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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Bulb Boy

Walkthrough Bulb Boy

grandfather's room

Launch the game and watch the introductory cutscene. So, you find yourself in the grandfather's room. After his words (or rather pictures), control will pass to you. The little hero is going to sleep. Try to enter the bedroom through the door on the right, but you will see two pictures: teeth in a glass of water and a crossed-out TV. If you didn’t guess, then the grandfather’s jaws must be placed in a container of water, and the TV must be turned off.

Left-click on the TV and click on the button in the lower right corner. Unfortunately it will break. No problem! Unplug the plug from the outlet to the left of the TV. Next, go to the grandfather, who is sleeping on the couch, and click on his head with the left mouse button. The boy will start pulling his false teeth out of his mouth. A prompt appears on the screen telling you to click the left mouse button non-stop. But this is not enough! In order to pull out the teeth, it is necessary to point the hint with a finger and a button so that it is located under the grandfather's head, approximately in the area of the floor where the legs of the sofa are. Only in this way will the boy be able to pull out his jaws .

Move your course to the top of the screen and you will see the inventory, which currently contains only teeth. Select the teeth and click on the aquarium on the left to drop them there.

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Now go through the door on the right to complete the intro.


You heard a scream. Click on the door on the left to quickly run to the grandfather, but the path will be blocked by a harmful spider. We need to get him a beetle, a fly and a caterpillar. The fly is circling the room, but it will not work to catch it with your bare hands. The beetle is inside a nightstand with drawers in the middle of the room. Look in the nightstand. There are several items here that you can click on and change their position. So, the scissors can be unclenched, the matchbox can be disconnected, and the tape measure can be pushed in or out.


You are given a clue that the bug likes candy. The candy is at the very bottom in the middle. Click on it and see how the beetle runs. It is unlikely that he will get to the candy. But for this to happen, you must push the matchbox, spread the scissors and roll the tape measure. Now click on the candy again and the beetle will still get to it. Click on the beetle to pick it up.


To the right of the room is a bed. Next to the bed, find and take the broom from. Click on the bed to look under it. You will see a caterpillar. In order to reach the caterpillar, select the broom in the inventory and apply it to the insect. You will receive a caterpillar .


So, the fly is circling the room under the ceiling. Note that there are two disconnected wires at the bottom of the screen in the middle of the room. Click on them. The main character will be shocked, but there is nothing to worry about. But sparks will come from a lamp suspended from the ceiling. Wait until a fly passes under this lamp and dies. Pick up a fly .

When you have all three insects, then in turn apply them to the spider on the door on the left. Open the door when the spider explodes.

Hallway (corridor)

Go to the left, a huge hand will come out from under the floor. Examine the door in the background, but you won't be able to open it. You won't use it anymore. Also take a look at the low nightstand in the right corner, between the two doors. Key required. Click the left mouse button on the chandelier hanging at the top without bulbs. The little hero will throw his head there. Click on the adjacent chandeliers on the left to move on top. When you see a huge window that will be active, then click on it. In the approximation, click on the broken right lower part of the glass.

Move further to the left, along the chandeliers, until you see a small painting with a key on the wall. Click anywhere at the bottom of the screen to bring the head back onto the torso running below. Now click on the painting and take the key from the niche in the wall.

Go back along the chandeliers to the right side, lower your head and apply the key you found earlier to the cabinet in the right corner. Open the right and left doors of the cabinet one by one and take the canister of oil from the top shelf.

Again, move along the chandeliers to the left, then jump down at the painting with the key and go left to the statue without a head. Use the canister of oil on the statue to lubricate it. Next, use a piece of glass on the statue to insert it into the wooden handle in the hands of the statue. Approach the door on the left for a giant hand to appear. Click on the statue so that the main character places his head on it. Next, click on the hand while controlling the statue to cut it. Go through the door on the left.

grandfather's room

Click on the grandfather on the floor to examine him. Take the aquarium with the teeth on the left and use it on the grandfather to pour water on him. After it disappears, a hole will appear in the ceiling. Click on the chandelier near the ceiling to toss the head. Click on the hole in the ceiling at the moment when the head is on the chandelier. After the chandelier falls, click on the rope to climb up. Watch the cut-scene.


So, you and your grandfather and the flying dog are on a picnic. Grandpa wants you to throw a ball to the dog. Pick up the ball lying on the ground below the grandfather holding the dog. Use the ball on the dog, but the bird will steal the toy, which will immediately place it in its nest. She is missing something. Pick up the egg from the bedding on the left, to the left of the chicken. In the foreground of the screen, between the bedding and the grandfather, there is a pile with a protruding branch. Pull the branch by clicking on it several times with the left mouse button. At the same time, move the cursor around this branch and soon you will have to get it.

Use the branch on the hollow in the tree where the bird is sitting. A bee will fly out, and a bird will run to the edge of the branch, leaving its nest. The ball will then fall down. Use the egg on the hollow so that your hero puts it in the bird's nest. Everything, now the bird is happy and will not steal the ball.

Throw the ball to the dog again, but this time the toy will fly into the well. Approach the well on the right and look into it. There is nothing on the rope. Return to the clearing and pick up the basket near the bedding and the tree. Tie the basket to the rope of the well, and then twist the handle. The basket will drop down exactly in the center of the well. Wait for the ball to float over the basket, then pull it out. Take the ball and throw it to the dog. Watch the cut-scene.

Second floor of the house

Note the toilet door in the background. You can click on it at any time to hide the head of the main character. The fact is that a huge headless chicken roams the location and if it catches you, it will kill you.

You will need to make a trap for this chicken. To do this, move to the right and climb onto the dining table. Pay attention to the recipe in the middle of the table. To make pudding, you need to find two eggs, flour and three sausages. Take away the knife sticking out in the bun on the table. Go right, look in the refrigerator. Find two eggs at the bottom right, then use the knife on the rag hanging in the middle at the top, tied to a rope. Take it away and a strange monster will come out. Click on the monster so that the hero digs inside it and finds three worms (this is instead of three sausages).

Go to the right and you will see the same chicken. When she comes at you, then lift the lid of the tray on the ground to the right of the table, then click on the pig's head to hide in it. Let the chicken pass you to the left. Go to the right and look into the cabinet on the bottom left side of the gas stove. Inside you can find a box of matches . To the right of the gas stove on the shelf is a bag of flour . Take it. Now look into the gas stove, put two eggs, worms and flour in a bowl. Next, turn the handle on the top right to make the gas go, and then use the matchbox on the gas tube on the bottom right. After that, turn the left handle to add fire. Everything, after a while the pudding will be ready. Open the oven and wait until the chicken climbs into it and burns. Click on a chicken to eat it.

Go left and immediately go to the toilet.


Click on the toilet so that the main character can do his urgent business. When a huge monster appears, you will need to destroy it. First, click on the air freshener hanging on the wall on the left side. Now that the monster is temporarily immobilized, pull the drain tank chain.

When the monster yells, you will have to move the mouse cursor over it and press the left mouse button without interruption until the scream subsides. Do this every time.

But that's not all. Next, you will need to click on the small button on the wall on the right side. This button is located to the right of the washbasin. You will see that the fan on the wall on the top left has started. Go there so that the monster turns to the fan. He will be sucked in, and the mask will be destroyed.

It remains to deliver the final blow to the enemy. A pipe should fall from the shelf above. Pick up the pipe , go right and click on the washbasin. Use the pipe on the broken water pipe on the left side of the mirror. Next, turn the top lever down and then turn the faucet to the right of the sink. All this must be done in close proximity. You can now click on the valve on the sink faucet. The monster has been defeated.


So, you are fishing with your grandfather. You need to get a worm to catch a fish. You control a flying dog. Drink water from the river, then fly up and to the left. There will be a hollow in the tree. Click on it to make the dog pee. Next, drink water from the river again, and then pee on a tree. Flying radishes will spawn every time. You must make sure that there are five of them. Then fly around the location, making the radishes fly in the opposite direction. If you fly up to them from the left, they will fly to the right. Is the meaning clear? At the bottom right, you should see a hole and a shovel. A toad sits next to the shovel. Drive the flying radishes towards the toad to eat them. The toad should eat five radishes and swell up very, very much.

Click after that on the toad. She must fly somewhere in the sky. If this does not happen and the toad sinks back down, then you have not fed enough radishes to it. Repeat the procedure again. When there is no toad, then you will be able to fly freely into the hole under the shovel. Get down and look for the worm. Click on it to make the dog bark and chase it further and further. Until the worm ends up on the hook. Watch the cut-scene.

Under the water

Roll to the right side, fall down and to the left. When you see worms on the left, then move to the right side. When you see a rotating valve and a sign with a “skull” below, you will need to move to the left side through the submarine. At the end of the boat on the left, pull the lever. Go back and you will see that the fan is spinning harder. Use it to jump onto the ledge on the right. Roll down, where you will see a huge skeleton of some creature. On the left there is a dead fish and a worm. The worm will follow you. Move quickly to the right and hide inside the shell. When the worm swims up, it will be eaten by a predatory monster.

Get out of the shell and roll to the left. Click on a dead fish to control it. Swim up, back, the same way you came here. But this time go down to where the sign with the "skull" points. Avoid those very predatory creatures. Swim up and to the right until you get out to freedom. Beware of worms and monsters with long tongues. In principle, if you move non-stop and at a safe distance, then nothing much will happen. Swim into the hole to go to the next level.

A huge predator will appear. Immediately swim down through the hole, where you can see an underwater mine and some other creature. Click on the creature holding the mine on the rope. You will see a picture that the creature asks to bring him a snail. Swim up to where there will be a monster and small worms. Swim to the worms so that they swim on you. Climb higher, swim to the right and up, past several hostile creatures with long tongues. They will have to eat all the worms. If at least one remains alive, then swim past the predators again, luring the last worm there.

Next, swim not up past the predators, but even more to the right through the wheel. In a small room you will find a snail. Click on it to pick up the snail . The remote control is lying on the ground below. You can inspect it. Try to press the button, but the main character will refuse, because then the mine will explode quite a friendly creature.

Swim back to the creature with the mine and use the snail on it. Unfortunately, we need a snail without a shell. Swim to the right of the mine and you will see a large stone with a rope at the end of the tunnel. Click on the rope, then press the left mouse button several times in the opposite direction to the stone (to the left of the main character) to pull out the cobblestone. An eel will appear. Use it to fry the snail. Use the snail on the eel and take the snail without the shell . Swim back to the creature with the mine and use the snail without the shell on it.

Click on a mine to move it up, closer to the monster. Then swim up again, where there are predators with long tongues. There will be several barrels of gunpowder here. Click on them so that the main character drops one of the barrels down. The monster will smoke smoke and get slightly drunk. Climb down and click on the mine again to push it into the monster's eye. Swim up and to the right again, into the room with the remote control. Press the button on the remote control. The monster is defeated.

But in its place, several worms appeared. Swim up to them and return back to the predators with tongues. Make a circle, go down to the place where the boss was, and swim to the right.

In the garden

You play as a grandfather. In the middle of the location is a pot with a withered flower. Need to water it. There is a watering can at the top left. How to get a watering can? Click on the fly with the light bulb at the top of the screen. Grandpa will scare away the fly and it will fly to the left. The dog will fly after her and touch the watering can, which will fall down. Pick up the watering can and use it on the faucet on the right. After collecting water, apply a watering can with water to a pot with a wilted plant. Ready! Periodically, Grandpa will fall asleep, so you will have to left-click on him several times. A prompt should appear.

Huge skull

You will be underground. Jump down, inside the spider running on the ground. Click on the pot on the left, from which comes the stalk that holds the flying dog. Only after that the main character will slide down.

As a spider, you can move everywhere. First, remove the faucet located on the pipe near the place from which you jumped down. Next, crawl up the wall so that a huge skull comes to life in the center of the room. Periodically, the skull (plant) will spit acid at you. First, climb the wall up to the right to find a web, inside of which there is a watering can (a piece sticks out). Above is the bathroom. Hide behind the bathtub so that the monster will spit at you and the acid from the bathtub will slide down onto the cobwebs.


Take the watering can .

Crawl down, left and up. A barrel of poison will hang here. Hide not behind the barrel, but a little higher, behind the web on which it hangs. Wait for the monster to spit acid. The barrel will fall lower, but will be in the web. Again, wait for the monster to spit, this time hiding behind a barrel in the web. Finally, the barrel will fall to the ground.

Click on the barrel to inspect it closer. Use the faucet on the barrel, and then use the watering can on the faucet. You now have a poison can . Pour the poison from the watering can into a pot with a stem holding the dog. Watch the cut-scene. The dog is saved!

Return to home

You control both the dog and the hero's head at the same time. But they move in different parts of the room. In this case, the dog can fly only in the illuminated part of the room. Click on the first aid kit at the top to look into it. Dog click on the medical patch. The object should fall to the floor to the left.

As a boy, roll left until there is a break in the cable and click on it to connect the wires. Dog click on the switch at the top to turn on the light. Next, use the dog to click on the insects on the wall on the right. They should fly to the lit lamp. Fly there and by the dog.

As a boy, roll slightly to the left and click on the saliva-covered medical patch on the floor. You will take off the plaster . The light to the left will turn on and the mice will fly there. Fly like a dog after them. At the bottom, where the boy's head is, is a vacuum cleaner. It needs to be fixed. The necessary transistor (detail) is lying even more to the left. But now you can't take it, as the monster will grab you. If the flies are trapped (in saliva), then click on the monster with your dog to bark and attract his attention. Fly back until the monster sees the flies. Now he is busy.

As a boy, roll to the left and pick up the transistor . If you can't move left to him because the dog won't leave the screen, just exit the game and restart it. After picking up the transistor, roll back to the vacuum cleaner. Use the plaster on the broken cable to the left of the vacuum cleaner. Next, click on the vacuum cleaner itself and insert the transistor into the sparkling part. Click on the start button at the top of the screen.

Roll to the left, towards the hole in the floor where the vacuum cleaner is pointing. Climbing up, click on the torso of the main character. Now get out of the saliva and click on the monster to deal with it. Go through the door in the background.

Grandpa and the main villain

Try to hug your grandfather, when a terrible monster suddenly appears. See the cane on the monster's left side? Click on it to force the monster to open its mouth wider. Click on the mouth and find yourself inside the creature.

Roll to the left, under clenching teeth.


They are compressed in pairs, so it will not be difficult to pass them. Go down and down. Don't go through the heart-shaped wooden doors. Follow the sign with bone and meat below. On the left there is a huge hairy ear. Get the sausage out of it. Now periodically the main character will release fire from his mouth, thanks to which he will rise into the air. Move to the right and stand in front of a puddle of acid. Wait until the main character just starts to fire, and follow to the right. After crossing the puddle of acid, climb up to the ledge above. Position yourself over a huge sponge to drop it down. The sponge will absorb all the acid.

You will be back in the room. The monster will release fire from a hole on its head. Just move to the side three times. After that, the monster should fall asleep. Click on the cane again to open the mouth, and fly inside.

This time, the teeth will drop differently, one at a time from right to left. Move as soon as the rightmost tooth drops. Go down and down until you see a sign with a pile of feces. Follow it, but don't rush. See the bowel from above, from which feces periodically drip? Stand under it so that the mixture falls on the main character. You are now in disguise. Roll quickly to the left, past flying predators that should not touch you. If you do not cover yourself with feces, then predators will eat you. There is another gut at the end of the tunnel on the left. Click on it to connect it to the one below.

And again you find yourself in a room with a monster. This time the monster will move around and periodically pull you into it. Just left-click on the opposite side of the location. After three attempts, the monster will fall asleep. Click on the cane and fly inside.

And again you need to pass under the clenching teeth. It is worth noting that the teeth are compressed in pairs. You must wait until all teeth are clenched, except for the extreme two on the right side, closer to you. When the rest of the teeth clench twice, then move under the next two teeth on the left. Again, wait for the teeth to clench twice, and move under the next two teeth on the left. And so on.

Roll left and down. Stand by the pipe next to the heart-shaped wooden door. After a while, air will blow from the pipe, and you will fly up. Move to the ledge on the left. Roll to the left. There are two pipes from which air periodically blows. The near pipe must be bypassed when there is no air, otherwise you will be at the peak. You need to go to the second pipe when there is air in order to fly up and use some kind of organ. The fact is that even more to the left at the same level as the pipes with air, there is a gut with fangs. You can't step on her.

Go down the hole on the left. You will be in the stomach. Pull out the process on the left.

In the room, avoid the fire monster and the airflow inside. When he falls asleep, press the cane and fly back.

Move through the teeth like this: after the first tooth falls, the first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth. After going down below, go to the right through the same wooden door. Get to the monster's heart. Attack his eye by clicking on it with the left mouse button. You will need to move the cursor over the eye. When you see that the monster's mouth has opened, you need to stop pressing the left mouse button. Wait for the black saliva to hit your cheek and then keep attacking. When the monster's eye is covered with burst veins, then you need to act more carefully, because the monster will begin to spit at you more often and more unexpectedly. This is the final battle.

At the end of the game, save the grandfather by clicking on him a few times to pull out the bone. Click on the TV on the right to view the credits. If you are tired, then turn off the TV by pulling the cord from the outlet. This completes the Bulb Boy walkthrough.



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