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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Fran Bow

Walkthrough Fran Bow


So we woke up in the doctor's office. We take the parcel from the table as soon as the conversation ends. We read the note and take the medicine that the nurse gave us.

Chapter 1 Common Mind

We wake up in the room. You need to click on the curtain to drop the hook. Further we leave to the left and we approach the nurse. We tell her that the curtain has broken in our room. We go after the nurse and talk to her. As soon as she leaves, we go to her table and pick up the band-aid. In the drawer you will find medicines. Reading the note below you will find the answer on how to open the pills (code 8945).

Opening the jar, immediately take the pills. From the ball of wool, which is next to the nurse, we pull out the knitting needle. After closing the jar of medicines, we go to the right and talk to Phil. He will tell us about the secret code. The box is under his bed. We take the key from it and head towards our bed. With this key, open the box and take everything from there. To get Fran's key, you need to connect the hairpin with a knitting needle. We use it on the door from the chamber. When we go down the stairs, a nurse will see us. Again we go to the exit from the ward and talk to the doctor. When we go down, we will see a yellow door. We need to go left, then we try to take the key that hangs on the wall. We talk with the guards, go left and go into the left door. Next, we head to the end of the dining room and try to take the cane. We talk with Damian. On the glass of the toilet, which is located on the second floor, there is a clue what he needs to bring. (This is a drawing)

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When you leave the dining room, go to the room opposite. We take paper from the floor and talk to Robert. On the TV, you need to turn on channel 8 and pick up paper from the floor. We go back upstairs to the right chamber. In order for Adelaide to give up the pencil, she needs to apply a band-aid. Next, by eating a pencil and paper, we take the drawing to Damian's dining room. He will give the cane. In the room where the TV is located, we take a pink belt from a bathrobe. Then we eat the belt with a cane and a hook, if you try to get the key, the guard will take it away. You need to get rid of the guard. There are two ways. Take a bun in the dining room (on the table near the nurse) and talk to Annie, who is sitting on the sofa in the dining room. So we have a pill to combine with a bun. Now we offer the bun to the guard. If the guard does not want to take our bun in any way, then we will have to return to the dining room and listen to the conversation of two nurses. There is a table by the door. We take a cup of coffee from him and offer it to the guard.

We leave the dining room and go to the room opposite. We are trying to take the paper lying on the floor. We speak with Robert. We switch channels on the TV (the desired channel is the eighth). We select paper from the floor. We return upward, we go into the right chamber. We are trying to take a pencil from Adelaide. We apply patches to Adelaide, we get a pencil. Combine paper and pencil. We carry the drawing to Damian in the dining room and get a cane. In the TV room and pick up the pink belt from the robe. We combine the hook, belt and cane. If you try to get the key by the grabber, the guard will take it from us.

There are two ways to get rid of the guard. First, we take a bun from the table in the dining room (where the nurse is sitting). Then, we speak with Annie (the girl on the sofa in the dining room). We get a pill, combine it with a bun. We use the bun on the guard, we try to persuade her to eat. If it didn’t work out, we return to the dining room and listen to the dialogue of two nurses. We take a cup of coffee from the table by the door. We use it on the guard.

Chapter 2

Part I. Signs

Turn left twice. Next, we talk with the ant Antonio. After the end of the conversation, turn left again and take the ax. It is necessary to take medicine and look at the well, use the ax on the cover from the well and pick up the tree that has fallen. We close medicines. Again we go to the ant and try to kill the beetle pig with an ax. With the help of a pen, you need to wake up Antonio and talk to him again. Then we move to Antonio's house. If you use an ax on the door, then the handle will fall off the door. We pick it up and go inside. There is superglue in the closet, we take it away. When you go up to the bench, you will take away the meat. We take medicines and then give a piece of meat to the anthill. We take a bag of exterminator. Inside the bag there is a business card and a rat trap. We close medicines. It is necessary to click on the house, which is located on the right. A rat trap must be installed in front of the bear's mother. We throw the baby and take blueberries.

Then we go back to the beetle pig, treat him with blueberries and kill him with an ax. We talk with the rat and follow him. Now we need to think about how we make an entrance to the well. To do this, we go back to the pipe from which we climbed out at the very beginning. It is necessary to find the door in the dump. Finding her is not at all difficult, she is leaning against the piano. Next, we are looking for a door and superglue combine them and attach the door handle. We go back to the well, while it is necessary to take the pills and put the door to it. Here is our entrance to the well.

You need to find the key. To do this, we move 2 locations to the right and try to pick up the key from the tree, do not forget to take medicines. We go back to the rat and talk to him, we also comb him and go back to the tree on which our key hangs. We use the comb on the hairy creatures and take the key. We go back to the well and unlock the door. We go.

Part II. Split personality

We wake up in the kitchen, go to the living room and go up the stairs. Next, turn left. There are tweezers on the table, pick it up and go to the stairs. There is a chain in the upper left corner - grab it. The attic opens and we go in there. Click on the switch and lighting appears. We examine the cage and talk with Mr. Midnight. We return back to the living room and talk with the sisters. Let's look at the recipe. We go to the kitchen. A window is open there, we climb through it and talk to the toad. You need to pick up the board and return home. Next we need a knife. It is located to the left of the stove on the shelf. We take medicines and climb up the bricks. Where the distance between the stones is large, it is necessary to use a board. We cut the rope with a knife, go down and take the bottle and apply tweezers to it. And look at the new recipe. We close the bottle. now you need to find all the ingredients. Salt and front in the kitchen, on the shelf to the right of the sink. And next to it there is a box with a seed. Matches on the table. The vase with the ashes is located next to the fireplace, which is located in the living room. On the second floor, you will find black candles in a chest of drawers. We go back to the kitchen and climb out the window and throw the seed into the water. We take the moon rose. Use the knife on Fran to get blood. So, the last ingredient remains. We go to the living room. On the left is a typewriter. We take the recipe from the sisters and apply it to the typewriter.

We go back to the kitchen. We talk with the sisters, then we head to the living room and show them the bad recipe with the paragraph that you typed out. We get hair. We return to the kitchen. Next to the stove on the floor with black and white squares, pour the ashes. Arrange and light the black candles. So let's get to the potion. We will cook it in a metal cauldron, which is located in a cabinet next to the stove. We pour water from the tap. We light the stove, if it doesn’t work, then try to close the right window. When the boiler is on the stove, we begin to throw in all the ingredients according to the list. In that order, rose, blood, salt, pepper, hair. We go back to the sisters and tell them that everything is ready. They need to sit in the center of the icon and we pour the potion on them and take the key.

We go up. We go into the room with the mirror. You have to solve the gear puzzle. On the top shelf you need to pick up the key. We go to the attic and unlock Mr. Midnight. We go to the kitchen and take the baking powder (from the stove shelf on the left). We climb out the window and talk to the toad. We use the baking powder on the toad.

Mini - game with a toad. The goal of the game is to get to the other side using leaves and logs.

We go left across the bridge.

Managing for Mr. Midnight

We go to the lying log and conduct a dialogue with it. On the right lies the moonstone - we pick it up. It is necessary to push the bridge and use the stone on the gears. We take the handbag and talk with Fran. The vegetable that will attack must be shown a photo of the Fran family.

Chapter 3: The Vegetative State

We go back to the throne room. There we talk with Zhyar. We leave the castle, go down the stairs. We need to go to the market, for this we turn left twice. There we speak with the watchmaker. Then we go back to the stairs and go along the other road. On the tree you will see a lever, pull it and go back to the watchmaker. This time we need a gold coin.

Turn left and talk to the snail. We have to play tic-tac-toe. On the side you will see who will make the first move. You are playing with white. We win a coin. Again we go to the watchmaker and give it back. We head to the big hour and talk with him. We get the switch of the seasons. After the dialogue, turn 2 times to the right and go upstairs. We choose the season - winter. We go into the cave and talk with the great wizard.

We have the first item from the riddle - that match. We need to find the rest. We leave the cave and head even higher. We look at the picture. We go back to the big clock. We talk with Palontras and take a pen from him. This is the 4th riddle. Then we turn to the right and choose the season - autumn. We use the knife on the basket, which is next to the stairs. Then we choose the season - summer. And we take the lemon that fell. This was the 2nd puzzle.

Turn left twice. We choose the season - autumn. And on the shore we take a fishing rod. We go back to the market and show our fishing rod to the blacksmith. We go to the snail. You need to win three more gold coins from her. When you have coins, then we go back to the blacksmith. He gives you a hook in return. To get fishing line we head to the lady opposite the blacksmith. So we collect our fishing rod. We combine the fishing line with a hook and a fishing rod. We go back and use the fishing rod on the water. You can choose the time of the year as you wish, but only except for winter. So we have fish. This is the 3rd riddle. We return to the wizard and put the items on the star. It is necessary to arrange clockwise and in this order: match, lemon, fish, feather.

The first stone is the cap. We leave the cave and climb higher. We talk with Cotram. We go back to the clock tree, turn left. You need to take a boat. choose the time of year - summer. When you sail a little on the boat, you will see a small island. We talk with the wife of Cotram. We go to the base of the mountain near the bar. We choose the season - autumn. You must use the knife on the red flower. We give the flower to Cotram's wife. And we go back to Cotram. We choose the season - winter. We get a cap. We carry the cap to the wizard and head to look for the next stone. He is in the library.

The library is located in the castle. To get into the castle, you need to tell the guard the password (the library is open only in winter and autumn). The book we need is in the tree trunk in the middle of the room. You must correctly insert the 5 missing numbers and the lock will open. Next to the trunk is a book by which you can understand the numeral system of Iverst. You will find a hint on how to open the castle in a song sung by one of the young inhabitants of Iverst. He is in the vegetable shop, which is located opposite the snail (the missing numbers are 2, 3, 5, 8, 13). Turn the lever several times to open the box. To get the book we need a ladder. We switch to summer or spring, move the ladder and pick up the book. We carry the book to the magician.

The third stone is the dancer's shoes. The dancer will perform in a bar located at the foot of the mountain. The time of year is summer. But they won't let us into the bar. We go to the right of the bar, we speak with the rollers. After they leave, click on the logs to open the passage to the bar.

Management for Mr. Midnight

The ticket we need is located on the right side of the table by the bee. But she does not want to give the ticket, so we choose the season of autumn and pick it up when she is sleeping.

They won't let us in with a stolen ticket either. You need to take the exterminator's business card. We combine with a pencil and show our ticket to the guard. Finally let us through. Dancer's shoes are not easy to get. We need to take the piano out of action before the performance. We choose the season - spring. In the spring there is no one in the bar). Open the piano and make the metronome move very fast (to do this, you need to press the middle and bottom buttons). Now, when the job is done, we immediately choose the season - autumn (otherwise nothing will work) and steal the shoes from the fallen dancer. We carry the shoes to the wizard.

The last stone - the magic wand is located where we spoke with the Vala. Each lever is responsible for one hand. It is necessary to move the hands so that the wand is in the lower left hand. So we move in this order: raise the upper right hand up, then raise the lower right hand and lower it. Next, you need to lower the left upper hand and raise the left lower. Lower the lower left and pick up the wand. We give the wand to the wizard.

If you have not yet become a man, then you need to go on a boat for clothes even further away from the island where Cotram's wife was sitting and give the clothes to the wizard.

When you turn into a man, then we head to the throne room and follow Zhyar. You need to connect five stones by turning their arrows to open the door. Our actions are as follows: first we turn pink to red, then red to blue, blue to yellow, yellow to green, green to pink.

Troll mini-game. You need to escape from the troll by jumping over obstacles. It is not difficult to do this.

Chapter 4

Part I. An imaginary friend

We click the mouse button on the tablets and follow them until we get into the network. We use the knife on the net. And we are free again. When the conversation is over, we follow Itward. We return to the cliff, use the pills and ask the head to get us water. To do this, you need to apply a bucket on your head. Next, turn left and click the button on the moose. When you are on the moose, apply water to the berries. Then cut them off with a knife. We close the lid of the jar of medicines and give them to Itvord, as well as water and berries.

As soon as the conversation is over, we take away the electrical tape from the table and head to the left door. We go to the column and pour water from the bucket into the tank. We use tape on the damaged hose and turn the green lever on the tank to a horizontal position. Next, you need to put gas into the column, for this we translate the valve into a horizontal position. We turn the lever on the column to the right and set fire to the wick using matches.

Now let's get to the fuel. We take the blue and pink hose from the far table. We throw fire-berries into the upper flask, and then other substances - A18, 2PF, R15, N116 (from left to right). We drink pills and take the remaining two hoses: the first is on the near table, and the second is located on the left, on the pipe. We close the lid of the pill jar and arrange the hoses, also following the instructions, which is on the right on the wall. Pale green is placed on the upper flasks, bright green on the three lower ones. We insert the pink hose into the pale green valve, and insert the blue one into the second upper flask. We ignite the burner under the rightmost flask and move the blue lever to the opposite position.

We're heading for Itward. Click on the blue button, which is located on the wall to the left. We take the battery. There is a wrench on the table, pick it up. We open them a shield on the wall, which is located next to the tree. We put the battery in there. We turn the valve, stand near the blue button and press it. We look at the picture and close the jar of medicines. We need to open the hatch. In the previous room, on the walls you will find a combination. In reality, the numbers indicate the sequence. After drinking the pills, you can see the combination itself on the sheets. To look at the second number, you need to give the rabbit robot a carrot. So, to open the hatch, select the following sequence - 8 to the right, 5 to the right, 8 to the left, 6 to the right, 8 to the left.

The hatch is open. We go down. Turn on the light - switch near the door. We drink pills and go to the room where the fuel was extracted. We approach the tank with water, peel off the electrical tape and pour water into the bucket. Glue the tape in place. We pour water on the kamala. We go to the roof, use the cannon in the form of a teapot to get rid of the kamal: turn the valve and press the lever to activate the cannon. We go back to Itward and look at the picture.

Part II. Doctor's order

  We go in the direction where the lights shine, and then turn left. We are trying to open the door. We are considering flower pots next to the house. We go to the fence for plants on the right. We are trying to open the door again. We speak with Dr. Dirn and continue the conversation in the car.

Arriving, we take scrap in the car and go for the doctor. We turn right, use the crowbar on the door to the pantry. We talk with Sebastian and go back to the doctor's car, use the knife on the seat. We give the skin, inspect the pantry and return to the grave where the parents are buried. We take a shovel and dig. We use crowbars on coffins. After the conversation, we go for the doctor.

Chapter 5: House of Madness

After the conversation is over, we examine the room until we contact another Fran.

Managing another Fran

In the closet we will find a box with keys. We take her. We use the box on the handcuffs and select the key. The desired key is the second from the right.

We open the box of Palontras with the help of the hint that another Fran gave us. The sequence for opening the box: press 2 times on the left ear, 1 time on the right, 2 times on the eye, 1 time on the left ear, 1 time again on the eye. We have instructions for assembling the watch and a key. We study a toy cat, open his stomach. We insert into it the key in the form of a cat. In the closet we pick up a briefcase, balloons and cut off a button from a summer dress with a knife. In the dollhouse, we get the key from under the pink wallpaper in the room on the left. First, we remove the items in other rooms, rip off the corner of the wallpaper, and then use the knife. Also, we take away the clothespin with the drawn keys. We go out the door and take another key from the table. This key opens the door number 105.

We pass to the end of the room and ask the boy in the bathroom for soap. Use the key from the dollhouse to open the door at number "104". We're trying to pick up the comb.

We turn off the light in the arch and take the light bulb from the column. You need to take the comb from the mirror. We approach the curtain to lift it, pull the rope. We pass into the picture and take a bottle from the table. We approach the barrel organ, insert a button and turn the handle, then take the power cord from the barrel organ. We go back to room "105". Use the pliers on the skull with the key. We head to the boy who is sitting in the bathroom, open the faucet on the side and fill the balloons and the bottle with water. Tdem back to your room at number 101 and look out the window. We speak with a tree and throw balloons filled with water into the kamala. We get a thread. We open the door at number 102 with the skull key from the wall. Cut off the alarm clock from the cat's neck with a knife. We click on the lever, go along the tail and pick up the glove. We open the cat's back and add everything that we collected to create the Ecog watch (a briefcase, a light bulb, an alarm clock, a water bottle, soap, a glove, a cord, keys). We pick up the dropped device. We go into the elevator and go upstairs. We're talking to Lucifer. We use a comb on it. We use the branch to get the key. We go down and use the key to open the door at number "103". We use the Ecog clock on Mabuku. After the conversation, we go down. We take the ticket from the apparatus on the left and move on. After the conversation, we use the coupon for the third patient on the right. We go back to the room "104" and ask about the patient. Again we go to the patient and give the bottle. We give the coupon to the nurse in the waiting room. We return to room "105" and make a phone call. We speak with the nurse and go to the door. We wake up in the corridor and head to the open door. We take a syringe with a red liquid and inject it into Dr. Dirn. We're heading for Aunt Grace.



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