We bring to your attention a detailed guide to the passage of the game Resident Evil 3 Remake
Is there a section in the inventory with the first texts from the very beginning?? document - "Jill's Report". Watch the introductory video, leave the car and pick up the text file "Gunpowder in the field" from the bench. Nearby are cartridges for a pistol . There is a press kiosk upstairs. There you will find the text file "The front page of the yellow newspaper" . Climb up to call for radio communication. Follow the other steps and find two green herbs and two gunpowder at the top. The fence has a box. Break it to reveal red grass . On the right, there is gunpowder and two green herbs . Look around the room. Here, on the table, there is a figurine . There is also a text file "Herbs in the field" . Nearby there is a box in which you can store items. The figurine must be hit with a knife. There is nothing else here. Squeeze through the open curtain to see a cut-scene.
This is where you will encounter the first ghouls. You can either kill them or bypass them. To kill zombies for sure - aim for the head. Go left, through the alley, pick up cartridges from the rusty barrel and after the first intersection you will see another couple of zombies. Step back to get a better view and kill the walking dead from a safe distance. Go through the door in the fence to get to the next one.blast. Continue left, ignore the zombies behind the fence, and approach the red barrel. There is a box nearby. Breaking it will give you gunpowder . Walk past the barrel for a cutscene.
The alley is on fire, so you need to find a way to get around it. Turn around and approach the container again. Zombies will break through here. Run back to lure them to the canister and fire at it to blow up the enemies. go through the area where the zombies came from. The entrance to the shop ahead is blocked by 12 dead men. Headshot the nearest one. You can spot the transformer in the distance. Shoot him to stun nearby monsters. While they are immobilized, stick to the left side and go to the far corner to find gunpowder near the wrecked car.
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Enter the donut shop and find the ammo on the table on the right. Keep moving and examine the empty table in the middle of the shop to find gunpowder . Go back to get into the kitchen. Check the stack of containers to the right of the sink where the green herb is hidden. In the far corner are wire cutters . There will be a box in which you can leave unnecessary items, thereby unloading inventory. Return??to the entrance to the diner.
Return to the street, go left and go up the stairs. Go through the upper level and look for a canister on the right side. Shoot her to blow up some zombies. Interact with the fire escape in the corner to knock it down and create a shortcut. Go to the other side and look around the area near the statue to find Mr. Charlie . Aim and shoot the figurine to get it. Check the left corner. Break the crate to get red herb. Move along the path and go down the stairs. Keep moving forward, go through the door ahead and read the file next to the safe.
Check the safe and enter the code (9 left, 1 right, 8 left) to open it and get a pistol scope . Open the drawer on the left, where the gunpowder lies. There is a zombie hiding behind the rack, so be prepared for it to appear. Go through the door on the left to find a room near the fire exit. Take the ammo from the shelves on the left and return to the owner's room. Leave the upper level and go back down. Visit the diner again, but this time leave it through another door.
Go back and lureMove the zombies to the canister. Shoot to destroy them. Deal with the remaining enemies to clear a path to the chain and cut it. Examine the door on the fence ahead. Use the bolt cutter to cut the chain. After going through the door, go to the crossroads to find more zombies. Step back and kill them next to the canister. More precisely, it will be necessary to blow up the canister. When the path is clear, approach the barrel against the wall to find ammo . Head to the far corner and pick up a hand grenade . Open the drawer on the table to get Shotgun Ammo .
Leave the alley to return to the streets. Go around the police car to see the crate. Destroy and take the green grass . Run back to the diner, place the items in the storage in the kitchen, and exit through the other door.
Climb the stairs and go to the station. Turn left to see zombies. Step back for a better view and headshot. ignore the door and head right to find a fire hose . Open the nearest door and look around the shelves to find Mr. Charlie . Break it. There are several cabinets next to the shelves. Open them to get a hand grenade and gunpowder . Before you leave, d??Ygaytes to the far right corner of the office. Use the bolt cutters on the chain and take the shotgun M3 . Leave the room, enter another room and find yourself in the company's office. Leave the building.
Go left and kill the zombies by shooting the canister. Go to the right corner and break the crate to get gunpowder . Zombies will spawn from the opposite side. Retreating, kill them. Go through the abandoned pharmacy and pick up the red herb lying at the counter. Check the counter for high quality gunpowder . Leave the pharmacy and look for a fire exit on the corner of the street. After defeating the zombies, go up the stairs.
Go through the diner. If necessary, reorganize your inventory one last time. Finally, exit to the other side for a cutscene. Think fast by shooting the nearest transformer to stun Nemesis. Deal with him using hand grenades and a shotgun. When he is immobilized, go to the alley.
Interact with the fire hydrant, attach a fire hose to it and put out the fire. Go to the end of the alley and watch the cut-scene.
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