on the trash can and you will see the check for the chicken, dad is cheating. Your mind is your best weapon.

    Level 305 Zoom in on the TV screen and see the weather forecast. The gardener deceives, the truth is not always what it seems.

    Level 306 - Close the elevator doors with two fingers and it will open, the girl in the center is afraid. If you hate elevators, why don't you try the stairs?

    Level 307 - Shake your device and pollen will appear, the girl is allergic. Admit it, this question occupied you very much.

    Level 308 “Pinch the dog with your finger and carry it to the man in the wheelchair, and he will run away. It's true, I saw it on the news.

    Level 309 - Move the man in black to the girls and leave each one for a few seconds. The man under the letter "A", is jealous.

    Level 310 - Press the hand, girls in black. Option "A" is correct. You can never hide the true age of your hands. This is the truth of life.

    Level 311 - Look at the records on the stand, and you will see the grades of the boys. It's time to face the truth mama, numbers never lie. So make him work hard.

    Level 312 - Swipe the man's jacket to the side and you will see a lipstick mark on the shirt collar - click on it, then select the girl.

    Level 313 - Bring the phone to the faces of men and the screen is unlocked, the guy in the red pants is lying. I like this technology, but it doesn't work with masks.

    Level 314 - There are passes in the pockets of men, bring them to the turnstile and select the man on the left, he is deceiving. Maybe his card broke ma??nitik. Who knows?

    Level 315 - Take an orange ball and bring it to the man's face, the cat will jump on it and wake it up. I wish I could wake up like this every day.

    Level 316 Help her see the fish - Tear off a piece of paper from a notebook and the cat will react to the fish more. Who would believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!

    Level 317 - Click on the cat's collar, then click on the yellow arrow and you will see a yellow door - knock on it. She went for a short walk and came back.

    Level 318 - Hold the computer mouse and move it around the table. Now she is happy!

    Level 319 Feed him balanced - Bring the bag of food to the measuring cup, then the cup to the bowl, then repeat. Noma for a cat two glasses.

    Level 320 - Take the bones from the bowl, and make a path to the bowl of water.

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