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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Dying Light: The Following

Walkthrough Dying Light: The Following



So, the passage of Dying Light The Following should begin with the fact that for a start you must definitely go through the prologue from the original game. The chapter is titled "Awakening".

In this chapter, you appear in an unfamiliar room. Go out into the corridor and talk to the soldier. Go to the back of the floor and climb the stairs to the floor above. Enter the door opposite, go to the boss room and chat with him. From now on we will call him Rahim.

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At the request of Rahim, go to the indicated place. The soldier will let you through and you will find yourself on the thirteenth floor. Take the elevator down there. Find a survivor in the indicated location. Inform Rahim, talk to Mark again. He will ask you to bring him alcohol and gauze. The game has crafting. So alcohol and gauze allow you to create a first aid kit. The floor now has several highlighted areas. You can find various items in them. Somewhere, just the same, there will be alcohol and gauze. Find alcohol in the refrigerator - this is alcohol. In the bathroom, there will be gauze inside the wall cabinet. All this in two different places.

By the way, if there are no more items for crafting in the selected place, then the yellow shell will disappear.

Go back to Rahim, talk to him. Find clothes in the specified location. All clothes from the expansions can be used everywhere, but not in the prologue. Climb two tiers higher and exit to the roof. You just have to learn the elements of parkour. In general, you will soon be able to start playing the official expansion.

The developers, by the way, advise starting the game with a character of the twelfth level. If you don't have one, then you can go through several story missions of the original game or upgrade your character by going directly to fight monsters.

way out

You will find yourself in the sewers, from where you need to find a way out to an uncharted area called Harran. Follow down the stairs here and go through the cave. Soon you will be on the surface. The exit to the surface is located high in the mountains. Now you need to somehow carefully go down to the city. When you suddenly get stuck and find yourself at a dead end where you can look at the waterfall, then jump into the water. Don't hesitate!

Move to land and go towards the group of survivors. Talk to their leader located in the white building. This is on the left side of the passage to the camp. Next, talk to the merchant, whose name is Kaan. This completes the first mission!

Caan and Abel

So, you need the information that Caan has. But it is quite expected that you can get it only for a return service. You need transport. There is the nearest buggy on the farm next door. Follow there without wasting time. All the enemies that will be on the way, you can even just get around. But you can also kill. Use the observation tower near the closed area and go down on the cable to the roof of the building.

Go inside the building using the open window. Go down and kill the enemy near the car. Jump into the buggy and drive away. When you are at the grouping, then inform Kaan that you have transport.

Finding Faith

Kaan leaves the camp. Therefore, you will have to make sure that all its inhabitants begin to trust you. And now you are given the first task, according to which you need to restore the supply of drinking water.

Get into the buggy and drive towards the pumping station. There will be several opponents here at once. But this time you will have to face them face to face. Proceed to the indicated location from the rear and carefully kill the opponents one by one.

After clearing the area, you will hear screams from the main building. Make your way to the second floor using the balcony. Approach the specified door and you will see the last bandit. Kill him and help the needy. In the allotted time, namely three minutes, you need to find the main valve. Finding it is easy - just move along the pipe. Jump into the buggy and drive to the right place.

You will find yourself near a small building. There is a flooded basement inside. It is in this basement that the valve you need is located. After completing your work, return to Jasir, the leader of the commune. Report on the successful completion of the mission.

Stranger in a foreign land

Eliminating all the problems at the pumping station did not help. This time, you must gain the trust of this community's patrons, who call themselves the Faceless. The game now has a ranking system. It shows you the level of trust of the Faceless. To increase this level, you must complete various side missions, help all people and make safe zones at different points on the map. In the current mission, you must go to a car mechanic named Bilala. Then, after a certain time, meet with a representative of the Faceless.


When the level of trust is increased, the Faceless will get in touch and offer you to become a member of the meeting in the temple. The temple is called the "Eye of the Sun" and you will have to go far to get to it. Therefore, it is better to jump into your buggy. Upon arrival, you will see the ritual. Now you must help the farmers. A few minutes after the meeting, you will have to pick up the army map, which Jasir will have.


In this Faceless quest, you need to study the phenomenon on the farm. Follow the indicated place and you will see a blue foggy field. Go to the location and inspect the boxes of the military with some kind of cargo. Next, follow the Faceless to report the finds.

You will again be sent to study the area. This time you need to explore the cave. Arriving at the place, go deeper and see the dead soldiers. Examine the two bodies of the Faceless, and then go to the mobile army headquarters. The door to it is located on the back of the truck trailer. Examine the contents of the military crates.

The Old Man and the Sea

And again, a new task is given by the Faceless. You must help the ethnographer Attila, who lives in a large estate near the sea. Follow your destination and start looking for the entrance to the building. To do this, you need to go to the backyard and look to find a wooden platform, which arrives in a dilapidated state. The platform leads to the cave.

Find the stairs in the cave and make your way to the basement. Unlock the door and follow to the left side. Break the crates blocking the doorway. Move the closet and you will find yourself in the house. Attila sits inside the room, which is located on the second tier of the estate. Next, you need to restore the power supply to the mansion. All repairs are carried out in a small limited area. It adjoins the main gate to the mansion. There is still walking a huge zombie in the armor of special forces. First, repair the cable that is broken (WARNING!) in two places!!! You can find the first gap on the second tier inside the white brick house. See screenshot below!


The second cable break is near the tower. Here's another screenshot!


After the cable has been repaired, connect the power. There are three shields that are responsible for the supply of electricity. The first shield is located on a pillar near the entrance to this territory. The second shield is located on the tower. The third shield is located inside the brick barn. Please note that the barn is not a shield, but a generator! After completing this work, return to Attila for a reward.

Unfinished story

Next, Attila asks you to explore three holy places. It is best to first go to the one closest to the ethnographer's house. It is located at the top of the mountain. Having reached the place, climb up and examine the drawing on the rocks. The second holy place was supposed to be on the mountain, but the part of the rock where the image you need is located fell into the water. Dive into the water and dive to the bottom. You need to dive anywhere and search throughout the territory marked on the mini-map. It's easy enough to do!

The third holy place is located at the indicated point. You don't need to look for anything: just go there and inspect the drawing. When all three images have been studied, you will have to go to the Temple of the Sun. The temple is located on the top of the mountain, but it is much more difficult to climb there. When you get upstairs, look for a drawing that has a bloody knife. Next, go down into a small hole, which is located nearby. Take the red mask that lies on the corpse. It must be taken to Attila. This will complete the quest.

stupid fate

When the Faceless One contacts you, you will again have to go to Attila's house. Find the quest giver's office and see a closed door. There is a note next to it - read it. Go down to the cave through which you first entered Attila's house. Find Attila there and take the mask. Go back to the study, take the book lying on the table and bring it to Jasir.

At the end of the tunnel

Faceless will tell you that Rais' guys are in the grain warehouse. Do you remember this villain from the original game? Without wasting time, follow to the destination. Climb onto the platform and climb even higher up the stairs located nearby. Then use the other ladder, which is on the other side. See screenshot below!


When you get to the top, deal with all the enemies on the platform, and after that, kill everyone who appears. Find the missing Faceless in one of the rooms where the bandits will come from (it is located near the stairs). Talk to him and follow to the lighthouse.

Find the first open window and climb inside the building. Rise above. The path further will again force you to get out and climb the wall of the building. You need to find another open window and climb inside. Repeat these steps until you reach the top. This is where the final episode of The Following storyline begins.

The lighthouse is destroyed, and opponents are moving in your direction. Kill them all, find a small box near Kaan. Take out three blue capsules from the box. Hop in your buggy and drive towards the dam without any distractions. Use trampolines. You have about five minutes, which is enough. At the end of the road you will have to climb to the top of the dam.

Climb carefully, because if you crash, you have to start all over again. When you get to the very top, you will need to follow a thin pipe to get to the dam itself. And here is the screenshot!



So here you have to make a moral choice. One of the possible endings is described below. There is nothing difficult in the last mission of the Dying Light The Following walkthrough on ShowGamer.com. Find Mother and follow her into the room. Here you have to activate the bomb. Or not activate? In general, decide for yourself!



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